Saturday, April 5, 2014

Idea theft, plagiarism, copyright piracy is not CREATIVITY !

Informed people who know the real 'behind the scenes' Hidden Frontier facts and want to share them here without Hidden Frontier smear squads being so fearful to stamp out any 'naysayers' postings here that just confirm and demonstrate Hidden Frontier's cast & crews huge unethics, weaknesses, anti-Star Trek (IDIC) & Roddenberry fairness with HF smear squads hater posts. Hidden Frontier's cast & crews is just using internet stalker, hater, trolling fanatical bully tactics and show fans that Hidden Frontier's cast & crews are just mis-using Gene Roddenberry's genre for their selfish self engrandisement and shallow fanboy noteriety because they have little else to offer society or public. Copying or ripping off other's original artistic talents is not original.