Saturday, November 22, 2008

D. Slater deceitful and NMI forum's heavily censored smear propaganda

Here is the story of one member who was smeared because they would not kiss D. Slater's ass and be a 'yes-man'.

I consider you a friend from our our common politicalviews. This might be a wasteof time to send. But, I am really hoping youwill accept this truthful email to clear up a private matter between you and I.
I have respected you. I NEVER insulted you on the NMI forums.
You were insulted by Dennis Slater, who took over my 'Seenitall' account after banning me many months ago and impersonated me ( in that account name) to insult other MMI members on the forums.
This is a true fact.
The easy test for this simple fact is to see that Dennis is the only person who gets anything out of banning me and publicly smearing me by playing my sock 'seenitall' puppet on the NMI forums today. I have never publicly insulted you. That's not my style. I get nothing out of trying to make you aware of this fact. But, I really hate to see good people manipulated by Dennis Slater.
Here is what happened to smear me personally and to deceive you into being Dennis' clueless ally: Mr. Slater has been working overtime on banning me outof NMI since I was invited (three times) to re-join NMI months ago. I finally cautiously re-joined. I was forgiving of all the spinless trash that was Dennis said towards me and my reputation and I decidedto try to continue my work fighting illegal immigrationmission on that BBS by just ignoring Slater. Now, I know that was my small judgement error. Slater is supposed to be a PATRIOT! The Slater revenge campaign has began again. **Take a search/look at the NMI forums and review the "Joke" titled thread. Dennis impersonated me to write that harsh post calling NMI member, Mark 'rewhblcain' Cain 'an idiot'. I did not write that nasty harsh response....Dennis did. I would not use those terms. (**BACKSTORY TRUTH: Many days before, I had been quietly locked out/banned from the NMI forums earlier that week without notice or reason. That night of my quiet NMI banning, I wrote a NMI Private Message to several NMI friend members (using the NMI PM service) warning them about Dennis that Dennis isreading NMI's PMs and they are not really private since I know Dennis reads those PM's and then he can take vindictive harsh actions against the NMI member/writer because of the PM content he doesn't like after reading it.) When things were right, Dennis postedthe harsh 'an idiot' response to Mark 'rewhblcain'Cain to sickly impersonate me to get people to turn against me.
Many other NMI friends that have been emailing me privately knowing I was already gone/banned from the forum many days before by Dennis's sick spineless actions. Dennis' impersonating me in that posting (that un-charactistically was not me) post was a just public excuse so Dennis could publicly bann me off the BBS/forums for this lest little slight, NOT DONE BY ME. It was a gutless's act of a coward. Slater has done/said much worse (many times against meand my friends) with no drastic forum moderating forum actions. It seems that forum moderating ethics are not present in NMI forums. Dennis S. has had total control over my "seenitall"profile since quietly banning me and you can tell it when my 'seenitall' profile wass porting it's new insulting "gay" comments and dunce-cap pics. Sam 'SZ in westLA' Z has forum posted comments pointing that out to NMI member's. Dennis is only showing others his coward revenge on me and on my good reputation. Apparently, Slater will do anything to stay on top leading his no-conscience sheep. I won't be anyones sheep...Dennis' or Govt's or illegal or democrats'....PERIOD!
There is strict censorship at NMI forums. You really can't trust anything you read on NMI. Because Slater edits/censors threads out, he lies by impersonating NMI members saying ridiculous things or he cowardly inserts/adds his own biase comments to older posts against the original author if any the post's author member seems to be getting any positive attention/approval from other general NMI members. He is so jealouse of others and doesn't work well with members.
I apologise for any typing errors, but the facts areall true.+++
Tony "NMI's seenitall"

Friday, November 21, 2008

the New Republic
Time's Up by Zvika Krieger
The Minutemen turn on each other.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
ALISO VIEJO, CALIFORNIA--Jim Gilchrist, the founder of the Minuteman Project, lives in a one-story home in a gated community in Orange County. On a late August afternoon, the 59- year-old former accountant invited me into his backyard, which is strewn with potted plants, blue-and-white pinwheels, and a ladybug wind chime. "There are some Pakistani immigrants that live over there," he says, pointing over his fence, "and a nice Japanese family, and a Taiwanese family that lives around the corner. It's a great neighborhood."

Gilchrist, who has spent the past four years of his life trying to keep immigrants out of the country, is an unlikely booster for ethnically diverse neighborhoods. But, these days, it seems he would rather spend time in the company of immigrants than with his fellow anti-immigrant crusaders. "I get more hate mail from members of my own movement, from so-called Minutemen, than from the open-border people," he confesses. The only border that he regularly visits is the one between his own yard and his neighbors'. "I'd be wary of going down to the border myself these days," he says. "I'm worried about what [the Minutemen] would do with a sidearm."
This was supposed to have been a good year for Gilchrist and his Minutemen--not one where their guns were drawn on one another. Last November, Michael Barone predicted on RealClearPolitics that 2008 would be a "watershed" year for immigration, with candidates that take a liberal stand sure to find themselves "out on a pretty flimsy limb." Pundits labeled the presidential nominating contest the "Lou Dobbs Primary," with both CNN and NPR devoting a disproportionate amount of time to the issue in their early debates. Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter ran almost solely on the strength of their hard-line immigration stances, and even John McCain briefly flirted with "secure our border first" rhetoric.
But, after clinching the nomination, McCain became more moderate on the issue, and immigration became one of the few issues over which "obama [and] mccain [are] in agreement," as a Los Angeles Times headline declared earlier this year. The downturn in the economy further diverted voters' attention. Asked to rank the importance of immigration alongside seven other issues in a Gallup poll in June, voters ranked it dead last.
In this environment, Gilchrist's movement is falling apart, overtaken by new members whom he describes as "troublemakers with personality disorders and criminal propensities." In contrast, he insists that the group's original members were able to give voice to the immigration concerns of ordinary Americans because they demonstrated "a passionate allegiance to the United States of America and its priceless principles." There is no doubt that the Minutemen--aided by sympathizers in the media like Lou Dobbs--drove the national conversation in 2005. But whether the enormous wellspring of American anger over illegal immigration that they claim to have tapped into actually existed is another question.
Passing beneath a tulip-decorated sign that reads, "welcome friends," Gilchrist takes me into his dimly lit garage, where he has hung a collage of blurry photographs. Gilchrist spent 13 months as a Marine infantryman in Vietnam, where he received a Purple Heart. "Here we are hiking through the Laos border," he says, pointing at one of the photographs. "This guy was killed by a sniper. ... Not a day goes by that I don't think about my time there."
Gilchrist's experience in Vietnam helped him organize a small army of volunteers to fan out across the Arizona border with Mexico in search of illegal immigrants in early 2005. For his border patrol, Gilchrist rounded up six pilots, three airplanes, a fully staffed three-bed hospital, two rifle- wielding recon units of former Marines and Army Rangers ("which I handpicked"), two armed sentries, and hundreds of ground troops looking out for figures in the night.
Though the group fell far short of the "potentially several thousands" of volunteers it boasted in press releases, journalists showed up to watch in droves--there were, in fact, so many of them that, during evening patrols, Minutemen confused reporters with immigrants trying to cross the border. Dobbs hosted a number of segments with the group's leaders, and, at a rally near the border, Tancredo sung the group's praises: "You are heroes, with each one of you representing hundreds of thousands of Americans."
The press eagerly latched on to the Minutemen as representative of those hundreds of thousands of supposedly angry Americans as the battle over comprehensive immigration reform heated up on Capitol Hill. "The majority of Americans are fed up with illegal immigration and want something done about it, " declared Bill O'Reilly, who hosted Gilchrist numerous times. "Three cheers for the Minutemen!" Sean Hannity, toting night-vision cameras, went on border patrols multiple times with the Minutemen, trips he then used to scold McCain, one of the bill's primary backers. "It's a devastating problem down there," he told the senator.
Minutemen today fondly reminisce about this brief, golden period of influence. Luca Zanna, co-founder of the Mohave County Minutemen, breathlessly recounts the time he spent on the border with Gilchrist and his fellow activists. "That spontaneity, that independence--it was beautiful," he says. "When you control the show, you decide what will be on the show. We had that for a moment."
After we leave his garage, Gilchrist gives me a tour of his house. The kitchen counter is piled high with copies of his 2006 book, Minutemen: The Battle to Secure America's Borders (co-written by Jerome Corsi, author of the recent bestseller The Obama Nation). As we talk, he fidgets with his cordless phone as if awaiting an important call. But the only one that comes in during the course of our two-hour conversation is from his mechanic. "TV has dropped off, radio dropped off a bit, newspapers quite a bit," Gilchrist admits. "Nobody cares about immigration anymore."
By 2007, Congress had failed to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill, and press interest in the Minutemen began to ebb. Its 15 minutes of fame up, the group splintered as a result of ego-driven battles between Gilchrist and the group's other founder, Chris Simcox. Gilchrist is locked in a battle over control of the group stemming from allegations that he misappropriated $400,000 in donations. Simcox closed chapters and fired leaders in a half-dozen states last year after they questioned his management and financial accountability.

(**ATTN: EDITORIAL CORRECTION: Dear Readers, Clarification is necessary regarding the bogus claims that I had embezzled $400,000. This claim, as well as other similar claims, are outright lies deliberately launched over the internet and through the print media by the persons I am suing. The author of this article should have queried me for rebuttal about these false claims that keep popping up over the internet, or that are posted on unreliable propaganda sites like Wikipedia. There has never been any evidence whatsoever to support the bogus and sinister alegations of my accusers. I have had three CPA audits conducted on my organizations books; and the IRS has since granted me a 501 C 4 non-profit status. That is why I have the perpetrators in court. And they are why the minuteman movement lost its momentum. JIm Gilchrist, President and Founder, The Minuteman ProjectJim Gilchrist--Minuteman Project)

This year, there has been more evidence that, while immigration remains a legitimate issue, the supposed nationwide furor was a product of media hype. With the congressional debate over and the press increasingly ignoring the Minutemen, most Americans are professing moderate views on the issue. As of June, the percentage of Americans who want to reduce immigration levels has fallen within a percentage point of the 20-year low, while 64 percent of those polled say that immigration is a good thing for the country (the second-highest it's been since September 11). Even on Super Tuesday, the height of the presidential primary, exit polls found almost 60 percent of Republican voters favoring immigration policies that Lou Dobbs would deride as "amnesty."
Gilchrist, of course, doesn't see it this way. The original Minutemen weren't some radical fringe creating anger and fear where none existed. They represented mainstream America and the defense of the American dream. "Bring us your tired, your hungry, your poor--legally," he says, narrowing his steely blue eyes as if at imaginary illegal immigrants.
But even Gilchrist, sitting at his kitchen breakfast nook with pie-wielding Mammy salt-and-pepper shakers and a tablecloth decorated with Sambo-style figures eating watermelon, has concluded that most of the people left in the anti-immigration movement are "xenophobic, racist, schizophrenic, wackjob ne'er- do-wells." He's having a difficult time raising even half the money he raised in 2006. And his legal budget, which he was saving to fight "organizations that were violating [immigration] law," has been tied up with cases against members of his own movement, amounting to over $200,000 in legal fees. His most recent suit was against someone using the Minuteman name to release a video "encouraging people to shoot illegal aliens to death with a rifle and bury their bodies in the desert." He wears a bulletproof vest at public events to protect himself from his own onetime supporters.
Gilchrist, his face leathered from spending days under the scorching desert sun, takes a drag of a Pall Mall cigarette as he ponders the unforeseen turn his movement has taken. "Twenty, forty years from now, my name may pop up in the history books. It may say, 'He was all wrong--Loon Gilchrist, he caused this,'" Gilchrist says. "Or because of what I did, 'He preserved our strength as an economic and world power.'"
But it's more likely that Gilchrist and even his breakaway followers will end up causing nothing at all. Enrique Morones, the founder of the San Diego- based immigrant advocacy group Border Angels recently arranged a 300-person prayer vigil for supporters of immigrant rights. An urgent "call to action" by the Minutemen yielded only one counter-protester+++

Dear Readers, It's your favorite bashing target...well, for some of you anyway. FYI: I lost the defamation cases against the MMP imposters because I was misled by an incompetent and negligent attorney, not because the facts in my cases were incorrect. That attorney has been fired and replaced. Click on the FAQ section of my website at
for the specific details about the imposters I am bringing through the courts. BTW, Steve Eichler, me, and the MMP just got a judgement against Deborah Courtney last week blocking her attempt to discharge three $20 million claims we can now apparently bring against her. Case No. 8:07-bk-12720-TA Judgement against Courtney entered Nov 10, 2008 Wow. 60 million bucks we might get from her now? So, that must be where all that money went that she claims I stole from donors. :) I wonder how much of that cash her long-time friend and dirty journalist Frank Mickadeit stashed under his mattress. I can't wait. We will spend it all on lawyers suing every politician in the country who tries to pass an amnesty. Frank Mickadeit, of course, is a pro-illegal alien invasion fanatic who writes for the Orange County Register. Hopefully, in their next downsizing, they will boot him into the street with all of his criminal gang-banger illegal alien buddies. Meanwhile, click on the FAQ button on the MMP home page and read it, please. The antics of these players is hysterical. After that, let's get on with saving our country, folks. Amnesty for 30 million illegal aliens is just around the corner. Jim Gilchrist, President and Founder, the Minuteman Project, Inc. [an IRC 501 C 4 Corporation]
PS. Should I wear a Kevlar vest again at my next speech at CSULB next month?

Monday, November 17, 2008

SOS's Chelene KILLING it's .ORG

SOS is losing it's Internet visitor & member traffic. It has been going down for over a year now. The drastic drop is about 80% DOWN from heigher monthly averages two years ago.
See SOS site traffic loss!

Joe Turner appointed Chelene `PatrioticDream' Nightengale to be the SOS group leader. Ms. Nightengale was now directing the SOS. She was official SOS event producer and its news media spokesperson. She has no previous professional experience in these jobs. She is a volunteer staff intern as are the rest of the SOS staff leaders. Ms. Nightengale work experience background has been alleged by an inside anti-illegal alien unnamed news sources as `beauty contest loser, failed film actress, and recent divorcee with two small children'. It is mentioned she has no solid professional newsmedia or public relations training. Appointed Mike `AZ Patriot' Williams is SOS Internet website/forum administrator and appointed Don `Old Preach' Silva is SOS Regional Director. Unnamed sources inside anti-illegal alien groups allege that Mr. Williams is anunemployed homeless (lived on SOS member's home floors) amateur Internet website manager. Unnamed news sources allege that Mr. Silva's work experience was as an employed SF Valley taxi driver with little professional not-for-profit Regional Director's work experience. Now with an attack-dogmoderating forum staff in place having such peculiar SOS forum handles as "One Inch Group', `Press One for English', `Drums for me 7', "Arizona Patriot', `Fed Up in LA', `mikein L.A.' `Old Rebel', and `Pocho Patriot'. Now with an attack-dog moderating forum staff in place, this forum would not allow thoughtful free speech to be expressed without punishing posters with permanent SOS membership banning publicly or secretly.

SOS is losing members by being AdM BANNED. Rewmember this pack of good activist folks that are now abitrarily BANNED from SOS: Sam 'SZinLA', Mac, ss187, mycountrytisofthee, michealsavage4prez, Standing Alone, Viking, BorderRaven, Boderwatch, GSBamerica, mustdeport, Sandinator, AmericanPatriot77, Small and Mighty,, LatinafortheUSA, CrazyWolf, Deportnow, American Spirit, NoMoreFreebies, Califnative, LetFreedomRing, RebelWays, sweetness and many & many others.

Here are GESTAPO-like rules of members conduct while speaking to others on their forum boards:

Sacramento's "AyatollahGondola" (The short homeless-looking guy who drives the big SOS truck sign around the town) , Posted August 21 2008, 10:41 AM (Save Our State Policies/Guidelines/Rules)

Welcome SOS members. As this group and website have grown we have felt the need to implement some rules and official policies in order to protect the best interests of the group as a whole.
Section 1: PURPOSE
A: The purpose of the Save Our State forum is to educate and inform Americans regarding the issues of Illegal immigration, Open Borders and related issues. On this forum we are here to align with one another in a supportive effort to address these issues, strategize, and organize.
A2: Members from other groups that do not support the purpose and intent of Save Our State are welcomed for discussion's sake. However, our group's mission always supercedes all other agendas.
A3: No second agenda will be allowed to derail, disrupt, or distract from the groups mission.

Section 2: MEDIA
A: We now have a presence with the media/press. It is of great importance that our purpose not be undermined or hindered by postings that reflect negatively on the group.

A1: Save Our State members organizing or attending public events shall conduct themselves within the rules and guidelines set forth in this entire document.
A2: Do not represent yourself as a spokesperson, agent, employee, manager, coordinator, chairperson, or any other official or designee of without first obtaining written permission from a SaveOurState Administrator. You may represent yourself as a member of Save Our State if you currently are one in good standing.
A3: Please do not post or organize events without first obtaining permission from a Save Our State Administrator (Joe Turner) or the Media and Events Director (Chelene Nightengale). In all cases, please follow any directives requested or issued by that entity.

B1: All posts/threads are subject to removal by moderators for any reason they deem necessary. This board is owned and operated by a private organization who reserves the right to control the content presented on this board in order to protect the private organization and individuals. B2: The general guideline we strive to follow is that the reason for removal or edit is usually provided on the offending post itself or you will receive a Private Message with an explanation.

C1: It is bad form to use profanity when disagreeing. Members who use profanity to attack other members will be censored by having the offending post edited or removed and they may be issued a warning privately via their private message box. Overall, keep profanity to a minimum. Refer to MEDIA PRESENCE above.
D1: Stay on topic. Posts that veer off the stated topic will be redirected, edited, or deleted. Thread hijacking is rude. If you wish to change the topic of a thread then start a new one.
E1: Save Our State does not wish to entertain those who would provide or encourage a distraction from our agenda. If you cannot, or do not wish to participate in our agenda, it is best you refrain from joining or posting at all. Further, any noticable attempts at derailing, interfering, or disrupting the group or this forum is a violation of membership rules, and your membership may be terminated. In addition, your posts subject to being relocated or deleted at the moderator's direction.

(Hurray for BIG BROTHER Orwellian 1984 and So much for FREE SPEECH)

F1: Your posts are not welcomed or wanted on this board and they will be deleted without notice and your membership immediately terminated.
G1: We are all adults on this board. We need to conduct ourselves like it. Crude, lewd, or overly aggressive conduct will not be tolerated.
G2: No personal attacks on other members. Keep your posting focused on the subject matter and material/information within each post, and not the person posting it, or any percieved motives behind them.
G3: Do not use the forums to engage in a personal war with another member.
G4: Do not post pornographic images, advertisements, or website links.
G5: No advertisements of commercial goods or services without first obtaining permission from a forum Administrator
G6: Do not use this forum to collect information from members for a commercial marketing purpose.
G7: Do not use the email or private message system, or forum to harrass, threaten, or intimidate another member.
G8: Please do not post events or material from banned posters or their groups, or links to them.
G9: Please do not register a screen name that would appear racially, sexually, or religiously offensive to other members.
G10: Avatars depicting sexual exhibition, confederate flags, religious or racial denigrations, firearms other than revolutionary war period, and racial or separatist promotions are prohibited
G11: Posts with derogatory or inflammatory comments related to religion, sexual orientation, or race will be edited or deleted as deemed appropriate by the moderators.
H1: Intentional board disruption by flooding of the board with constant irrelevant posts or by other means will result in membership termination as a minimum. You may also be subject to any additional legal remedies Save Our State has at its disposal.
I1: WE: may terminate your membership if you are consistenly at odds with Save Our State policies, Save Our State leadership, or inhibit Save Our State activism or events. This termination may or may not occur with notice.
J1: Remember you have a button on each post you make. It is marked EDIT and lets you edit your comments for a short time after the initial posting. If you find that you made a post that in retrospect you would like deleted, use the "Report Post" button, or start a thread in the SOS Members and Moderators Resolution Forum.
K1: We are here to help but we need your eyes also. If you have a comment or question related to the moderators or moderation in general please click on the REPORT button of the offending thread or send a Private Message directly to a forum Moderator or Administrator. . . Be sure to specify either your question or additional information about an offending post (such as why you are reporting it, who you are, who the offender is, etc). The REPORT button makes sure that ALL the moderators and the site owner receive a copy of your complaint.
K2: If you have an issue with a moderator, a moderators action, another poster, or any other forum or group management procedure, use the SOS MEMBERS AND MODERATORS RESOLUTION FORUM. Any threads that you start in that section can only be viewed by you, the Moderation Team, or the board Administrators. No other member can view that thread.
K3: DO NOT USE THE FORUM TO POST QUESTIONS, COMPLAINTS, OR DERISIONS TO MODERATORS. WE WILL DELETE OR EDIT SUCH POSTS as the general forum is not the appropriate venue for such actions
L1: The IP address of each poster is logged at the time a post is made. The information is permanently maintained and only used for any legal purpose that is deemed necessary (such as to identify post flooders, etc.)
M1: Images are not hosted directly on our servers due to the increased cost of bandwith and storage space. You may link to images from servers that you provide. An example of some of these servers are:
Thank you for your time and attention in reading this long document.-The Save Our State Moderation TeamSave Our State Policies/Guidelines/Rules

**Chelene said this: **And concentrate on the following please:
E1: Save Our State does not wish to entertain those who would provide or encourage a distraction from our agenda. If you cannot, or do not wish to participate in our agenda, it is best you refrain from joining or posting at all. Further, any noticable attempts at derailing, interfering, or disrupting the group or this forum is a violation of membership rules, and your membership may be terminated. In addition, your posts subject to being relocated or deleted at the moderator's direction.
H1: Intentional board disruption by flooding of the board with constant irrelevant posts or by other means will result in membership termination as a minimum. You may also be subject to any additional legal remedies Save Our State has at its disposal.
Now to be honest I rarely read your posts (or anyone else's for that matter) due to other SOS duties, but I have noticed the Obama support and now this comment above. I want to be fair, so your explanation will be enough for me now.

Chelene 'Patriotic Dream' Nightengale forum post said:
QUOTE"(**NOTE) I think there is too much time spent on the negatives, instead of on the positives. There is too much debate happening on this forum and I am sure other forums as well. Although sometimes debate can be healthy..other times debate is a diversion and can create dissension. Let's just stay united. I see no need to keep this thread going and per request of one of thepeople in this thread will close. (**NOTE) Let's move on and stop the debates...too much work to be done than focus on one person's negative opinion here.UNQUOTE

NEXT THEN Moonbat Chelene 'Patriotic Dream' Nightengale Posts this crap.
Moonbat Chelene 'Patriotic Dream' Nightengale poster starts this SOS thread:
Bush - Satanic Cult Member? Drug Lord?

Chelene 'Patriotic Dream' Nightengale says: QUOTE Yes, this article is old, but I personally had never read it until today. A SOS member sent this to me. (**NOTE)I don't discount anything these days and in light of Ramos & Compean, the SPP, the illegal invasion, etc...well this might be true. Posting here and you decide.UNQUOTE

George W. Bush: Brownsville Satanic Cult Member by SHERMAN SKOLNICK

George W. Bush: Brownsville Satanic Cult Member/Drug Smuggler. The following is an item from Sunnyvale Ca. from the 2000 election.
"SUNNYVALE, CA - Telling reporters and critics to 'stick to the issues that matter', Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush declined to answer questions Monday concerning his involvement in a 1984 Brownsville, TX, mass murder, in which 17 people were ritualistically murdered and skinned....+++

Chelene 'Patriotic Dream' Nightengale says: (**NOTE)This was sent to me today: 9/11 conspiracy" Bush-NAZI Crime Family History

CHECK OUT Chelene's latest crazy video rant LINK:

CHECK OUT this special site to see all of the CRAZY stuff being done and being said at the nuthouse that is SOS at LINK:

The hypocrisy fruitcake registered not-for-profit Save Our State club and with it's absent self appointed leader Joe Turner (four time failed election candidate), who unilaterally appointed flawty "SOS has NO staff" club and Internet forum non-elected "leaders" (imaginary SOS media advisor- frustrated EX-beauty contest loser & failed actress koolaide drinker Chelene "patriotic dream ! ! !" Nightengale and others moonbat forum lapdog cronie losers).
We want people to speak out for ethical SOS club change and defend the honorable SOS whistle-blowers that are found and routinely banned out of the forums, just for a offering a differing opinion from Chelene or forum opinion minders. Is this the USA or just another power mad group who wish to be "big Brother' of an Orwellian 1984 world?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

THREAD LOCKED AND CLOSED by SOS neurotic staffers


Notice how the SOS staffer mind works. What have they got to hide? See how secretive, paranoid, and nervous these "patriots" get with some easy honest questions. (I will answer those questions since I was an EX-SOSer during those times asked about. MORE COMING>>>>)

Questionskdace asks: As a new member I haven't been posting but I have been "lurking".
Just curious.
Is Joe Turner still involved ? *** ANSWER: He posts once in a 'blue moon' NOT REALLYDid Joe join Fair as Western field representative ? *** ANSWER: He was, he lasted one year.
Is he still ? *** ANSWER: NO.Who are the principals of this site presently, administrators, moderators ? *** ANSWER: While I have been publicly and privately told that SOS has NO staff since they are volunteers; here is the untrained head 'haters'" Chelene 'Patriotic Dream' Nightengale; ONline staffers and forum Mods are Mike "Arizona Patriot' Williams, 'One Inch Group', `Press One forEnglish', `Drums for me 7', `Fed Up in LA', and `mikein L.A.'

Some months back some member was apparently apprehended for charges that were not clear. Who was it ? *** ANSWER: Chelene publicly posted- "Randy (was arrested.) Also, they did confirm that the search warrant was definitelyfor "domestic terrorism".What is his present disposition ? *** ANSWER: He got out of city jail and has left California for his home in North Carolina east coast. He was supposed to tell us all about his false arrest and innocence when he got out, he didn't and just ran. Anyone bringing up this matter gets SOS banned by Nightengale and crew.
There were solicitations for money to finance his legal defence. What did he do ? *** ANSWER: Chelene stated to SOS forums: "On another forum some questions were raised about attorney fees. For the record, our attorneys are not free of charge. Save Our State is sending a check to my attorney..we have a legal defense fund option for a reason. This reason is to help defend patriots like Randy Dees, John Monti, Brook Young, etc....Joe Turner is the head of the corporation and he takes all the funds for SOS and uses them for legal purposes, website fees, SOS phone bill, and other fees to run this organization. SOS really never has more than $1000 in the SOS bank account. We are not a donation driven organization and we do not charge any type of membership fee! We strictly rely on SOS supporters who send in their hard earned money! Special thanks to Ohighglass, Rim, Crusing Fool, Lonewolf, and Patriotic Army Mom among the few others who help keep SOS running! Without you we would not have this organization!! So thank you!!!We still have legal fees.." A illegal alien phone tip to police saying he was making terrorist threats to individuals or groups brought a full scale police investigation. Long Beach SWAT team broke down his door and took his computer, guns and him.How was the case disposed ? *** ANSWER: Don't know officially about parole or what, He got six months in county jail at Castaic and was let out and he ran for home on the east coast. He has dropped from sight and not posted on SOS forums publicly now. Chelene said: " Other charges were trumped up and Randy'sattorney has been able to prove his innocence and all charges but one have been dropped. There should be one more final hearing for the last charge. His bail amount has been drastically reduced of course and Randy should be out next month! He will then be able to tell his story."
Thanks for any information.
RIM05 responds: You make one post and want to know all our business for the last 3 years?
Kdace responds: I didn't ask for platitudes and evasive obstructionists. Nor peripheral non- administrators. Just answer the questions. It isn't too simple !
Drumsme7 comments: kdace, I have some questions for you.....
Who are you? Where are you? Why would you ask all these questions in a first post without ever having introduced yourself? What is your interest in SOS? What bearing does your questions have in regard to the invasion of our country?
Cuzzit comments: well said drumms! also...don't you research before joining a group????
RIMO5 responds: And enough nerve to get snotty because he/she did not get a full report.
BRI-M comments: tell us a little about yourself and join us at a rally.You will find that there are many good dedicated Americans here.
AyatollahGondola responds: I'll forward your questions to the appropriate person(s). But in the future, the break room is not to be used for questions about the forum or organization operations. Please use the Moderators and member resolution section for that. If your email is still correct on your registration, you should hear back from someone within a week or so. please do not expect answers to every question as some may be privacy protected
Chelene 'Patriotic Dream' Nightengale responds: Kdace, you were not only rude to one of our absolute best members, but you post once and want your questions answered. If you had been "lurking", then you would know the answers to your questions.
Your questions do not need to be answered. In fact I will have our webmaster review your account. You have now raised some questions of our who are you? And what is your agenda?
THREAD LOCKED AND CLOSED by SOS neurotic staffers

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

SOS's Turner kills 1st Amendment right and ANY opponents.

Don 'Old Preach' Silva posted+
"Makes me ill to see people like Michelle lauded as a 'leader'. Talk about airball."
Later comments on the same SOS forum thread.
'CalifNative' posted to Joe Turner

With respect Mr Turner....
couldn't this be in a PM to me?
I guess not.
So... those who dish it out should be able to take it too.
(Contrary to your previous attack posting comments to me) I will stay On Topic:
NMI and other clubs like AVMM were at Simi (sanctuary church protest) and also made the day a success.
Why not thank and include them? It's so easy. They were there too. That is factually correct. It was a group's effort.
Allowing or commenting directly at anyone who is pointing out the (forum post comment)exclusion of them (NMI & AVMM) being listed in public posts could be seen as the first step in an attempt to incite ridiculously stupid drama on these boards between members of both organizations.
That was NOT my purpose. I include everyone who worked. That is only being fair. I am inclusive in these 'great victory for all' matters. Inclusiveness is prudent and has no agenda. Inclusiveness like this should help in inter-club rivalry and smooth feathers.
Anything else you said to me on this matter, to be also frank, is malicious speculation operating on biased wrong conclusions and could be seen as another attempt to incite ridiculously stupid drama on these boards between members of both organizations.
I won't take it that way.
I am reacting to others posting actions and giving my honest opinion. I didn't start this, please look elsewhere.
I enjoy SOS for it's hard work and it's overall stand-up integrity on dealing with confusing matters.
my best,
Posted by Joe 'Save our state' Turner response to CN comments..
I am not the only one that senses a desire on your part to create friction with your posts. Others have similarly expressed their exasperation with your tone, pessimism and seeming preference to instigate or antagonize others.
Make a conscious decision to rethink your posts before you make them otherwise you will no longer be welcome here.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thousands US Citizens KILLED by illegal aliens

US Citizens KILLED by illegal aliens, thanks to sanctuary matters.

*TEN* sniper victims- Washington DC, killed by John Lee Malvo, overstayed visa.
Adrienne Shelly- Los Angeles CA, 40 years-old, killed by Diego Pillco, 2 daughters.
Troy Payton- Las Vegas NV, ironworker stabbed by Abimael Azmitia.
Christopher Shackleford- 19, Marietta Ga, killed by a drunk driver Sergio Sanchez.
Faith Johnston- 18, raped by Columbia Priest Kelvin Iguabita,
Joseph Crummy- Lehi, Utah, murdered by Jesus Hernandez, pregnant wife & four children.
David Nadel- Berkeley, CA, killed by Juan Rivera Perez, escaped to Mexico.
Bob Clark and son Ariel- car crash, killed by a drunk driver illegal alien.
Dani Countryman- 15 year-old, murdered during rape by 2 illegal cousins
Amy Kortlang- 22 uear-old, killed in hit-and-run by previously deported 4 Prior DUIs.
Tyler Lundin, 20, Palmdale CA, killed by unlicensed driver Wilfredo Briswela,
Ariel Sollouk- Houston Tx, Isreali killed by Saudi citizen Mohammed Ali Alayed.
Kimberley Hope- Los Angeles CA, murdered during car theft by Daniel Gonzalez Berumen.
Tracy Owens- Nashville Tn, pregnant woman executed by Antonio Idelfonso & Eliseo Quintero.
Angie Leon- Nampa, Id, shot by estranged husband, three young children and her mother.
Gary Selby- NV, 18 years old, killed by a drunk driver Samuel Gallardo.
Victoria Hen- Los Angeles CA, LAX ticket agent shot by Egyptian Hesham Mohamed Hadayet.
Vinesa Hoera- 23 single mom, killed by Faustino Chavez, five-year-old son.
Michael Seitz- Napa CA, killed by fork-lift driven by Jesus Garcia, case pending.
Sister Helen Chaska- Klamath Falls OR, murdered and raped by Maximiliano Esparza. -

Deputy David March- Los Angeles CA, killed by smuggler Armando Garcia.
Brother law officers:
Brandon Winfield- Marion, Ohio, married and had two sons, ages 2 and 3.
Michael Gordon- Chicago IL, killed by drunk driver Luis Calle, wife and four children.
Will Seuis- Oakland, California, killed by driver Carlos Mares, wife & two daughters
Robert Bryant- Denver Co, stuck down by driver by Mexican with no identification.
B P Agent James Epling- died by river drowning rescuing alien, father of four.
Tony Zeppetella- Oceanside CA, killed by Adrian George Camacho, married & 6 month-old child.
Hugo Arango- Doraville Ga, murdered by Bautista Ramirez.
Kenneth Collings- Phoenix AZ, killed during robbery arrest by Ismael Conde & Rudy Romero.
Randy Burris- Clarke County Ga, stuck down by drunk driver Ricardo Gutierrez, father of 3.
Marc Atkinson- Phoenix AZ, killed by smuggler Felipe Cabanas; wife, infant & two siblings.
Robert Sitek- Phoenix AZ, shot 4 times by Francisco A. Gallardo, recoverying from injuries.
Park Ranger Kris Eggle- AZ, killed by drug smugglers.
Sheila Herring- Norfolk VA, killed by Jamaican Mario Roberto Keen, 18-year-old daughter.
Bret Clodfelter- OR, murdered by Francisco Manzo-Hernandez, wife.

Jamiel Shaw Jr- Los Ageles CA, 17, son, killed by Pedro Espinoza
Mariana Cisneros-Nashville TN, 5 year-old, missing by mother Martha Patla & Genaro Dorantes.
Annie Cumpston- Baltimore MD, 6 year-old killed by driver Guillermo Diaz.
Dustin Inman- child, killed by driver Gonzalo Harrell-Gonzalez, remains at large.
Amber Merkle- Decatur Al, 8 years-old, died in a four-car wreck, killer Arturo Lupian.
Ana Cenna- Oakland CA, 5 year-old, killed by driver Osvaldo Urzua.
Felix Leon- Brownsville Tx, 5 year-old, hit-and-run by Carlos Jaramillo & Domingo Lopez
Callum Oakford- UK, 9 year-old, killed by driver Kamel Kadri.
Christina Long- Greenwich, CT, 13 year-old, killed during rough sex by Saul Dos Reis.
Dana Pevia- NC, 11 year-old, kidnapped by Hector Frausto held in Nexico, escaped.
Laura Ayala- Houston TX, 13 year-old, kidnapped to Mexico by Walter Alexander Sorto
Ruben Morfon- Salinas CA, 13 year-old, killed by illegal alien gangmember.
Jose Soto- Houston TX, 6 year-old, hit-and-run by Jose Ines Morales.
Joey Cornell- 15 years-old, killed by Gonzalo Villalobos, escaped to El Salvador.
Tricia Taylor- Detroit MI, 18 year-old, hit-and-run & maimed by Salvadorian Jose Carcamo. Daughter/Darlene Squires- Somerville MS, 18 year-old, raped by Salvadoran street gang. Cheryl Greene, Habor Gateway CA, 14 years-old, killed by illegal 204th gangmembers latin
Marquis Wilbert, 11 year-old, Harbor Gateway CA, killed by illegal 204th gangmembers latin
Robert Hightower, Pasadena CA, 19 years-old, killed by illegal 204th gangmembers latin
Contreras Family=Eleodora Contrerras/Walter Contreras- 10 year-old, Morristown NJ, molested before murdered Porfirio Jimenez.

Dilk Family:Terry, Urbandale, Iowa, arrested for killings Audiel Tello & Raymundo Gomez. Lisa, Urbandale, Iowa, arrested for killings Audiel Tello & Raymundo Gomez.

Bologna Family 3 members:Tony Bologna, 48, husband, shot & killed by Edwin RamosMichael Bologna, 20 son, shot & killed by Edwin RamosMatthew Bologna, 16 so, shot & killed by Edwin Ramos

Quezada Family and cousin=Alexis Quezada, 10 years-old, killed by Policarpio Espinoza and Adan Espinoza Canela. Lucero Quezada 9 years-old, killed by Policarpio Espinoza and Adan Espinoza Canela.Ricardo Espinoza, cousin, 10 years-old, killed by Policarpio Espinoza & Adan Canela.

Marti family=father, 'Sean' 24 years old, killed by driver Edgar Hernandez daughter, 'Sage', 5 months old, killed by driver Edgar Hernandez.

1000s of Innocent US Citizens KILLED by illegal aliens.

US Citizens KILLED by illegal aliens, thanks to sanctuary matters.

*TEN* sniper victims- Washington DC, killed by John Lee Malvo, overstayed visa.

Adrienne Shelly- Los Angeles CA, 40 years-old, killed by Diego Pillco, 2 daughters.

Troy Payton- Las Vegas NV, ironworker stabbed by Abimael Azmitia.

Christopher Shackleford- 19, Marietta Ga, killed by a drunk driver Sergio Sanchez.

Faith Johnston- 18, raped by Columbia Priest Kelvin Iguabita,

Joseph Crummy- Lehi, Utah, murdered by Jesus Hernandez, pregnant wife & four children.

David Nadel- Berkeley, CA, killed by Juan Rivera Perez, escaped to Mexico.

Bob Clark and son Ariel- car crash, killed by a drunk driver illegal alien.

Dani Countryman- 15 year-old, murdered during rape by 2 illegal cousins

Amy Kortlang- 22 uear-old, killed in hit-and-run by previously deported 4 Prior DUIs.

Tyler Lundin, 20, Palmdale CA, killed by unlicensed driver Wilfredo Briswela,

Ariel Sollouk- Houston Tx, Isreali killed by Saudi citizen Mohammed Ali Alayed.

Kimberley Hope- Los Angeles CA, murdered during car theft by Daniel Gonzalez Berumen.

Tracy Owens- Nashville Tn, pregnant woman executed by Antonio Idelfonso & Eliseo Quintero.

Angie Leon- Nampa, Id, shot by estranged husband, three young children and her mother.

Gary Selby- NV, 18 years old, killed by a drunk driver Samuel Gallardo.

Victoria Hen- Los Angeles CA, LAX ticket agent shot by Egyptian Hesham Mohamed Hadayet.

Vinesa Hoera- 23 single mom, killed by Faustino Chavez, five-year-old son.

Michael Seitz- Napa CA, killed by fork-lift driven by Jesus Garcia, case pending.

Sister Helen Chaska- Klamath Falls OR, murdered and raped by Maximiliano Esparza. -

Law Enforcement officers>>>>>>>>

**Deputy** David March- Los Angeles CA, killed by smuggler Armando Garcia.

Brandon Winfield- Marion, Ohio, married and had two sons, ages 2 and 3.

Michael Gordon- Chicago IL, killed by drunk driver Luis Calle, wife and four children.

Will Seuis- Oakland, California, killed by driver Carlos Mares, wife & two daughters.

Robert Bryant- Denver Co, stuck down by driver by Mexican with no identification.

**Border Patrol Agent** James Epling- died by river drowning rescuing alien, father of four.

Tony Zeppetella- Oceanside CA, killed by Adrian George Camacho, married & 6 month-old child.

Hugo Arango- Doraville Ga, murdered by Bautista Ramirez.

Kenneth Collings- Phoenix AZ, killed during robbery arrest by Ismael Conde & Rudy Romero.

Randy Burris- Clarke County Ga, stuck down by drunk driver Ricardo Gutierrez, father of 3.

Marc Atkinson- Phoenix AZ, killed by smuggler Felipe Cabanas; wife, infant & two siblings.

Robert Sitek- Phoenix AZ, shot 4 times by Francisco A. Gallardo, recoverying from injuries.

**Park Ranger** Kris Eggle- AZ, killed by drug smugglers.

Sheila Herring- Norfolk VA, killed by Jamaican Mario Roberto Keen, 18-year-old daughter.

