Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Corrupt anti-Gilchrist orgs go Ape-$hit.

William Gheen's ALIPAC, C. Nightengale's SOS, jeff Schwilk's San Diego MM are trying to smear Jim Gilchrist's MinuteMen Project.

Some embarrassing hometown newspaper articles about William Gheen's weird counterproductive work fighting illegal aliens matters:
ALIPAC low rally turnout- CUT and PASTE unto your browser
Federal 287 (g) program-
ALIPAC low rally turnout-
Gheen sending hate mail-
Gheen sending hate mail-

I was recently contacted and was told this story by a disgruntled SOSer about Ms. Nightengale. "Let me say this about a female org leader who has stolen the limelight from others. She is so frightened of being upstaged that she called off a BOA rally to be held in my county, saying the national organizer wanted rallies staged in main cities, yet she aired on her on SOS that another member in another county held a successful anti-BOA rally. The true reason she did not want our rally held was due to the fact the main videographers at the time and others more active in street protest had committed to attending the rally in my county. She has claimed credit for successful rallies she never even attended saying I called so and so (always the name dropper ) to attend the rally, as if to say that was the only reason for the rallies success! I am not the only one who has valid issues with this particular female org Leader. There are many more, some intimidated by the awful attacks they have witnessed occurring towards Jim Gilchrist, afraid to speak out or so discouraged they are never heard of again. I gave this woman the benefit of a doubt and she has failed miserably. The sign of a true leader is one who can unite, all this woman has done is to divide and instill hate!"

Also, I have been sent this testimony, "After being in this movement for over 6 years now and seeing the graft that spin-off orgs from MMP have accomplished, I see small people jealous of Gilchrist. He started this movement, has consistantly lead it for years now with credibility and honor. He has been the honorable face & voice of the secure the borders mission. And with his best-selling books, Harvard legal immigration law reviews, college personal appearances, endless radio interviews, countless TV appearances has influenced millions to fight illegal aliens coming to this nation. No anti-MMP negative blog owner or forum AdM anywhere can truthfully claim that high mark of educating or excellance when working with the public mind. I have seen other smaller people try to attack, harass, libel, smear, and try to insult this brave veteran. Gilchrist acts admirably. Any shallow org staffers can slag or attack Gilchrist, their lack of credibility by doing this only shows the General Public how silly some people are and only shames all of us in the Cause."

And finally from Mr Gilchrist, "Hanging the innocent is not the pathway to truth or justice. Unethical MM Spin-off orgs with their "leaders" nonsensical tirades attempting to convince a naive audience of a couple dozen internet groupies that the world is flat and that square pegs fit into round holes compromises your credibility and integrity. We are nation of laws and those laws apply universally not only to illegal aliens but also to U.S. citizens who violate those laws.

The Minuteman Project will not associate with witch hunters, racists, law breakers, or those who make an earnest market in hanging the innocent. The support of MM spin-off negative orgs with their nonsensical tirades is neither needed nor wanted.

The Minuteman Project will continue bringing national awareness to the illegal alien invasion of the United States with or without the sinister interference of those who spend all of their time attempting to disrupt the minuteman movement. How does the deliberate and ignorant braodcasting of lies and propaganda about minutemen and women move the illegal immigration forward in a respectable manner?
Hint: It doesn't.

Jim Gilchrist, Founder and President, the Minuteman Project"