Sunday, July 5, 2015

Political history lesson pre civil war, NOT revisionists history

I'm NOT southern. I'm a history aficionado. I don't like bullies. I don't like being lied to by teachers or politicians so they can bully & manipulate the citizens. 
Political history lesson pre civil war. You have been scammed by one major American political party that currently has a leader in the White House. You are being fooled.
Here's what the Democrats and Republicans stood for in this video, and not feeding you revisionists history. You are free to look this up.
The witch hunt over the Confederate flag is being generated by the wrong side who supported slavery, the Confederate hopes and their Southern society. 
This video is brought as a public service.

Confederate flag is useful to some for their own reasons.

Confederate flag is useful to some for their own reasons.

Political history lesson pre civil war. What the Democrats and Republicans stood for, and not revisionists history. video LINK: