Saturday, July 11, 2009

LOL, Chelene running for Calif governor 2010

People have already said about Chelene running for Calif governor 2010 from Ameri Indep Party:
"Since Chelene Nightengoul is now a public figure running for elective office, she will have to allow criticism from anyone. Progressing from screwing-up her laugingly self-called modeling and equity stage actress career in Washington, her broken marriage, filing personal financial bankruptcy only a year ago, her home schooled two kids, lost her house to foreclosure, the direction and killing the membership of Save Our State, long-time melomaniac of Joe Turner's org, bad campaign manager of Art Olivier state election campaign (failed), disloyal to George Bush & Ron Paul & libertarians and now AIP in three years; she has the American Independant Party (who gave us racist George Wallace) backing her for Governor of the Golden State. How appropriate but makes conservatives look like a crazy joke. A shameful act. Search Yahoo Groups for info website called- saveoursanity2 group."
People have already said about Chelene running for Calif governor from Ameri Indep Party:
"Ms. Nightingale is ill suited for the position she seeks because she has an established history of wildly lashing out at people with whom she disagrees, in much the same fashion as you would expect of a girl 30 years her junior. Her reputation inside the niche grassroots subculture she inhabits is damaged to the extent that her name is commonly used as a punch line by many of the people most familiar with her efforts of the last four or five years. Insofar as her ability to address California's financial problems, she has had pronounced difficulty successfully addressing even her own financial problems of late.
Mix these factors in with this candidate's considerable appetite for internet fodder caliber conspiracy theories, and you have a person seeking office well above her "pay grade."
This being said, however, she is on the right side of most issues that impact our state. Therefore, if you are seeking a candidate upon whom to bestow your "protest vote," this is your horse."
People have already said about Chelene running for Calif governor from Ameri Indep Party:
"Oh c'mon now everyone. This is as ridiculous as snipe hunting. Chelene is a media hound, and a megalomaniac. She's not here to win, or even place. She's here to get her ego stroked and satisfy her lust for personal spotlight. Even the looniest Californian would not entertain the possibility of placing a nobody that filed personal bankruptcy only a year ago into the chair of an executive of a state that is also bankrupt. In addition, the party whose ticket she's running on hasn't even done enough homework on her to know how just this alone would make them look.
There's so much absolute lunacy her running for governor that I would disregard anything that the constitution party coughs up until such time as they have lightning strike them and make them omnipitent."

Joe Turner’s running for public office and his mismanagement of SOS.
I find it laughable that Mr. Turner has decided to run for public office. He has little or no experience in this job. He has only one management challenge in his past and that is his advocacy group, Save Our State. He has run for elected office four times and lost four times.
As a matter of fact, his group Save Our State, has been running poorly since he left to work for another advocacy group FAIR, due to the many inept leaders he choose to manage his club in his absence. AZ Patriot (Mike Williams), Patriotic Dream (Chelene Nightengale), Old Preach (Don Silva) have run his club into the ground. These current administratively flawed SOS staffers are consistently uninterested in general members problems due to their busy many ‘legislation’ road trips, give out little or no guidance with problems, seldom consult each other on staff matters, sweep SOS BBS problems under ‘the rug’, and when they do give out a BBS problem solution offer conflicting confused directions to their struggling confused general SOS members. Where is Mr. Turner? There are MORE problems. Mr. Turner knows about the SOS problems. Mr. Turner after seeing this mess has run away from taking any corrective actions to put SOS matters right with new replacements on SOS staff and obviously he has left for greener pastures. Thank you, Joe!
Many people use to blame the current SOS leadership for this chaos. But looking towards Mr. Turner’s run for elective office, the real blame and the only person who can correct his busted glass house is Mr. Joe Turner. His current SOS staff actions towards general members are unethical, jingoistic, gang-like, and unprincipled. There are MORE problems. People who try to do post any honest suggestions are flamed, name called, pilloried, ‘witch hunted’ by SOS forum staff members and after those staff ‘baited’ members are immediately unethically banned from their forums by the dishonest SOS staff. And that is deeply confusing and deceitful as general members are maltreated when they express their own respectful opinions on how to improve the efficiency of SOS.
No staff criticism, theoretical discussions of how to do their mission better, or in depth critical analysis of their public events are NOT allowed on their BBS. Attempts to do so are SOS staff classified as 'negativity and divisive’. Those posts and posting authors are banned without a reason or notice.
This entire situation smells of those in power wanting to silence a dissenting positive examining voice. There are MORE problems. Seldom do recently ‘banned’ general members get the professional SOS forum staff courtesy to be shown exactly what was their forum posting mistake.
QUOTE 'You have been banned for the following reason:
Same stuff, differnt day. Las suspension before perm ban.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never QUOTE
I am truly beginning to believe this illegal immigration movement group is one big ego club and that if you disagree or question anything about the SOS, you are attacked, ostracized and made an outcast. Often the SOS staff public banning rules are corruptively not followed by their own staff members when no warnings are administrated to perceived ‘wrong doers’ or one week bans are administratively staff converted into LIFE BANS all the while the member is no longer participating or posting any additional comments on the SOS forums. It is an excuse for staff to get rid of bothersome positive thinking general members and their beneficial ideas. General members are threatened with their BBS membership ‘being reviewed’. This is just a small sample of the SOS staff unethical dealings with general members. There are MORE problems. If general members contact SOS staffers for assistance or for help, general members get very little assistance or at best get several conflicting directions on the member frantic problem on the SOS forums. Joe Turner has set up this group and assigned the SOS staff to run it. There are MORE problems. I would hope that most SOS people do NOT believe this saying, "Go along to get along, the end justifies the means", philosophy. People are beginning to see that illegal immigration movement leaders want and need general members who don’t ‘rock the boat’ kind of a people.
Joe Turner has a unpleasant record. And Joe Turner wants to become an elected public official with public administrative responsibilities. I think not! He won’t get or deserve my vote or support. He has run for elected office four times and lost four times.
Joe Turner’s running for public office and his mismanagement of SOS.
I find it laughable that Mr. Turner has decided to run for public office. He has little or no experience in this job. He has only one management challenge in his past and that is his advocacy group, Save Our State. He has run for elected office four times and lost four times.
As a matter of fact, his group Save Our State, has been running poorly since he left to work for another advocacy group FAIR, due to the many inept leaders he choose to manage his club in his absence. AZ Patriot (Mike Williams), Patriotic Dream (Chelene Nightengale), Old Preach (Don Silva) have run his club into the ground. These current administratively flawed SOS staffers are consistently uninterested in general members problems due to their busy many ‘legislation’ road trips, give out little or no guidance with problems, seldom consult each other on staff matters, sweep SOS BBS problems under ‘the rug’, and when they do give out a BBS problem solution offer conflicting confused directions to their struggling confused general SOS members. Where is Mr. Turner? There are MORE problems. Mr. Turner knows about the SOS problems. Mr. Turner after seeing this mess has run away from taking any corrective actions to put SOS matters right with new replacements on SOS staff and obviously he has left for greener pastures. Thank you, Joe!
Many people use to blame the current SOS leadership for this chaos. But looking towards Mr. Turner’s run for elective office, the real blame and the only person who can correct his busted glass house is Mr. Joe Turner. His current SOS staff actions towards general members are unethical, jingoistic, gang-like, and unprincipled. There are MORE problems. People who try to do post any honest suggestions are flamed, name called, pilloried, ‘witch hunted’ by SOS forum staff members and after those staff ‘baited’ members are immediately unethically banned from their forums by the dishonest SOS staff. And that is deeply confusing and deceitful as general members are maltreated when they express their own respectful opinions on how to improve the efficiency of SOS.
No staff criticism, theoretical discussions of how to do their mission better, or in depth critical analysis of their public events are NOT allowed on their BBS. Attempts to do so are SOS staff classified as 'negativity and divisive’. Those posts and posting authors are banned without a reason or notice.
This entire situation smells of those in power wanting to silence a dissenting positive examining voice. There are MORE problems. Seldom do recently ‘banned’ general members get the professional SOS forum staff courtesy to be shown exactly what was their forum posting mistake.
QUOTE 'You have been banned for the following reason:
Same stuff, differnt day. Las suspension before perm ban.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never QUOTE
I am truly beginning to believe this illegal immigration movement group is one big ego club and that if you disagree or question anything about the SOS, you are attacked, ostracized and made an outcast. Often the SOS staff public banning rules are corruptively not followed by their own staff members when no warnings are administrated to perceived ‘wrong doers’ or one week bans are administratively staff converted into LIFE BANS all the while the member is no longer participating or posting any additional comments on the SOS forums. It is an excuse for staff to get rid of bothersome positive thinking general members and their beneficial ideas. General members are threatened with their BBS membership ‘being reviewed’. This is just a small sample of the SOS staff unethical dealings with general members. There are MORE problems. If general members contact SOS staffers for assistance or for help, general members get very little assistance or at best get several conflicting directions on the member frantic problem on the SOS forums. Joe Turner has set up this group and assigned the SOS staff to run it. There are MORE problems. I would hope that most SOS people do NOT believe this saying, "Go along to get along, the end justifies the means", philosophy. People are beginning to see that illegal immigration movement leaders want and need general members who don’t ‘rock the boat’ kind of a people.
Joe Turner has a unpleasant record. And Joe Turner wants to become an elected public official with public administrative responsibilities. I think not! He won’t get or deserve my vote or support. He has run for elected office four times and lost four times.