Bret Clodfelter- OR, murdered by Francisco Manzo-Hernandez, wife. -

Jamiel Shaw Jr- Los Ageles CA, 17, son, killed by Pedro Espinoza.

Mariana Cisneros-Nashville TN, 5 year-old, missing by mother Martha Patla & Genaro Dorantes.

Annie Cumpston- Baltimore MD, 6 year-old killed by driver Guillermo Diaz.

Dustin Inman- child, killed by driver Gonzalo Harrell-Gonzalez, remains at large.

Amber Merkle- Decatur Al, 8 years-old, died in a four-car wreck, killer Arturo Lupian.

Ana Cenna- Oakland CA, 5 year-old, killed by driver Osvaldo Urzua.

Felix Leon- Brownsville Tx, 5 year-old, hit-and-run by Carlos Jaramillo & Domingo Lopez

Callum Oakford- UK, 9 year-old, killed by driver Kamel Kadri.

Christina Long- Greenwich, CT, 13 year-old, killed during rough sex by Saul Dos Reis.

Dana Pevia- NC, 11 year-old, kidnapped by Hector Frausto held in Nexico, escaped.

Laura Ayala- Houston TX, 13 year-old, kidnapped to Mexico by Walter Alexander Sorto.

Ruben Morfon- Salinas CA, 13 year-old, killed by illegal alien

Jose Soto- Houston TX, 6 year-old, hit-and-run by Jose Ines Morales.

Joey Cornell- 15 years-old, killed by Gonzalo Villalobos, escaped to El Salvador.

Tricia Taylor- Detroit MI, 18 year-old, hit-and-run & maimed by Salvadorian Jose Carcamo.

Daughter/Darlene Squires- Somerville MS, 18 year-old, raped by Salvadoran street gang.

Cheryl Greene, Habor Gateway CA, 14 years-old, killed by illegal 204th gangmembers latin.

Marquis Wilbert, 11 year-old, Harbor Gateway CA, killed by illegal 204th gangmembers latin.

Robert Hightower, Pasadena CA, 19 years-old, killed by illegal 204th gangmembers latin-

**Contreras Family=Eleodora Contrerras/Walter Contreras- 10 year-old, Morristown NJ, molested before murdered Porfirio Jimenez.

**Dilk Family:Terry, Urbandale, Iowa, arrested for killings Audiel Tello & Raymundo Gomez. Lisa, Urbandale, Iowa, arrested for killings Audiel Tello & Raymundo Gomez.

**Bologna Family 3 members:Tony Bologna, 48, husband, shot & killed by Edwin RamosMichael Bologna, 20 son, shot & killed by Edwin Ramos Matthew Bologna, 16 so, shot & killed by Edwin Ramos

**Quezada Family and cousin=Alexis Quezada, 10 years-old, killed by Policarpio Espinoza and Adan Espinoza Canela. Lucero Quezada 9 years-old, killed by Policarpio Espinoza and Adan Espinoza Canela.Ricardo Espinoza, cousin, 10 years-old, killed by Policarpio Espinoza & Adan Canela.

**Marti family=father, 'Sean' 24 years old, killed by driver Edgar Hernandez daughter, 'Sage', 5 months old, killed by driver Edgar Hernandez.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

SOS leadership Chelene 'failed' actress job?

Look what was sent to me and I recieved.
Could this be her in a tacky red wig while being 'an actress"?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Gilchrist VS Patriotic Dream & Watchdog

Even thouogh SOS's Chelene 'Patriotic Dream' Nightengale has publicly posted on the SOS forum's that Brook 'Watchdog' Young and herself have WON !! !! !! against Jim Gilchrist in his libel and slander court case against them......there is little confirmation of that from the official MMP side, as yet.
Unlike the SOS forums that are mostly password locked to only account SOS member holders, the MMP forums are open to read.
Here is what has been currently said on these matters from the 'MMP Hyjacked' topic thread:

Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:13 pm
The first has already happened; Jim Gilchrist's Minuteman Project and Minuteman Project Inc were given 501c status with Jim as the sole director. The IRS investigated and audited Jim and found no wrong doing. This means that the hijacker's claim that they have (or have ever had) any right to do what they did is fraudulent. When Stewart, Courtney, Coe and Paul the retard met at the fish restaurant to declare themselves the "rightful board of MMP", they might as well have claimed Ford and GM while they were at it.
The second point might be the loss of yet another lawyer; Daniel Lula must have come to the realization that the hijackers are incompetent liars, out to steal the MMP. He knows that if he does not get away from them his reputation will be permanently stained. Without a lawyer the hijackers will automatically lose Jim and Steve Eichler's cases against them.
However, a new bit of information has come to light; it turns out that the old rumor that Stuart and Courtney are not getting along is true. Marvin Stewart has discovered that Deborah Courtney was working against him to take the MMP for herself and her idiot husband. Courtney discovered that Stewart was planning to get rid of her and put Chelene Nightingale in her place. I guess the old expression, "If they will do it with you, they will do it to you" is true.
Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:18 am
Steve Eichler won his case against Chelene and Brook "Watchdork" Young today. It should all be over by X-mass.
Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:46 pm
I have supported what I though was the Minuteman Project, now I find out that the guy that was to be Mr. Gilchrists replacement was really the person that was leading the attack against Mr. Gilchrist, what a mess. Now I hear that the treasurer Debbie Courtney voted Melvin Stewert out and grabbed what was left. Stewert and Debbie and her boyfriend are trying to run the show. Could someone please tell me where did Melvin run off to?
Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:33 pm
The only Melvin I know of left MMP two years ago when Ed Williams resigned from the advisory board (May 2006). The last I heard he was working for Disney now. I think you are talking about Marvin Stewart. I don't know what became of him; he was forced out of the Republican Party and dismissed from his day job at the VA as a bill collector.As for Deborah Courtney, she was the reason Ed, Mel, Chris, Russ, Gene, Robert and Danni left the project. They all tried to warn Jim and Steve, but it was already too late.
