Thursday, December 17, 2009
Prager University topic: 'Happiness is a moral obligation.'
Happy people make the world BETTER, unhappy people makes the world WORSE.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Many 'flim-flam' narcissistic Jacka$$ 'secure the borders' organization leaders.
disillusioned good folks who have been seriously burned-out by Calif mismanaged
militantly opposing organizations (S.ave O.ur S.tate -vs- N.o M.ore I.nvasion
-vs- F.ight B.ack I.n S.acto -vs- S.ave O.ur S.tate/info).
These are controlled by narcissistic Jacka$$es mugging for the camera. All smoke
and no fire. ORG Members who don't robotically agree with or have NOT fallen for
the koolaide drinking hive group-think in these pathetic cults are routinely
forum banned, lowering the group's intelligence or discussion bar for these
petty groups and their clone brain forum posting membership.
Then, narcissistic Jacka$$es secretly & privately do everything they can to
forum banned these "enemies" for their own personal egotistic reasons. These
sick cheating folks then send out unsubstantiated libelous emails to many
'secure the borders' activists just to smear others who are still fighting The
My friends are struggling to keep active and positive in our mission activities,
even though its currently very difficult. There is so many 'flim-flam'
narcissistic Jacka$$es mugging organizations that are around to snare the naive
and unsuspecting which are lead by rank unprofessional amateurs who put up a
website, crash other people's events, push their way in front of the camera and
bull$hit their way onto TV for the fleeting media spotlight. Some 'might and
possibly' be even petty failed CostCo food sample giving actresses trying to run
for AIP governor candidate's position or SF Valley head bloddied alcholic taxi
company dispatchers or indigent sign truck driver's from Sacramento. I'm sick of
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hitler RANTS about OBAMA Healthcare and Right Wingers
Hitler RANTS about OBAMA Healthcare and Right Wingers
Letter to Obama about traveling in Mexico
I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me. I'm going to walk across the border from the U.S.into Mexico, and I need to make a few arrangements. I know you can help with this. I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas,passports, immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy the Mexican President, that I'm on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:
2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.
3. All government forms need to be printed in English.
4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.
5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying onthe top of the flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.
7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.
9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won't make any effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from Mexican president to leave me alone, please be sure that all police officers speak English.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and don't enforce any labor laws or tax laws.
13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might place on the economy.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Nightengale being sued for deceitful misrepresentation of 2010 AIP candidate
RE: Nightengale being sued 4 deceitful misrepresentation of 2010 AIPcandidate????
Dear Minutemen - I write to you as the Vice-Chairman of the American IndependentParty regarding the information in the e-mails noted below
-1) Chelene Nightingale is a announced American Independent Party candidate forthe governors office in 2010. She, as with any other AIP candidate, does not need the approval of the AIP Central Committee to campaign for office. The idea of being sued for announcing as a candidate of the AIP is utterly ridiculous but it is in keeping with the actions of Mark Robinson who, falsely below, claims to be the AIP Chairman.
2) The truth regarding the current reality of the AIP can be found at a website which I created - This site alsodocuments the corruption of numerous other persons including Mark Robinson.
3) Separate from the e-mails below I can tell you that the AIP, and the nationalConstitution Party of which it is the California affiliate, is the onlypolitical party which has no compromise in supporting the goals of theMinutemen. You will find that Chelene Nightingale is in total harmony with the needs, aims, and goals of the Minutemen. Please investigate her campaign foryourself. You will find that what I have said is true.
Don Grundmann, Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch ofthe Constitution Party
In, "s"
From: Patriotic Warrior> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:33 AM>> Hello sir, Is Chelene Nightingale the AIP's candidate for Governor of California?> Thank you for your time.> ->>
From: Markham (mark@...)> Sent: Thu 8/20/09 9:34 AM> To: 'Patriotic Warrior'>> No. The primary hasn't been held yet. We will be endorsing someone else forGovernor. A tiny group calling themselves a "Branch of the Constitution Party"has endorsed her.>> She never approached the AIP State Central Committee. It is fraudulent for her to use our name. We will be demanding in forceful terms that she cease and desist this deceitful representation.>> Markham Robinson,
AIP Chairman>>>>
Retired Veterans Fight ON, One More Time !
The country has thousands of patriotic veterans. And you can regularly see many “Welcome Home” banners carefully and lovingly placed on many freeways over crossings notifying drivers that another veteran has arrived home from foreign war service. With the many International news covering the Iraq and Afghanistan war zones, our numbers of local veterans will grow larger. Many, if not all, of those veterans will be using the Veterans Hospital in Sawtell West Los Angeles for their health needs. That complex is the largest veteran’s center west of the Rocky Mountains.
History- “Angeles National Veteran’s Home”
This largest VA healthcare Sawtell center in the nation started on March 2, 1887, the Forty-Ninth Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, assembled and approved an Act of Congress: ”That the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers are hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to locate, establish, construct, and permanently maintain a branch of said National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers to be by such Board located at such place in the States west of the Rocky Mountains as to said Board shall appear most desirable and advantageous.” The Congressional Act of 1887 stipulates: “That all honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served in the regular and volunteer forces of the United States, and who are disabled by disease, wounds, or otherwise, and who have no adequate means of support, and by reason of such disability are incapable of earning their living, shall be entitled to be admitted to said home for disabled volunteer soldiers, subject to like regulations as they are now admitted to existing branches of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.” On March 3, 1888, in compliance with the Congressional Act of 1887, John P. Jones and Arcadia B. de Baker, deeded and entrusted 300 acres of some of the most desirable and advantageous land in Los Angeles to the United States Government with the restated promise that the land was “to be permanently maintained as a National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.” John P. Jones and Arcadia B. de Baker to jointly donate hundreds of acres to the U.S. government to be permanently maintained as a National Home for Disabled Soldiers and to further ensure that there never would be a “homeless” veteran.
For over a century, every person honored the Congressional Act of 1887 by faithfully protecting and preserving the many land acres in West Los Angeles that were deeded as a permanent National Home for America's Military veterans to convalesce and rehabilitate. For decades, America's citizenry and their elected public servants respected this national trust as a peaceful sanctuary of privacy and quiet rest for veterans to heal from war at Angeles National Veteran’s Home. That has changed for the worse, today. Unfortunately, humanitarian priorities and moral responsibilities have changed over recent years as this hallowed Angeles National Veterans Home’s land has been pillaged, plundered and prostituted away to the highest commercial bidder and even given away “rent free” to special interest groups, and always with the blessing of devious politicians and dubious VA bureaucrats and at the painful expense of America's military veterans. Today however, those who have benefited and prospered from these heroic warrior’s war sacrifices want to use this hallowed land for Veterans Park Conservancy’s own selfish Brentwood amusement and entertainment. And Veterans Park Conservancy accomplishes it audaciously and irreverently toward warrior lands rightful use.
JOIN- “The Veteran’s Revolution”
I told you so about SOS and FBIS and "AG" Rodriques
Subject: I told you so about SOS and FBIS and "AG" Rodriques
'AG' Fight Back in Sacto was/is really SOS 2 and it's now confirmed by the LIAR & hypocrite Davi FBIS Rodriques, their boss.
Just in.
I knew this info about SOS not renewing it's not-for-profit status over a year ago. I sent emails to concerned people of that BIG fact. I told people so, months ago. Now my intelligence work has been proved right...confirmed right out of the FBIS ass's lying mouth.
AG posted on his FBIS forums:Save Our State To Rise Again
Greetings Fellow Former Save Our State Members,
I'm going to make several announcements over the next few weeks in regards to Joe Turner's Save Our State.
First announcement is, Joseph Turner let the Save Our State corporation get suspended by the California Secretary of State which administers corporations in California. In order to keep a California corporation active, it's chairpersons, directors, or president must make yearly filings. These were not done, and in fact were long overdue.
With the corporation in suspension, I applied for, and received Save Our State. My name is now the name on record of control of the Corporation Save Our State. You may view the current and future documents as we progress in relation to this here:
Save Our State will be operated in a legitimate manner from this point forward. All legal filings will be made in a timely manner, and those required to be made publicly available for review will also be done in a timely manner.
Save Our State will choose officers, a governing board, and an advisory board to the corporation as required by law, and operated in an above board manner from this point forward.
The second portion of the Save Our State Corporation is the Charitable 501c3 status. I have researched the filings that Joe Turner either has, or has not made in relation to the charitable status of the organization, and thus far the California Attorney General's office has been unable to find where Joe Turner had complied with any filings necessary to enable him to call Save Our State a charitable corporation in California. I am continuing my research into this matter, as I believe it is important to disclose to those people who donated or were swayed by a stated charitable status to volunteer goods or services, that those efforts, goods, or services were given to a legitimate charitable corporation. At this time, I am making filings to properly obtain Save Our State's charitable status as a 501c3 Charitable corporation from both the federal, and state government. Once again, you will be able to follow our progress on the link provided above. At this time, we are not soliciting donations.
The Attorney General's office has a link for anyone to guide them when giving to a charity:
As you may know, the website is still operating under who-knows-who's direction. In addition, the Save Our website continues to advertise they are a Charitable California 501c3 corporation, and are soliciting donations. see this link:
We do not know who is the beneficiary of those solicitations. At present we are contacting the representatives listed to notify them they are infringing upon Save Our State's corporate entity.
Again, there will be more on this as we progress. We are continuing our investigation into the past operations of Save Our State, its' corporate officers, and its managing director in an effort to clear the respectable members, or disclose any improprieties. We hope to restore a once proud and recognized name in the immigration law enforcement movement in California, and regain the trust of those who have been active in that regard.
Davi Anthony Rodrigues Save Our State PO Box 160965 Sacramento, CA 95816-0965
Monday, September 14, 2009
Isn't it odd what happens in 2010 gubernatorial politics?
Things are odd.....
July 4th '09, near the US/Mexico border at Patriot's Point an patriotic event was held. Ms. Chelene Nightengale used this event to announce her 2010 gubernatorial candidacy. LINK:
Then Tom Tancredo spoke. LINK:
Tom Tancredo and Chelene Nightengale spoke at the same event from the same podium, one after the other ????
That's VERY puzzling, because:
1. Jim Gilchrist personally endorsed Gov. Huckabee for president.
2. Tom Tancredo personally endorsed Gov. Romney for president.
(PS...Chuck Norris and Ca. Rep. Duncan Hunter endorsed Gov. Huckabee for president.)
It is well known that Chelene Nightengale was militantly for Ron Paul. She stated publicly over and over that she was disgusted with Gilchrist stating and supporting Gov Huckabee for President. She stated to all that she won't support or be connected to any person who was a Gov. Huckabee or Gov Romney supporter in the illegal alien immigration movement. Because of that she was and is militantly anti-Gilchrist and MMP. She would not allow any Jim Gilchrist or MMP news matters to be discussed or even published at the org she was staffing.
**But now, Tancredo and Nightengale were BOTH there at July 4th Patriot's Point event. HHHHmmmmmm.
The apparent contradiction of endorsement facts makes you think.
Also, on endorsements, if you go to the Nightengale for Governor site 'endorsement' page, you will strangely see the San Diego MinuteMen leader, Jeff Schwilk's Nightengale for Governor video endorsement (hosted on the Brook 'watchdog' Young's You TUbe site) LINK:
But, AGAIN, Ms Nightengale loudly said that she would have nothing 'to do' with Mr Schwilk because he was a girlfriend 'beater' in front of children, assaulter of others and a convicted woman abuser and libeler. BUT now San Diego MinuteMen leader, Jeff Schwilk is making video for Nightengale candidacy and those endorsement videos are used on 2010 Nightengale's for Governor AIP site.
It's interesting.....huh ??!!??
AIP still has to vote on who their nominee is. There is a good chance she won't even make the cut. In the meantime, she can live off of her donors- whoever they are. AIP still hasn't had their convention to officially endorse Nightengale, YET.
While speaking to 3000 listening people in Oceanside, this mother of one is running on the Constitution Party (?) ticket, and points out that she "is not a career politician."
Nightingale discusses California´s future at rally in Oceanside, article LINK:
Talk about charlatans....
Isn't it odd what happens in politics?
Take Chelene Nightengale 2010 running for California Governor on the American Independent Party slate.
Things are odd.....
July 4th '09, near the US/Mexico border at Patriot's Point an patriotic event was held. Ms. Chelene Nightengale used this event to announce her 2010 gubernatorial candidacy.
(Copy & paste into your browser window)
Then Tom Tancredo spoke.
(Copy & paste into your browser window)
Tom Tancredo and Chelene Nightengale spoke at the same event from the same podium, one after the other ????
That's VERY puzzling, because:
1. Jim Gilchrist personally endorsed Gov. Huckabee for president.
2. Tom Tancredo personally endorsed Gov. Romney for president.
(PS...Chuck Norris and Ca. Rep. Duncan Hunter endorsed Gov. Huckabee for president.
It is well known that Chelene Nightengale was militantly for Ron Paul. She stated publicly over and over that she was disgusted with Gilchrist stating and supporting Gov Huckabee for President. She stated to all that she won't support or be connected to any person who was a Gov. Huckabee or Gov Romney supporter in the illegal alien immigration movement. Because of that she was and is militantly anti-Gilchrist and MMP. She would not allow any Jim Gilchrist or MMP news matters to be discussed or even published at the org she was staffing.
**But now, Tancredo and Nightengale were BOTH there at July 4th Patriot's Point event.
HHHHmmmmmm. The apparent contradiction of endorsement facts makes you think.
Also, on endorsements, if you go to the Nightengale for Governor site 'endorsement' page, you will strangely see the San Diego MinuteMen leader, Jeff Schwilk's Nightengale for Governor video endorsement (hosted on the Brook 'watchdog' Young's You TUbe site).
(Copy & paste into your browser window)
But, AGAIN, Ms Nightengale loudly said that she would have nothing 'to do' with Mr Schwilk because he was a girlfriend 'beater' in front of children, assaulter of others and a convicted woman abuser and libeler. BUT now San Diego MinuteMen leader, Jeff Schwilk is making video for Nightengale candidacy and those endorsement videos are used on 2010 Nightengale's for Governor AIP site.
It's interesting.....huh ??!!??
AIP still has to vote on who their nominee is. There is a good chance she won't even make the cut. In the meantime, she can live off of her donors- whoever they are. AIP still hasn't had their convention to officially endorse Nightengale, YET
RECENTLY, in Oceanside Ca, this mother of one is running on the Constitution Party (?) ticket, and points out that she
"is not a career politician."
"Nightingale discusses California´s future at rally in Oceanside"
(Copy & paste into your browser window)
Off her election site it says,
QUOTE- She can become the "Sarah Palin of California" and so much better that Americans will say: "We need more Governor Chelene Nightingales". This will make all women proud to say that "the best ever elected is a woman!" UNQUOTE
Isn't it odd what happens in politics? People change and will do just about anything that they would NOT do or say, otherwise.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Washington DC 09-12-09 tax revolt=s 2 million people
Monday, September 7, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Shawna Forde is a member of Chelene Save Our State & her buddie.
"You know, crazy can be fun to watch at times. Chelene is running around pretending that Shawna Forde is a surprise. This is too funny.
Shawna Forde is a member of Save Our State (SOS member BorderHawk). That is how I met her. She attended a border event with her BorderHawks co-founder Michael Williams. You all know Michael Williams as AZPatriot of Save Our State. Mr. Williams was the webmaster for SOS and was introduced to me by Ms. Nightingale as her "closest personal friend" at SOS.
Mr. Williams is an unemployed convicted felon (Burglary, breaking and entering, and receiving stolen property) which is why (by his own admission) he never joined the Minuteman Project. **<-- Fact not rumor
You may all know Mr. Williams, Ms. Forde, and Ms. Nightingale from their countless emails asking for donations to aide in the search for Ms. Forde's daughter who was "kidnapped by the Russian Mob", which was prominently advertised on Save Our State's forum and webpage for weeks in spite of warnings from the Seattle Police Dept. that it was a fraud. **<-- Fact not rumor
As I understand it, Ms. Nightingale's claim that Jim "refused to believe" that Shawna was involved in murder and robbery actually makes sense. Jim didn't know Shawna very well and it stands to reason that he was surprised. But, why then was Chelene and her #2 boy at SOS working so closely with Shawna if they knew just how crazy she actually is? In fact, nobody except for Jim has expressed surprise at the revelation that Ms. Forde is a murdering former prostitute fraud nutjob (allegedly on some of that).
Now, perhaps Chelene didn't actually care enough about SOS to purge Ms. Forde and Mr. Williams from the ranks, but surely our Governor to be had to put two and two together while she was sleeping on Michael's couch (technically his parent's couch) after becoming homeless (**see - she lost her house and consequently her rock star unemployed husband). Governor Chelene had to know something was up when she saw Mr. Williams and Ms. Forde dating. I know Michael denies this now, but the truth is the truth. We all saw them together at Vigellance-a-palooza.
So, to recap;
Chelene's buddy, webmaster, and temporary landlord is a known convicted felon who started a group with another SOS member (**also a convicted felon), but Jim is to blame for Shawna's prominence in the Border Movement. (**Funny enough, Chelene's buddy probably would have been in on Shawna's home invasion plan if he had somebody to mooch the gas money off of.) Chelene isn't surprised that Shawna is a nut job yet Shawna is a member of her beloved SOS. Chelene never once asked Shawna to leave any SOS function nor did she mind sharing a brew with her at the border, but Jim is to blame for Shawna.
Well, I agree with Ms. Nightingale on one thing. Murder IS a serious thing, but Ms. Nightingale is not and anybody who takes her seriously needs a CAT scan immediately.
It is important that everybody know the truth, but it is also important to note that all of the bickering and infighting is exactly what Chelene wants. It is what allows her to constantly slip through the cracks as she defames patriots by spreading rumor and innuendo. Yeah, Jim got duped by Shawna, but so did everyone else who never kicked her ass off the border or out of their orgs. But, as far as I can tell, Chelene was the only person who KNOWINGLY condoned Ms. Forde.
So, that you don't think I am totally full of crap, ask yourself if ANY of these sound familiar. Here is a partial list of Chelene's lies;
1) She has "SEEN" the proof that the hijackers are right (**she denied ever saying this in court)
2) Ray Herrera embarrassed her and the Ramos family in TX when Nacho surrendered
3) Ray Herrera and Robin are not true Christians (**as she is) because they left their spouses for each other
4) Ted Hayes was told by her and his friend Rhonda to get a job but would rather be homeless
5) Steve Eichler and Jim Gilchrist are the gay half children of Satan
6) William Gheen frivolously spends his donors money on "the biggest suite in the place" at the DC event and in Phoenix at the Ramos & Compean rally (**among others)
7) That March for America founder Jonnie Crivello was "sniveling" and power hungry
8) That Cheryl Burns and those who supported Chuck Baldwin were delusional and stealing Ron Paul's votes
9) She stated that she would never work with Jeff Schwilk because he is abusive to women
Believe me, the list goes on and you KNOW that you have heard her say these things and/or things like them. But, you know now that I think about it this was all probably Jim's fault.
One other thing, let's do a quick comparison;
Jim - Decorated war vet, co-wrote a book, launched the NATIONAL illegal immigration movement, 4000+ media appearances, endorsement sought by Presidential Candidate, head of Minuteman Project, Congressional candidate, married for 30+ years, and retired professional.
Chelene - Divorced, homeless, took SOS from 4000+ members to 10, never ran for ANY office, last job was handing out cheese in a supermarket (<-- True Story), pretends to be a model and actress yet has no credits or body of work, never served in uniform, no volunteer or activist resume, never founded anything.
And for the record, I am not a Minuteman and do not owe Jim nor anyone else a thing. I am not part of his (**or any) camp. So, don't try to belabor the truth by pretending that only one group sees through this crap. In fact, we all do.
Yes, everyone in these petty squabbles looks silly including Jim, but he has earned more in his lifetime than Chelene is even capable of recognizing. And the only reason that any of you fault Jim at all is because you expected more from him than you expect from Chelene. So, why are we supposed to vote for her again? Case closed."
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
'THEY' won the election, they have underestimated us....
Town Halls summer of '09 and listening to the voters.
The SF Valley Congressman Brad Sherman (D) ‘Dog & Pony Show’ town Meeting goes from good to silly to hostile.
""This was the first time I have attended an event like this since my collage days way back when. I remember those events to be vastly different. And I am one of those strange people who enjoy watching the weekly Public Open Comments at the LA City Council meetings for the drama, information and sometimes entertainment value. So last night was going to be essentially a good night out even if I heard or saw some matters that didn’t interest me. I was ready.
I had received this Town Hall Meeting notice through my email. **How a Democratic email list got my email has got me slightly angry because I protect my email jealousy. Well onto the night….
I arrived early to get a seat in the large High School auditorium. Sherman aides and interns were busy in the lobby pushing the Congressman’s mailing list. They were telling people to fill out information cards so they could hear from him. I am sorry, I must say I was more interested in being sure I could ask a question of Sherman and have some snacks. I was given a one ticket because there was to be a orderly line for the question period. The early lower number tickets had a better chance to speak and be heard by the Congressman. I sat down and the auditorium was only 1/3 full and most people there were the ‘retired’ crowd so I couldn’t tell what their mood was. I saw one fellow wearing a Home Depot store t-shirt caught my eye and I overheard some three folks near me whispered, ‘How bad illegals have loused up LA’. I did not recognize them. Later two members found me and I was given five more ‘question Sherman’ tickets to help my chances. We all moved to the front of Sherman's view. I also noticed that Time Warner cable was taping this meeting and we were told that it would be shown in the SF Valley cable system ‘On Demand’ channel for free. I saw NO other media there except a lone consumer video camera set up by a civilian.
Finally we started, Sherman came out and told us about his committee responsibilities on Congress. He is involved with a science, insurance and a third committee in Congress. Most of his committees were small ‘potatoes’ I guess since he has only been in Congress for 10 years now. He is a very blabby fellow. I then recognized that he was a democratic member of the Congressional Immigration Fact Finding Meeting that was in San Diego and Texas. He was on CNN in San Diego when he started his participation with those meetings saying, ‘These meetings are a waste of time and money. This is merely a Dog & Pony Show!’ and then did not actively participate in the meetings investigations. I thought he displayed a real crappy attitude and unbounded arrogance to his fellow Congressman, the State officials testifying, the voters attending and the CNN national audience. (Some members attended those San Diego meetings in person.) With that attitude, I wondered if he thought the same of this town hall meeting too? Sherman asked people to have a short simple question and keep the complicated long questions to a minimum.
Finally, he got to the question time. He had the people who had Sherman staff initialed ‘question asking tickets’ to speak first. These folks took 90% of the time. They were a combination of legitimate questions from problems, long ranting statements with no questions, ‘tin-foil hat’ speakers, and shouts from the frustrated members of the audience. We had a questioner who spoke for Hesbolla in the Israeli conflict saying that the Israeli army response was too harsh. We had a local businessman complain about how he is in the bulk mailing business and if they close the Canoga Park post office where his office is, he will be forced to spend more time and money driving 7 miles to the Van Nuys PO station to mail his mail. We heard from the 9-11 conspiracy theorists, a ‘Cindy Sheehan’ wannabee on Iraq, social security, import tariffs and a lady’s emotional impressions of the Twin Towers falling almost six years ago with no apparent question. Then ticket numbers called forth were only in the first ten digits from the tickets given out tonight. Some shorter matters covered were truck delivering at night only for easier freeway traffic alla ’84 Olympics, Sherman’s abstentions and voting record, health care issues with ‘shingles’ vaccine, would Sherman debate his Republican opponent (Yes), veteran’s pensions, and **LASTLY immigration**. We were deep into overtime, and we were told that we had to close. It looked like the illegal problem was not going to be addressed by ‘Open Borders D- voting report card' Sherman. The last person in line to speak, a lady was bringing up a related problem with closing hospitals due to illegals not paying their bills and overcrowding. Well, hallelujah….Finally.
Sherman started to ‘tap dance’ around the issue sarcastically saying:
that at the border there are two big signs. One says ‘DO NOT ENTER’ and the other one says, ‘HELP WANTED’ and then he smiled at the listening crowd.
At this point a gentleman yelled out, ‘That’s no answer. Where do you stand on the issue!’
Sherman started to ‘tap dance’ more.
Then our friends yelled out, ‘You're the one who called the Congressional Hearings in San Diego a ‘Dog and Pony Show. I know because I was there!’
Sherman repeated his San Diego response again with, ‘It was a show…and there were some very dirty dogs and some very ugly ponies!’
The audience gentleman then said additionally, ‘You insult the voters. Shame on you! I am not voting for you!’
A well dressed black woman sitting quietly through all this asked Sherman, ‘Why did you vote for such-and-such open borders bill? I am an immigration lawyer and you are wrong to vote ‘for’ that bill, Congressman." I got the idea that the lawyer next to me was anti-illegal and was for the naturalization process to be supported. She told me that there should not be any amnesty because it caused much more problems since ’84.
At this time, the question time was abruptly closed and chaos ruled. Hoards of people were rushing the Congressman’s area and I decided to leave quickly due to it was very very late for me. I got my ticket initialed by a Sherman staffer and I was told they didn’t know what date would be the next meeting.
Perhaps I will return because my typed questions were very much more appropriate and concise than some of the personal rantings I heard tonight. Those rantings did not speak well for John Q. Public’s discerning mind and voting choices. I probably should have networked with those couple of anti-illegal folks in the audience, but I spaced around then.
I left the meeting feeling it was very entertaining, and small waste of some of my time.[b] I learned how Sherman thinks with his ‘In the Clinton years everything was great’ hardcore Democrat myopia. He can’t see past his political party to the welfare of the nation. That is a REAL problem.[/b] The political parties are too busy beating each other than accomplishing something beneficial for the voters. Sherman is a real ‘enough of you talking, I have to talk about me’ politician/lawyer. And he was the only ‘Dog’ or ‘Pony’ I saw that night! ""
The SF Valley Congressman Brad Sherman (D) ‘Dog & Pony Show’ town Meeting goes from good to silly to hostile.
Call Congress and White House and give them your views !
They work for us, NOT the other way round.
House and Senate phone number
White House phone number
Be respectful but be adamant with facts !
Call your local Congressional reps and schedule a meeting at their offices NOW !
Funny olde Sam but not now!
Chelene SOS-running for Governor 2010 Nightengale LIES !!!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
BEWARE: Corrupt Doings at "FBIS" org or Fight Back in Sacramento .org and forums.
While good hundreds activists are disgruntled and disillusioned victims of Save Our State staff censorship, corruption & member's banning for the unpardonable crime of voicing a differing opinion and those good activists suffered under the vindictive & capricious vendetta of it's female leader; another new .org was started named 'Fight Back in Sacramento'. Unfortunately, this new .org has many of the same corrupt leadership vindictive earmarks and uses their leadership positions against any vocal general patriotic members that point out the .orgs leadership corruption there. Members are not allowed to review the leadership's actions by voicing their opposiog views are attacking its members. When those good folks are black-balled or marginalized, I could see that that org was a popularity cult.
***And their discussion forum's moderating team is conducting a repessive vendetta against ANY individuals who are members of Minuteman Project forums or speak up for the MMP on those forums or defend those MMP members that speak up to correct the fraud record on those discussion FBIS boards. The FBIS Staff do not like anything Gilchrist exactly like that other dying Turner org.***
Taking a page from the SOS fickle forum staff crimes on members, 'FBIS' forums have many mysterious covert administrative handle accounts to hide any accountability for their Gestapo actions and even one FBIS administrative handle account that THREE covert anonymous staff members can use for their member's censorship of any posted opinions and the restriction of good members free & open use of their Freedom of Speech. Also like that 'other' corrupt org, 'FIBS' has a 'purgatory' section for holding bannished uncooperative members that is open for all to see and post on for even more public punitive mocking of those deamed 'not of the .org'. That just disgusts me to know how hard it is to motivate folks to do things to better their neighborhoods against illegal aliens and have some ignorant meglomaniacs destroy that inniative of activists. I know of many good folks that got banned and that put our efforts in the trash heap. We are still suffering from that today. Some folks left permanently, and many are disillusioned will never join-up again. That is why I think this matter is a cancer on our movement and needs to be cut-out and not easily dismissed (Amnesty for org corruption anyone?). Anyone who was party to those deeds should make a clear admission of doing so and tell all who will listen the whole hidden facts about the unfair injustice that they saw or accomplished on their 'watch'. Then it's not hidden or censored. And the vicitms can get final fairness and make a informed decision on these matters. Informed people should know that this new org is just SOS clone or Part 2 with regurgitating it's many secret punitive actions towards good people (stalking, smearing, banishment, or outright banning of members). Self examining the FBIS membership list showing that many SOS staffers are now INSIDE and welcomed in Fight Back in Sact.
SOS staff
Arizona Patriot * Mike Williams SOS staff, webmaster
AyatollahGondola * Davi Rodriques, SOS staff, AdM
Bonfire * SOS staff, AdM- Tecate Volnteers- leader
kjl * 'jeanfromFilmore' SOS staff, events
REWHBLCAIN * Mark Cain SOS staff, AdM
LAPhil * SOS staff, AdM
PochoPatriot * SOS staff, AdM
StokeyBob * SOS staff, AdM
1inchgroup * SOS staff, AdM
Rim05 * SOS staff
Dawes * SOS staff-
Cat Patrol * SOS
DARSACRAMENTO * SOS * Sam 'SZinWestLA' Zilsman
Freedom Rings * SOS
joazinha * SOS
ohighlass * SOS
Reportanddeport * SOS
Sierrapatriot * SOS
True Blue * SOS
borderwatch * SOS
sandinator * SOS
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
What happened to you 'Crazy' Christie C ??
'Crazy' Christie C answers: "What really happened to you?"
*I have been stalked physically and electronically for over 2 years.
*These claimants who file false reports about me (Jeff Schwilk, Jim Stachowiak and Celeste Diedre Bonds Cortes) have threatened to kill me, have filed false reports which led to another investigation and ultimate raid on my house after they committed a crime I refused to participate in after I exposed a sex trafficking ring run by the city
*Have threatened to poison me, my children and my housemate
*Have threatened to steal my children and take them across the border to sell
*Have been attacked with non lethal weapons that burned me and my children
*Was completely disabled
*I have been shot at
*I have been beat up physically
*My children and I have been burned with DEW's (Directed energy weapons)
*I have been set up for multiple crimes
*Computer hacked and phone bugged
*My house broken into multiple times, bank account defrauded more than once to the tune of 7 thousand dollars. All family heirlooms stolen from my home in the middle of the day.
