Thursday, October 21, 2010

Political Correctness police working overtime this week..

This seems the shameful Political Correctness police/radical progressives have been looking for unethical enforcement 'work' this week.

It all started with O'Reilly on ABC's Walter's 'The View'. Bill got into a verbal confrontation of facts with the unapologetic progressive PC police matrons, jokersters Joy Behar and Whoopie Goldberg. Their Progressive female 'noses' were tweaked due to Bill being on their show to discuss his best selling book and other hot topic political matters. Bill tried to help to educate these two denial 'ladies' about the 9-11 tragedy and issue of attempting to have a Muslim mosque built at a 9-11 impact sight. Things got out-of-hand by Behar starting the fireworks by rudely confronting their guest, Bill. Bill aswered back in the same 'tone' and Behar clear didin't like that & was miffed. (Gonna dish it out, you better be able to take it, babe!) Whoopie ran to support her fellow conspirator and escalted the arguement with her own voiced expletive (deleted.) Bill clearly won the argument with New Yorkers and against that of the female progessive's argument. But the two childish 'hosts' walked out like pouting children. Bill continued to say, 'You mean Muslims didn't do 9-11??!!"

Later, Bill was asked to apologise so that the errant 'girls' would come back on stage. His apology was given as an 'IF' proposition, much like the classic remembered apology that President Bill Clinton gave all those years ago on his shameful sexual presidential troubles in the Oval office. The apology worked and (unfortunately) these two clownish clueless comedians came back on the stage.

Bill was brusk, but dead on with his thoughts. Some progressive TV people still live in 'Lala land' and you just can't- after 3000 people were murdered in the most horrible way on 9-11 by Muslim terrorists(No one is allowed to use that T 'word' by Presidential order, how silly is that?). In fact,that was the shameful Lala Land mental mindset that provided the set-up for the second Twin Tower's 9-11 bombing in the first place, (Anyone, remember the FIRST World Trade Center bombing ??? I do.)


On Bill O'Rielly show 'The Factor', another shameful Political Correctness police/ radical progressives victim was taken, National Public Radio's . I don't often agree with National Public Radio's commentator, Juan Williams, but he has a right to express himself without being targeted for being fired for expressing his opinions. That is what has now happened to Juan Williams. Mr Willams was expressing himself on Bill's 'The View' incident. He said how he travels by plane and when he sees some airline passengers wearing Muslim cultural clothing, he is slighty worried about the safety of himself and the flight. It was an honest statement, but nothing contraversial. BUT, for stating this Juan Williams was fired from position at National Public Radio after over 10 years of work. I guess he's just another victim of the Presidentail Obama Political Correctness police. (BTW: was a big President Obama supporter, maybe that will change.)

It should be also noted that world government billionaire, progressive George Sorros has recently given several millions to National Public Radio and it's new 'investigative' news division to counteract the 10 year leadership by Fox News on TV. This new public obvious money donation Sorros action by the normally shadowy secretive money-laundering public chairty donations, might have been a reaction to Glenn Beck's calling out Sorros to appear on Beck's TV show for a man-to-man one hour discussion of politics today.

It seems that Sorros "GET HIM!"(Beck) mentality has caused another citizen Juan Williams to a victim of Political Correctness police because he lose his job due to freely voicing his opposing opininon's to the righ and powerful. Just how much government money goes into funding National Public Radio? It doesn't look so public or American now. It's happening BEFORE our eyes and before an upcoming electiuon, folks. Get smart.

Really a sad shame.

I'm'sure there will more on these issues to come. (Please forgive any mispelling or gramatical errors, this was written in emotional haste.)