*Posted my personal information online and radio broadcasts repeatedly to encourage others to pay me a visit.
*Have made 37 fake youtube sites impersonating or slandering me.
*Have made dozens of videos making false claims
*Have actually reported these fake crimes to intelligence agencies
*Have had multiple sites taken down due to false reports by those trying to conceal their crimes
*Have been harassed by police and other law enforcement due to these false reports
*Have been pulled over and searched of all my belongings and detained for 12 hours trying to move to a safe place due to an anonymous report that I was a terrorist and carrying contraband and/or bombs
*Have been investigated by multiple agencies including Child Protective Services because of these false claims
*My car has been vandalized numerous times
*My car was completely dismantled (totaled) in front of my house
*Dead pets left on my front door
*Attempted arson to my house
*Have been to court (and won EVERY TIME) due to these false allegations
*My domain names were hijacked and directed to other sites
*I have been denied help from multiple law enforcement agencies
*I have been denied restraining orders even when video evidence of me being physically beaten was presented
*I was set up by falling for a story of a mother who lost her children and needed a nice place to live so she had a chance of getting them back and drove her to her anger management and personality skills and English classes who stole and highjacked everything she could get a hold of and terrorized our lives after the police had to escort her off our property for threats against myself, my children, a housemate and friend
*They have attacked, threatened and slandered anyone who dares talk to me
*They have called harassed and threatened congressional candidates that I have worked for or did raido Internet shows with.
What happened to you 'Crazy' Christie C ??
Christie Janelle Czajkowski is the Owner & Administrator of Truth answers: "What really happened to you?"
I have been stalked physically and electronically for over 2 years.
These claimants who file false reports about me (Jeff Schwilk, Jim Stachowiak and Celeste Diedre Bonds Cortes) have threatened to kill me, have filed false reports which led to another investigation and ultimate raid on my house after they committed a crime I refused to participate in after I exposed a sex trafficking ring run by the city
Have threatened to poison me, my children and my housemate
Have threatened to steal my children and take them across the border to sell
Have been attacked with non lethal weapons that burned me and my children
Was completely disabled
I have been shot at
I have been beat up physically
My children and I have been burned with DEW's (Directed energy weapons)
I have been set up for multiple crimes
Computer hacked and phone bugged
My house broken into multiple times, bank account defrauded more than once to the tune of 7 thousand dollars. All family heirlooms stolen from my home in the middle of the day.
Posted my personal information online and radio broadcasts repeatedly to encourage others to pay me a visit.
Have made 37 fake youtube sites impersonating or slandering me.
Have made dozens of videos making false claims
Have actually reported these fake crimes to intelligence agencies
Have had multiple sites taken down due to false reports by those trying to conceal their crimes
Have been harassed by police and other law enforcement due to these false reports
Have been pulled over and searched of all my belongings and detained for 12 hours trying to move to a safe place due to an anonymous report that I was a terrorist and carrying contraband and/or bombs
Have been investigated by multiple agencies including CPS because of these false claims
My car has been vandalized numerous times
My car was completely dismantled (totaled) in front of my house
Dead pets left on my front door
Attempted arson to my house
Have been to court (and won EVERY TIME) due to these false allegations
My domain names were hijacked and directed to other sites
I have been denied help from multiple law enforcement agencies
I have been denied restraining orders even when video evidence of me being physically beaten was presented
I was set up by falling for a story of a mother who lost her children and needed a nice place to live so she had a chance of getting them back and drove her to her anger management and personality skills and English classes who stole and highjacked everything she could get a hold of and terrorized our lives after the police had to escort her off our property for threats against myself, my children, a housemate and friend
They have attacked, threatened and slandered anyone who dares talk to me
They have called harassed and threatened congressional candidates that I have worked for or did shows with.
Monday, July 20, 2009
SOS Chelene uses Ramos & Campeon families for her $$
I know of many good folks that got banned by Chelene or her 'others' and that put our efforts in the trash heap. We are still suffering from that today. Some folks left permanently.
That is why I think this matter is a cancer on our movement and needs to be cut-out and not easily dismissed (amnesty anyone?). Anyone who was party to those deeds should make a clear admission of doing so and tell all who will listen the whole hidden facts about the unfair injustice that they saw occur on their 'watch'. Then it's not hidden or censored. And the vicitms can get fairness and make a informed decision on these matters.
The main thing I have against Chelene Nightingale is how she tried to manipulate Ramos and Compean for her own purposes. She acted like she was THE spokesperson for them. She would brag to NO end on her friendship with the agents and their families, and insist that people contact them through HER, saying that she was NOT going to allow ANYONE to harm them. She DIDN'T like being REMINDED that LOTS of OTHER Americans ALSO dearly loved and appreciated Ramos and Compean and were deeply concerned about them. She even told people that they could SEND DONATIONS for the agents to HER!
When major milestone events occurred, such as the July 2008 rejection of the second appeal of Ramos and Compean or the commutation of their unjust prison terms last January, Nightingale would warn people NOT to call or email the families because of the stress these events carry (I DEFIED her ridiculous orders and phoned the Ramoses on BOTH occasions anyway! GOOD thing I DID, they were DELIGHTED to hear from me!).
However, Raymond Herrera told me that NOBODY has to go through Nightingale to contact the Ramos and Compean families, people can do that on their OWN! Mr. Loya publicized his phone number and email so that ANYONE could reach them, Ray said. Nightingale is NOT the SOLE spokesperson for the Ramos and Compean families, she is a SELF-appointed one, Ray indicated. Nightingale's false charge that Mr. Gilchrist neglected Ramos and Compean incensed me to PUBLICLY rebuke her. Of course, THAT did NOT AT ALL go over well with Nightingale. In her final email to me about my posts against her, Nightingale rasped that "anyone who uses Ramos and Compean for their personal advancement or benefit should be tarred and feathered!! They are HEROES and GREAT people may I add. I will defend the Ramos family until the end!! They are family to me and I will always be there to make sure people stop hurting them!!" (those are her EXACT words! Yet, WHO used Ramos and Compean for their personal ends MORE than Nightingale?!
HOW on earth can she possibly be FAMILY to them after the CONTEMPTIBLE way she EXPLOITED their untold personal and family tragedy!) I sure hope and pray that the nasty falsehoods Nightingale spread about Mr. Gichrist and others who care deeply for Ramos and Compean will COME BACK to HAUNT her! And last month, God blessed me to meet, for the FIRST time, Jose Compean and his lovely wife Patty. I sure hope and pray that their first meeting with me enabled them to see beyond any lies Nightingale may have told them about me. And I tried, as tactfully and yet as truthfully as possible, to help Jose and Patty realize that Mr. Gilchrist and Ray and Kingfish and other fellow patriots at the MMP are among the BEST friends Jose and Nacho and their families could have! I don't just believe it, I KNOW it!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
LOL, Chelene running for Calif governor 2010
"Since Chelene Nightengoul is now a public figure running for elective office, she will have to allow criticism from anyone. Progressing from screwing-up her laugingly self-called modeling and equity stage actress career in Washington, her broken marriage, filing personal financial bankruptcy only a year ago, her home schooled two kids, lost her house to foreclosure, the direction and killing the membership of Save Our State, long-time melomaniac of Joe Turner's org, bad campaign manager of Art Olivier state election campaign (failed), disloyal to George Bush & Ron Paul & libertarians and now AIP in three years; she has the American Independant Party (who gave us racist George Wallace) backing her for Governor of the Golden State. How appropriate but makes conservatives look like a crazy joke. A shameful act. Search Yahoo Groups for info website called- saveoursanity2 group."
People have already said about Chelene running for Calif governor from Ameri Indep Party:
"Ms. Nightingale is ill suited for the position she seeks because she has an established history of wildly lashing out at people with whom she disagrees, in much the same fashion as you would expect of a girl 30 years her junior. Her reputation inside the niche grassroots subculture she inhabits is damaged to the extent that her name is commonly used as a punch line by many of the people most familiar with her efforts of the last four or five years. Insofar as her ability to address California's financial problems, she has had pronounced difficulty successfully addressing even her own financial problems of late.
Mix these factors in with this candidate's considerable appetite for internet fodder caliber conspiracy theories, and you have a person seeking office well above her "pay grade."
This being said, however, she is on the right side of most issues that impact our state. Therefore, if you are seeking a candidate upon whom to bestow your "protest vote," this is your horse."
People have already said about Chelene running for Calif governor from Ameri Indep Party:
"Oh c'mon now everyone. This is as ridiculous as snipe hunting. Chelene is a media hound, and a megalomaniac. She's not here to win, or even place. She's here to get her ego stroked and satisfy her lust for personal spotlight. Even the looniest Californian would not entertain the possibility of placing a nobody that filed personal bankruptcy only a year ago into the chair of an executive of a state that is also bankrupt. In addition, the party whose ticket she's running on hasn't even done enough homework on her to know how just this alone would make them look.
There's so much absolute lunacy her running for governor that I would disregard anything that the constitution party coughs up until such time as they have lightning strike them and make them omnipitent."
Joe Turner’s running for public office and his mismanagement of SOS.
I find it laughable that Mr. Turner has decided to run for public office. He has little or no experience in this job. He has only one management challenge in his past and that is his advocacy group, Save Our State. He has run for elected office four times and lost four times.
As a matter of fact, his group Save Our State, has been running poorly since he left to work for another advocacy group FAIR, due to the many inept leaders he choose to manage his club in his absence. AZ Patriot (Mike Williams), Patriotic Dream (Chelene Nightengale), Old Preach (Don Silva) have run his club into the ground. These current administratively flawed SOS staffers are consistently uninterested in general members problems due to their busy many ‘legislation’ road trips, give out little or no guidance with problems, seldom consult each other on staff matters, sweep SOS BBS problems under ‘the rug’, and when they do give out a BBS problem solution offer conflicting confused directions to their struggling confused general SOS members. Where is Mr. Turner? There are MORE problems. Mr. Turner knows about the SOS problems. Mr. Turner after seeing this mess has run away from taking any corrective actions to put SOS matters right with new replacements on SOS staff and obviously he has left for greener pastures. Thank you, Joe!
Many people use to blame the current SOS leadership for this chaos. But looking towards Mr. Turner’s run for elective office, the real blame and the only person who can correct his busted glass house is Mr. Joe Turner. His current SOS staff actions towards general members are unethical, jingoistic, gang-like, and unprincipled. There are MORE problems. People who try to do post any honest suggestions are flamed, name called, pilloried, ‘witch hunted’ by SOS forum staff members and after those staff ‘baited’ members are immediately unethically banned from their forums by the dishonest SOS staff. And that is deeply confusing and deceitful as general members are maltreated when they express their own respectful opinions on how to improve the efficiency of SOS.
No staff criticism, theoretical discussions of how to do their mission better, or in depth critical analysis of their public events are NOT allowed on their BBS. Attempts to do so are SOS staff classified as 'negativity and divisive’. Those posts and posting authors are banned without a reason or notice.
This entire situation smells of those in power wanting to silence a dissenting positive examining voice. There are MORE problems. Seldom do recently ‘banned’ general members get the professional SOS forum staff courtesy to be shown exactly what was their forum posting mistake.
QUOTE 'You have been banned for the following reason:
Same stuff, differnt day. Las suspension before perm ban.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never QUOTE
I am truly beginning to believe this illegal immigration movement group is one big ego club and that if you disagree or question anything about the SOS, you are attacked, ostracized and made an outcast. Often the SOS staff public banning rules are corruptively not followed by their own staff members when no warnings are administrated to perceived ‘wrong doers’ or one week bans are administratively staff converted into LIFE BANS all the while the member is no longer participating or posting any additional comments on the SOS forums. It is an excuse for staff to get rid of bothersome positive thinking general members and their beneficial ideas. General members are threatened with their BBS membership ‘being reviewed’. This is just a small sample of the SOS staff unethical dealings with general members. There are MORE problems. If general members contact SOS staffers for assistance or for help, general members get very little assistance or at best get several conflicting directions on the member frantic problem on the SOS forums. Joe Turner has set up this group and assigned the SOS staff to run it. There are MORE problems. I would hope that most SOS people do NOT believe this saying, "Go along to get along, the end justifies the means", philosophy. People are beginning to see that illegal immigration movement leaders want and need general members who don’t ‘rock the boat’ kind of a people.
Joe Turner has a unpleasant record. And Joe Turner wants to become an elected public official with public administrative responsibilities. I think not! He won’t get or deserve my vote or support. He has run for elected office four times and lost four times.
Joe Turner’s running for public office and his mismanagement of SOS.
I find it laughable that Mr. Turner has decided to run for public office. He has little or no experience in this job. He has only one management challenge in his past and that is his advocacy group, Save Our State. He has run for elected office four times and lost four times.
As a matter of fact, his group Save Our State, has been running poorly since he left to work for another advocacy group FAIR, due to the many inept leaders he choose to manage his club in his absence. AZ Patriot (Mike Williams), Patriotic Dream (Chelene Nightengale), Old Preach (Don Silva) have run his club into the ground. These current administratively flawed SOS staffers are consistently uninterested in general members problems due to their busy many ‘legislation’ road trips, give out little or no guidance with problems, seldom consult each other on staff matters, sweep SOS BBS problems under ‘the rug’, and when they do give out a BBS problem solution offer conflicting confused directions to their struggling confused general SOS members. Where is Mr. Turner? There are MORE problems. Mr. Turner knows about the SOS problems. Mr. Turner after seeing this mess has run away from taking any corrective actions to put SOS matters right with new replacements on SOS staff and obviously he has left for greener pastures. Thank you, Joe!
Many people use to blame the current SOS leadership for this chaos. But looking towards Mr. Turner’s run for elective office, the real blame and the only person who can correct his busted glass house is Mr. Joe Turner. His current SOS staff actions towards general members are unethical, jingoistic, gang-like, and unprincipled. There are MORE problems. People who try to do post any honest suggestions are flamed, name called, pilloried, ‘witch hunted’ by SOS forum staff members and after those staff ‘baited’ members are immediately unethically banned from their forums by the dishonest SOS staff. And that is deeply confusing and deceitful as general members are maltreated when they express their own respectful opinions on how to improve the efficiency of SOS.
No staff criticism, theoretical discussions of how to do their mission better, or in depth critical analysis of their public events are NOT allowed on their BBS. Attempts to do so are SOS staff classified as 'negativity and divisive’. Those posts and posting authors are banned without a reason or notice.
This entire situation smells of those in power wanting to silence a dissenting positive examining voice. There are MORE problems. Seldom do recently ‘banned’ general members get the professional SOS forum staff courtesy to be shown exactly what was their forum posting mistake.
QUOTE 'You have been banned for the following reason:
Same stuff, differnt day. Las suspension before perm ban.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never QUOTE
I am truly beginning to believe this illegal immigration movement group is one big ego club and that if you disagree or question anything about the SOS, you are attacked, ostracized and made an outcast. Often the SOS staff public banning rules are corruptively not followed by their own staff members when no warnings are administrated to perceived ‘wrong doers’ or one week bans are administratively staff converted into LIFE BANS all the while the member is no longer participating or posting any additional comments on the SOS forums. It is an excuse for staff to get rid of bothersome positive thinking general members and their beneficial ideas. General members are threatened with their BBS membership ‘being reviewed’. This is just a small sample of the SOS staff unethical dealings with general members. There are MORE problems. If general members contact SOS staffers for assistance or for help, general members get very little assistance or at best get several conflicting directions on the member frantic problem on the SOS forums. Joe Turner has set up this group and assigned the SOS staff to run it. There are MORE problems. I would hope that most SOS people do NOT believe this saying, "Go along to get along, the end justifies the means", philosophy. People are beginning to see that illegal immigration movement leaders want and need general members who don’t ‘rock the boat’ kind of a people.
Joe Turner has a unpleasant record. And Joe Turner wants to become an elected public official with public administrative responsibilities. I think not! He won’t get or deserve my vote or support. He has run for elected office four times and lost four times.
NMI's boss becomes 'Mr MOM', leaves activism.
UPDATE: NMI is a bare bones skeleton org now with fewer that 3 postings in the forum a week by die-hard cheerleaders doing just about nothing for local neighborhood activism anymore !!
I find it extremely sad that Dennis Slater has decided make Old Preach (Don Silva) his NMI forum administrator while Mr Slater is ‘on hiatus’ while expecting his first baby next year. Old Preach has poor job experience record as a forum administrator position. As a matter of fact on his home forum SOS, Old Preach has demonstrated his own biased, unfair, unethical and corrupt administration for many years now. OP as an SOS forum staffer gives little guidance, seldom consults other forum staff, sweeps problems under the rug, and gives out conflicting confused solutions to their struggling general SOS members. There are MORE OP problems. Mr Slater leaving his control of the NMI forums, the real blame and the only person who can correct NMI BBS ‘glass house’ is Dennis Slater. OP’s staff actions towards general members are unethical, jingoistic, cliquish, and unprincipled. And that is deeply confusing and deceitful as NMI general members are maltreated when they express their own respectful opinions on how to improve the efficiency of NMI’s mission in their NMI forum posts. No criticism of any other illegal immigration group, no theoretical discussions of how to do their ‘secure the borders’ mission better, or no in depth critical analysis of their public events are NOT allowed on the NMI BBS. This entire situation smells of those in power wanting to silence a dissenting voice. There are MORE problems. People who try to do post any meaningful suggestions are flamed by NMI forum staff members and after those ‘baited’ members are immediately unethically banned from their forums by the dishonest NMI staff. There are MORE problems. Seldom do recently ‘ban’ general members get the professional NMI forum staff courtesy to be shown exactly what was their forum-posting mistake. Posting any vague general suggestions on how to improve NMI mission are interpreted as negative by Mr. Slater or his NMI staff as ‘starting trouble’ and people are banned from the forum. I am truly beginning to believe the illegal immigration movement is one big ego club and that if you disagree or question anything about it, you are attacked, ostracized and made an outcast. I would hope that most people do NOT believe this saying, "Go along to get along, the end justifies the means", philosophy.
American Patriot 77 You TUbe account is filled with cute baby videos and not the neighborhood activism against Day laborer centers that got Slater so credibilty in the past. I wonder if Slater ever wipped that blood off his head and was his son born with the same hard head !
It is an excuse for NMI staff to get rid of bothersome general members and their beneficial ideas to help NMI. This is just a small sample of the NMI staff unethical dealings with questioning general members. There are MORE problems. Dennis Turner has set up this group and assigned the NMI staff to run it. There are MORE problems. Now, Dennis Slater has shown (with choosing OP = Don Silva) a seriously flawed record of picking his inept vicious personal friends for forum staff responsibilities. People are beginning to see that illegal immigration movement leaders want and need general members who ‘don’t rock the boat’ kind of a people. And Dennis Slater wants some time off from his clubs forum’s administrative responsibilities…I say choose someone…anyone else as forum AdM. Choose another from your existing staff. Old Preach is a bad selection. Old Preach as forum AdM is like putting a hungry fox in charge of the chicken coop!
UPDATE: NMI is a bare bones skeleton org now with fewer that 3 postings in the forum a week by die-hard cheerleaders doing just about nothing for local neighborhood activism anymore !!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
10 year Calif spending 'bubble' used by illegal aliens !!
These several senators admit that there was a calif spending 'bubble' that started 10 years ago and continued ever since, every single year. This bubble state monies went to health and education programs primarily for illegal aliens in living in Calif. Millions of dollars each year spent on people who are taking govt benefits away from being accessed by US calif citizens until this spending became 15% of the total yearly budget of calif. If the state democrats didn't continue spending this money, the state would have had a balanced budget for over 10 years and no current budget deficit today. 2 billion dollars given out to illegals every year for over 10 years...
I told you so...
Chelene's Camp Vigilance July 4th event was a TURD!
JUST Off the sos BBS...first account posted there.
""Well, I went there on the 4th of July and it was only, okay.
It is better than last years, as we have Nacho and Tom Tancredo arrived to share
us their insights and experiences. Ted Hayes's speech was awesome and very
inspiring. ***Chelene did made an announcement on running for Governor and I kind
of wish that she was given more speech time, but she had to cut her speech short
so she can be on the air on Radio Network or whatever it is called. We have
couple of candidates that are running for San Diego's law enforcement offices
and of course we have a speech about the petitions. (It is very imperative to
get them signed and be placed on the ballot).
I would say the number of participants is the same as last year, but perhaps
more this year than last year. I have seen similar faces around and there are
new patriots that I haven't seen before. There were more vendors and a lot of
good stuff to read and buy. Geno's made a great shredded pork sandwhiches. One
karate training school was given an opportunity to showcase their skills and
even have one blind karate student getting involved!
I would say that the organizers did one heck of a job and I am sure everyone is
very impressed. Great speeches and great people.
Unfortunately, I have left the event in a very upset mood, as I didn't get a
chance to talk with anyone about the petitions (trying to drum up the support by
organizing signature drive events) and didn't get a chance to talk with Chelene
about her campaign and SOS. I was so upset and disgusted that I left without
saying goodbye to anyone. I apologized, but I was down. Don't get me wrong, I
don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but that's basically how I felt and I am
not too shy about it.
Jeanoffilmore, if you are wondering about if we ever had a roundtable discussion
with variety of leaders, well, it never happened (if it did happened, well I
wasn't invited). I was trying to get ahold of Chelene and asked her about it,
but it just never happened. All I can say is we have to move on and see where we
are heading. For now, I will be focusing on gathering signatures for the Tax
Payers' Revolution and will do my best to participate Jean's events.""
***Chelene did made an announcement on running for Governor
**Chelene is running (LOL!!!) for Calif Governor in 2010 from the American Independant Party (folks that gave you, George Wallace for Pres). She has filed personal bankrupty {wooppeee, thousands in new campaign donations !!!} and has no real experience or training and has failed in modeling, actress, wife, homeschool mother, managing the SOS, failed in managing the local political campaign of Art Olivier, working for Ron Paul presidential campaign. What a candidate !
Here is puff-piece phoney BS political 'bio' of here website. NOTICE: the "BS" at the areas maked with (**???)
QUOTE: Chelene Nightingale is the daughter of an Air Force veteran. She attended military base schools and learned patriotism and loyalty to the United States of America from her military upbringing and maternal legal immigrant family.
After her education, Chelene established a solid modeling and acting career in Seattle,(***???)
then relocated to the golden state of California in the early 1990’s. She continued to pursue a career in the entertainment industry,(***???)
but after the tragic events of 9-11 and the birth of her son, she became concerned for her child that the country she loved was in danger.
Over 4 years ago, a good friend who is not only a Marine veteran, but the son of a legal immigrant from Mexico, educated her that the tragic events of 9-11 may have been prevented had our borders been secured and our legal immigration laws enforced.
After some research on the issues, Nightingale joined the California-based non-profit political organization Save Our State. Soon she would become the media and events organizer for the group, then later promoted to managing director by the 501c3’s founder.
Under her direction, SOS membership greatly increased (***and Killed!!!)
and she became known as someone who definitely gets things done!
During her tenure at Save Our State, Chelene organized community events and lobbying efforts in both Washington D.C. and Sacramento. One of her most proud achievements was helping to bring national attention to the false imprisonment of former Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean. She successfully organized a march in Hollywood for the agents which was featured on the nationally syndicated program “America’s Most Wanted” hosted by John Walsh.
Nightingale is certainly no stranger to political campaigns. Back in 2006, she was the campaign manager for California gubernatorial candidate Art Olivier. Two years later, she would meet with presidential candidate Ron Paul and officially endorse his campaign.(***???)
In January 2009, the American Independent Party approached this political figure and homeschooling mother to be their nominee for California governor. Chelene accepted when the Sacramento bureaucrats betrayed their constituents by passing the highest state tax increase in the nation’s history. Since that time, Chelene has joined other frustrated voters at various statewide tea parties. Her dynamic persona, along with her inspirational speaking style, have placed her in high demand at political rallies due to her ability to draw large crowds and motivate people into action.(***??)
She is honored to represent “we the people” instead of special interest money. She hopes that other frustrated Californians will join her on this journey to help take back our Golden State! UNQUOTE
Monday, June 8, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Chelene's 'SoCal Coalition' is phony......
Chelene and her pseudo CRONIES are fakes! |
Chelene says: Our SoCal Coalitions is very strong and let's keep it that way!
SoCal Patriot Coalition- (many unknown, SOS, SDMM, MCDC, and other splinter spin-off 'shell' orgs)
California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR), Barbara Coe, sued in lawsuit.
Save Our State- nightengoul
Tecate Border Volunteers- "Bonfire" leader, sos staff
San Diego Minutemen- bikini schwilk
FIRE Coalition,,updated '08,
SDMM Schwilk and AVMM Jorge and Robin Hvidston- So Cal reps.
Antelope Valley Minutemen- Frank Jorge (retired)
Minuteman Corps of California-Simcox
Central Coast Minutemen (MCDC)- simcox
Latino Americans for Immigration Reform (LAIR)last updated site, fall '07
lupe Moreno, 200 members.
Stop Taxing Us- 2009, Carlsbad, CA 92011, 800 supporters,Gary Gonsalves, M.D. Co-Founder...Rhonda Deniston, Oceanside..Dana Matas, marketing
Taxpayer Revolution- Committee, SAN DIEGO, CA 92169,graduate student Ted Hilton, State Committee ID no. 1297837, site form contact, sponsoers CALIFORNIA TAXPAYER PROTECTION ACT 2012 inniative
Los Angeles Minutemen- myspace only, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps(Simcox)
Desert Cities Minutemen-,
Maxwell Britton, Contact: 760-508-4971,
Ted Hayes’ Group- Crispus Attucks Brigade, Choose Black America
Jamiel’s Law- Jamiel Shaw sr?
You Don’t Speak for Me, San Diego (Hispanics against illegal immigration)
Gun Rights Committee, San Diego
Border Patrol Auxiliary-'08 last updated,
San Diego Citizens Brigade,
Oceanside Watch League (OWL) Carol Derbis, president
NO website found
Escondido Minuteman Brigade
no website found
San Diego Christians for Secure Borders
site not found
Carlsbad Citizens Brigade
site not found
Encinitas Citizens Brigade
site not found
We the People, San Diego
no site found
Stop SPP (Security & Prosperity Partnership),
no website found
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Patriot lynching by SOS's Nightengoul...Davi Rodriguez aka AyatollahGondola
Save our Sanity info site on
04-30-2009, 05:05 PM Chelene Patriotic Dream wrote: Attention SOS
patriots, Davi Rodriguez aka AyatollahGondola is no longer the Save Our
State Northern California Director. In addition A.G. has been suspended
from the forum for one month for creating divide, drama, and instigating
in-fighting. (more later...)
Here is the video in question...
A record of he You Tube discussion of this video as of today's date...
JamesTCA (1 month ago) I declare you: Not guilty.
(Robert Crooks) Bigbadred23 (1 month ago) -6: You disrespected me on sos
how does it feel I spent 6 months on the border and You reap what u sow
bro I thank You for what You do but u did the same shit to me
linwooddeaton (1 month ago) +7: I guess you didn't understand the speech
he just gave. United we stand.
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago): (Robert Crooks) BigBadRed23,
I don't know the circumstances you mentioned; there were probably a lot
of instances where I treated people unfairly. I was just a bigger spoke
in the SOS wheel, but I still did what I was directed many times, as
opposed to what I wished. However, that is not to say that I wouldn't
vote to do it again on my own given the same percieved offenses. The
point is, now you have no say in your defense; no choice in your leaders,
and no voice in how your supposed community operates.
WilliamDawes (1 month ago) -5: It wasn't about tit for tat, it was about
kdreger (1 month ago) +8: I agree, the rule of law is decided in the
court, not online in some stupid chat area or forum! Grow up folks, we do
not eat our own please.
SEAZBD (1 month ago) Comment removed by author
SEAZBD (1 month ago) Comment removed by author
(EX-SOSer) PochoPatriot (1 month ago) +17: It IS time to end the
dictatorships within the Border Security movement.
(SOS staffer) oneinchgroup (1 month ago) +9: This is ridiculous dude. To
even start to compare yourself to Gilchrist is a joke. That dude was in
it for himself and his own financial gain. I know you as one of the few
remaining people that still puts their money and their free time where
their mouth is.
SOS was never intended to be a controlled group of people. The intent was
to let people do what they wanted to do, and post about it there.
All this because you had someone's email address in your book. Ridiculous
and asinine.
reportanddeport (1 month ago) +6: You're missing the point. Yes,
Gilchrist is a megalomaniacal ass who has been stalked by a hit mob, BUT,
the people after him are just as jealous of Gilchrist's prominence, as
they legitimately upset about Gilchrist's phoniness. I too despise
Gilchrist, but I finally realized that the dogs hunting him down mostly
want to replace Gilchrist's phony mug with their own phony mugs.
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply; Yeah, I am not Gilchrist. He is
another one issuing drama packed email hit pieces across the internet.
That's all they do; accuse, indict, and defend without ever concluding
the process. If we had tried his claims before a jury of his peerswithin
our movement, this may have been over long ago. the truth may have
actually set us all free from this saga.
SquawPeaks (1 month ago) +4 Imagine if ego's and BS were put aside and
as much effort went into exercising rights and changing what we demand in
the legislatures where our rights are first not only exercised but
enacted. It's no wonder I go it alone. Can't depend on anyone to do the
dirty dirty work but yourself! Protests do nothing without the savvy of
utilizing OUR legislative process. How many bills has SOS, MMP or MMC
written or helped introduced in any state? Don't answer if it won't give
me hope.
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply: I'll give you some hope. The SOS
founder got some traction with a local ordinance, and I've been working
on one as well. Also, many of the SOS faithful pushed for legislative
efforts when they were critical. I think people lost faith in legislative
remedy after 187 was overuturned
SquawPeaks (1 month ago) +7 Reply | Spam Thank You! From your statement,
I see it was individuals who acted on their own accord. Individuals
stopped the 4 amnesty back door pushes by Bush and the democratic
congress. What if any org. has written and introduced legislation in any
state? I commend your efforts, perhaps we should hook up. I recently got
a bill passed in my state and four others in 2 other states all against
illegals. Seems u are willing to do the hard work and I am tired of
begging for help and getting only the excuses
reportanddeport (1 month ago) Comment removed by author
reportanddeport (1 month ago) +10: Chelene Nightengale has ruined Save
Our State with her OBSESSION with POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. ALL you're going
to get from her is domination and bizarre liberal values, NOT
co-operation. DON'T waste your time with SOS, rather, FORM YOUR OWN
NETWORK of reliable individuals who are focused on stopping illegal
aliens, instead of drawing attention to themselves and trying to control
borderwatch (1 month ago) +6: You are great guy, working very hard in
Sacramento with not a lot of support.
You are a great Patriot and a Brave Man.
borderraven (1 month ago) +17: I'll wait until I can hear the testimony
of witnesses, observe cross-examination, and see evidence presented,
before I'll declare guilt. Davi, until that happens, you are innocent.
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply: The immigration law enforcement
movement is mainly political, yet the basic infrastructure of our
constituency operates as a quasi military or employer relationship. This
explains why we our own government is fearless of our prospects long
term. It may also explain why ultra-liberals fear us. We probably look
like a bunch of mercenaries to them. There's no reason we cannot build a
more responsive, functional, and above board platform. 1inchGroup
mentioned electing our leaders
weRsoscrewed (1 month ago) +9: Davi, we patriots stand behind you! Enough
of the damn distractions, we have an amnesty to defeat!! This time it
will be much harder, to stop, than last time!
Keep up the good work, my friend, we appreciate, and admire you for it!
Let's get back to work, and stop the bullshit!
(Possibly Chelene or SOS staffer 'bonfire' sock puppets) TecateVolunteers
(1 month ago) -6 Whoa! As a friend who knows Chelene well enough to
consider her a sister I can testify that Davi's allegations are
fabrications. The wind was taken out of hi sails.
Davi you have cast a black cloud over SOS, therefore, as a sister org in
our SoCal Coaliton you have attacked all of us. flamed an SOS member.
PhiLfromCaLi (1 month ago) -6: who u fooling ? black cloud has always
been over SOS ! bunch of racist freaks !
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PhiLfromCaLi (1 month ago) Comment removed by author
VtaCoLegal (1 month ago) +16: TecateV~ You couldn't be more wrong!
Chelene has done nothing but divide, dictate and send fabrications in
email to anyone and everyone she could for as long as I can remember.
That woman has destroyed our movement and she alone is responsible for
doing far more damage than good. She has trashed Patriot's one by one,
she banned many or was the reason most quit going to SOS. If that is the
kind of sister you want more power to you because you can't pick your
family but you can pick your friends!
SEAZBD (1 month ago) +7: VtaCoLegal -
Chelene sounds a lot like TecateVolunteers. No wonder they are friends.
Just a matter of time before one of them stabs the other in the back.
WilliamDawes (4 weeks ago) +3: Black cloud was already there
TecateVolunteers (1 month ago) -6: To clarify this is Bonfire. I speak
for myself but we all need to stick together and cast out dissenters or
at least ignore them. We have a country that is being attacked from
multiple sources. Your character assassination of Chelene is unforgivable
and is a distraction from our cause. La Raza, ACLU & the SPLC must be LOL
at this division.
STOP this attack Davi you serve the enemy with your misplaced anger.
Please delete this video it only feeds the opposition.
ex-SOSer 'Heather" NMIer 'Jalira' (1 month ago) +12 Reply: Dissent is
healthy and American.
xpgyn (1 month ago) +8 Reply: Jalira, I agree completely...dissent is
healthy and very American.
WilliamDawes (4 weeks ago) +6 Reply: When a person is considered a
dissenter of a movement but that is Not what he is talking about. His
dissent is on how the internet is used by the elites to get their way. He
is definitely not moving over to the "dark Side' because of these
leaders. He will always be anti-illegal. But maybe some here won't be
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply: I still stand ready to face the person, and before a jury of my peers. If any of you would
like to work on making the arrangements for it, I will appear.
Jalira (1 month ago) +10 Reply: I wish more leaders that hate drama
would pop up. Drama, not cool, dissenting opinions, fine. I don't know
what happened but I also don't use the word betray lightly. Chriskie
betrays, Tony betrays, but I haven't seen any others.
TecateVolunteers (1 month ago) -6 Reply: Dissenting & resisting the
establishment that betrays the people is one thing. Creating dissension
in forums is another. Especially publicly airing our laundry. It causes
infighting and separates American patriots. And it feeds the opposition.
The only drama here was created by you Davi. The rest of us that are so
inclined are in here to do damage control.
United We Stand Divided We fall.
STOP this and delete this YouTube.
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply: Get back to me when you have trial
date, and a jury pool. I'm ready.
PochoPatriot (1 month ago) +8 Reply: My dear friend,
We have stood together in the heat of fire, but have you for one moment
thought that AG just might have a point? The road that Chelene has walked
is littered with the corpses of patriots, like me, that only wanted her
silliness to stop. The only one that I see guilty of infighting is Chelene. If you want to perform damage control then ask that AG be given
a fair shot at defending himself.
WilliamDawes (4 weeks ago) +8 Reply: Forums are for debate, that is why
it is called a forum. This is not "feeding" the opposition. Certain
people don't like what he is saying because it is dissent to the behind
the emails gestapo tactics that are used on the internet forum. Sounds to
me like he should get a fair shot of a defense. Anything else is
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply: Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a
speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district
wherein the crime shall have been committed; which district shall have
been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and
cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him;
to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to
have the assistance of counsel for his defence.
dfweasel (1 month ago) +6: He makes a couple of good points of having at
least a hearing.
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply: Tecate,
I'll take the video down when my trial is arranged. You want it down?
That's the quickest way to make that happen. send out an email asking
patriots if they would agree to serve on a jury pool; We can meet any
place. The border, the park, the steps of any courthouse. I don't care.
There's not much in evidence; mainly some emails, and I guess now a
recorded phone message? Should be a slam dunk win for the prosecution
given the proclamations made already.
Anyone willing to help on this?
nucsa (1 month ago) +3 Reply- This is oldreb
AG I don't know all of what happen so far I've only heard one side of it.
But I do want to say that I don't think an organization is much of an
organization if only a few top people get to decide who's in, who's out,
what's right or what's wrong.
I could not believe it when I read about this at SOS and the thread was
closed so I suppose we are not going to be allowed to discuss it there.
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply: I remember you Old Reb,
I saw that thread you mentioned. All I will say is that if we start
convicting our citizens on the basis of sensationally written articles or
press releases, we might as well fire all of our district attorneys and
hire writers instead. Fortunately, our founding fathers who were
themselves on the recieving end of the Kings proclamations the likes of
this devised some protections to guide us through situations like this.
We need use them or lose them
SEAZBD (1 month ago) Comment removed by author
SEAZBD (1 month ago) -5: "Now is the time we should all be working
together for the sake of our country."
"For the sake of unity and protection of our movement, both the SoCal
Coalition and a National Coalition have banned MMP from our groups."
Working together, but not working together - for the sake of unity, we
need to separate ourselves from other patriots....
Do they ever read what they write before they post it?
SEAZBD (1 month ago) -6 Reply: Allow me to point out the hypocrisy of
Save Our State and other So Cal Orgs. You were removed from the Org
because you sent an email to a list of people that included some MMP
members. For the sake of unity, you can't do things like that.
In a thread on the SOS forum titled: "Fight Amnesty NOT Patriots!", your
leaving is discussed. In the same post, you will find the following:
SEAZBD (1 month ago) -2: To kdreger: Yeah --- You're not qualified to
make that comment. Practice what your preach before you start preaching
Then there's another commenter who is the queen of drama and creating
infighting from behind the scenes - Most of you are hypocrites!
flagwaver1969 (1 month ago) +4: There are those who cannot be responsible
in positions of power. Instead of using power for good they choose to use
it for self interest and even evil. I've found that many of those who
zealously seek positions of power in an organization are exactly the type
of people you don't want leading. The kiss-ass is the most obvious
example. They flatter you with one hand and a knife in the other. The
those who are being led, you don't have to put up with bad leadership. Be
your own leader! AG knows it.
GeauxNOSaints (1 month ago) +5 Lemme guess. AG is acting "more like a
goon than a patriot recently," and it is clear that he is "in league with
Jim Gilchrist and IndyMedia" if you start to "connect the dots". Hey, it
could be worse. He could've been accused of being an illegal alien like
Barack Obama. Observation: Given the fact that AG is someone who has
always gone out and actually done things, it should surprise no one that
he is now disassociated from SOS. / Now would you guys please stop
e-mailing me about this vid?
PhiLfromCaLi (1 month ago) -3: does any1 here kno if those rumors about
Chelene really being a man are true ?
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Hello- PhiLfromCaLi,
We're having an adult conversation in here. Check your junior high humor
at the door
(EX-SOSer 'GeauxNOSaints' or'SZinwestla') DerailAmnestydotcom (1 month
ago) 0 Can't say, but what about those rumors that you're really a man?
Are they true?
dfweasel (1 month ago) Comment removed by author
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dfweasel (1 month ago) Comment removed by author
dfweasel (1 month ago) -3 She is a HOT looking babe who can bitch slap
your ass!
LillyVonStup (3 weeks ago) Comment removed by author
dfweasel (1 month ago)-4 Actually, your whining in public and nothing
is to be gained here for the good of the movement.
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply: I am not in this for the good of
the movement, or for the good of the leaders of this movement. I am in
this for the good of America. The preservation of America as a free
society, and the preservation of liberty. The preservation of America as
a soveriegn nation. Placing a person, a group, or a movement above that,
and above the law is how dictatorships are formed. If I have to fight
injustice within, as well as foreign invaders at the same be it
dfweasel (1 month ago) -3: Do you really believe that this is the best
for America? You could have worked this out with the people you have an
issue with. We all have disagreements or felt slighted, but we need to
keep such things private. You're in a leadership position and such
infighting should have been between leadership. Line troops don't need to
be a part of this. The fight continues for the USA not our egos. We all
have had to eat some humble pie from time to time.
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply I have always maintained in my
solicitations that I wished to be tried by a jury of my peers. That could
have been comprised of the people who lead, or those who agreed to be led
by them. And yes, I believe what's best for America is to preserve and
practice our way of justice. No one, friend or foe, has any respect for
hypocrisy in the long run. By now, my trial could have been held, and
this video would be gone. The fear of truth is what keeps this alive.
(EX-SOSer 'GeauxNOSaints' or'SZinwestla') DerailAmnestydotcom (1 month
ago) +4 Is this conversation still going on? Remarkable. You folks are
getting upset over little. The major damage done to Save Our State took
place months ago. It's not that AG isn't valuable. It's that there isn't
much left anyway. SOS used to be a grassroots organization that got folks
on the street. However, the people who regularly participated are almost
all gone now. The "doers" were driven out one-at-a-time as they said
something Chelene didn't like or got too much attention ...
(EX-SOSer 'GeauxNOSaints' or'SZinwestla') DerailAmnestydotcom (1 month
ago) +10 which is, perhaps, the ultimate sin in the Patriotic Dream
Universe. And the modus operandi has pretty much been the same.
Disagreements with Chelene immediately become "infighting," "attacking
SOS," and bad for "the Movement" as they are mischaracterized through a
furious flurry of behind-the-back e-mails and phone calls. The result is
that 80% of the productive SoCal members are history. There's a reason
SOS rarely stages anything now. A lot of the necessary bodies aren't
(Frank Jorge AVMM) xpgyn (1 month ago) +10 Davi it is obvious that you
were very hurt by your interactions within SOS. I do not find it
unreasonable that you are willing to submit to an anlaysis of your
actions by your peers. I do not know how SOS is run. I have always
favored a board that meets and votes on issues and actions in order to
have checks and balances so that decisions are just and
out in the light. Rather than fight SOS you might consider starting your
own organization.
I know that you are a patriot.
Frank Jorge
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply: Frank,
As far as personal feelings go, I'm not as hurt by this as I am branded
by a proclamation of betrayal. Who in the movement should trust me after
such a proclamation by a "leader"? And after said proclamations were
wantingly distributed to other leaders as fact, how can I then
effectively continue as an activist?
It's also not just about me, but those before and after me. We are
Americans, and we need to conduct our affairs as such, especially those
claiming to hold the constitution dear
(EX-SOSer 'GeauxNOSaints' or'SZinwestla') DerailAmnestydotcom (1 month
ago) +5 Think for a minute. Exactly what have you been doing in
Sacramento that requires Chelene Nightingale or Jeff Schwilk to hold you
in high esteem? Step back for a second and reason. If you resided in
L.A., exactly what activism would be off-limits to you b/c PD has
proclaimed you are now the 438th person who has committed an act of
"betrayal"? Your activities would be constricted how? What person w/ an
IQ over 90 would say "Aaaahh, just like OldPreach and PochoPatriot, this
one is unworthy!"?
AyatollahGondola (1 month ago) Reply: My value is to my fellow activists,
not one or two leaders. I'm soliciting to them to take the reins of their
government, by acting as their own government. In the here and now, my
fellow activists are being encouraged to consign the power granted to
them by our constitution back to a ruling fiat in order to fight the good
fight. I'm saying that the good fight is to preserve what we are fighting
for in the first place, and the result will make us more effective in the
overall pursuit.
(William Gheen) ALIPAC1 (1 month ago) -7: You don't approve of a "flurry
of emails" between people with differences in the movement, yet you put
up a Youtube video doing the same? You have not been accused of a crime
and your due no trial or hearing anymore than an employee of any company
or supporter of any political group in America. You are subject to the
leadership, by-laws, or articles of incorp and that is it. Trying to turn
a political dispute into a trial is quite a leap, u should consider
taking this mess down.
WilliamDawes (3 weeks ago) +6: Appears to me that they are free to
comment here. Freedom of speech.
That can't happen on a closed forum website.
Basically a political dispute is a trial of sorts. Both require the facts
to be disclosed to find the truth.
(EX-SOSer banned- Sandy) sandinator (3 weeks ago) +7: No, he should leave
it up. That is what is wrong with the anti-illegal immigration movement!
They want everyone to march in lock step and drink the kool-aid,
otherwise you get your name and reputation smeared.. Well no thanks. Good
for you Davi for refusing to go quietly into the night.
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sandinator (3 weeks ago) Comment removed by author
LanzaLover2 (1 month ago) -6: Hey, Ayatollah, GROW UP! As a long-time
participation in the anti-ILLEGAL ALIEN movement, I am really angered by
your petty, PETTY allegations, and further by your PUBLIC DISPLAY of
them! You are NO PATRIOT! If you were, you would quietly take care of any
arguments or differences and not give fuel to the fire of all the enemies
of this Republic. Many of us have given our life's blood in this
movement. GO AWAY!!!!! Which is more important to you? Your pettiness or
your country???? GET LOST!
LanzaLover2 (1 month ago) -6: Furthemore, TAKE THIS VIDEO DOWN! (It sucks
anyway.) Every second it remains here, you are giving "aid and comfort to the
enemy" -- and what is THAT called????
(SOSer staff- Brook Young) TheWatchdog (4 weeks ago) 0 SOS has
appointed me to handle your case in arbitration. I hereby declare that
you are to take down this video, and drive around that billboard for
10,000 hours. My decision is binding.
(Jeff Schwilk SDMM leader) SanDiegoMinutemen (4 weeks ago) -6: Davi, get
help man. You are losing it. You sound like you are having a breakdown.
At least he gave the goons a good laugh though.
(EX-SOSer: Jeremy) GSBAmerica (4 weeks ago) +9: There are too many fish
in the Ocean to worry about the one that just got away. Many of us have
parted ways from different orgs, and found ones more suited to our needs
or just became independent in our fight.
FREEDOMSTAR7 (4 weeks ago) Show Hide -6: DUDE, THINK! 350 viewers times
8 minutes to watch video = 47 hours of patriot's time wasted, already.
Plus, ammo for anti-americans who want illegal immigration. YOU MUST
THINK BEFORE YOU ACT. Maybe, that was the problem in the first place -
you didn't think before you acted.
(EX-SOSer 'GeauxNOSaints' or'SZinwestla') DerailAmnestydotcom (4 weeks
ago) +2: OK, I'll bite. How does his video aid illegal immigration?
class8871 (4 weeks ago) +8: You would not be convicted by a jury of your
As for laughs for the goons, you can not top Schwilk in women's underware
pictures. Or when he made the news fighting with his girl friend?
Chelene has destroyed Save Our State. Sad, but true. Pretty soon, she and
Schwild and Gheen will be the leaders of 3 groups with a total of 3
SEAZBD (3 weeks ago) 0: Schwilk in women's underware! bwahaha Still the
funniest thing I've ever seen. He's the one that need help. Wasn't there
a daughter in that video he was picking on as well?
AyatollahGondola (4 weeks ago) Some here, fling the patriot term around
very loosely. Many of you talk boldly of taking America back. Yet when
asked to perform a single sacred function of American
fail. In doing so, you confirm to our adversaries and our hopeful
recruits that we are all hype and no substance. Governing yourself is
hard work. Adhereance to American standards is not a part time job.
You're either up to it, or you're full of it. Those who are full of it
usually end up in the hands of a dictator
FREEDOMSTAR7 (4 weeks ago) -4:Hey Gil (anti) Christ - AKA class8871. We
know you are getting paid by the cartel. And, everyone knows Chelene,
Schwild and Gheen has done a great job.
SEAZBD (3 weeks ago) -1: Accusations without evidence....tsk tsk tsk
19patriot43 (4 weeks ago) -7: Seems to me that you Davi, are a hypocrite.
As suggested by a few others, perhaps your agenda would be better served
by either going "solo," or forming your own group. It's always a good
idea to view and review your work, be it written recorded, or as is the
case here, video recorded and presented to the world. For good measure,
have a few fair-minded, intelligent friends/colleagues view and help edit
your work before posting. This rambling bloviation has wasted my time.
(EX-SOSer and Choose Black America: "Kim")LetFreedomRing (4 weeks ago) +6
Davi, hang in there and keep up the good work. You're a dedicated
BobbyXD9 (4 weeks ago) -6: Just what this movement needs, another
backstabbing liar who spews outragous claims with no proof or reason. It
is colostomy bags such as this who have infiltrated & destroyed this
movement that are responsible for our borders remaining open. Let's all
hope that they reap what they sow.
(EX-SOSer 'GeauxNOSaints' or'SZinwestla') DerailAmnestydotcom (3 weeks
ago) +5: So tell me, how is this video or its maker responsible for "our
borders remaining open"? Please, I'm dying to hear the details.
AyatollahGondola (3 weeks ago) I actually don't know who Bobby is
referring to yet.
PochoPatriot (3 weeks ago) +4: This bullbaiting is really unnecessary,
AyatollahGondola (3 weeks ago) Reply: I'm not sure what you mean Bobby.
Who is the liar?
SEAZBD (3 weeks ago) +2: AG - I know you're hurt, but it's time to move
on. There are great orgs out there that don't engage in the email
bickering and slandering of other patriots. Good luck to you.
AyatollahGondola (3 weeks ago) Reply: What's a patriot SEAZBD?
I know you mean well, by the way.
BobbyXD9 (3 weeks ago) -6: So why should I bother explaining further when
you obviously lack the balls to leave my post for all to read. Those of
you who seek to slander, sue & attack the very people who are doing
something about our open borders deserve to suffer the consequences of
foreign invaders colonizing our country. You false patriots infiltrate
the movement in an obvious effort to destroy it.
PochoPatriot (3 weeks ago) +3: More bull baiting. Plain and simple.
sandinator (3 weeks ago) Comment removed by author
AyatollahGondola (3 weeks ago) Reply: Bobby,
I did not take your post down. I'm at loss to explain its' absence, but
then I've never actually read the manual on this youtube program.
Here's something to consider:
Have you ever known me to lack balls? What's my history been like?
I would like to say the first attack did not originate by my hand, but I
want to do it while facing my accuser, and in a court of my fellow
activists. No lawsuits, no attacks, no slander. just simple justice. Why
would true patriots reject that?
sandinator (3 weeks ago) +9: Well having been there and done that I am
not surprised this has happened to Davi, who is now having his good name
and deeds dragged through the mud due to pettiness of one person's sick
need for drama. Save Our State hasn't been a viable organization since
2006 when a certain drama queen came on board. Before DQ , SOS was
respected and effective. After DQ SOS became a joke. Too many people were
in it for the wrong reason (dennis slater, girlscout boy & that weird SZ
dude come to mind). = /
sandinator (3 weeks ago) +3: Davi,
Sorry about all the deleted comments but for some reason I am having a
problem with my replies showing up correctly, instead they keep showing
up as original comments instead of as replies.
So please do allow me to clarify, my last comment that begins "no, he
should keep it up" was in reply to ALIPAC1 who said you should take this
video down.
LillyVonStup (3 weeks ago) +6: dfweasel wrote:
"She is a HOT looking babe who can bitch slap your ass! "
You're kidding right. She looks like something the cat dragged in and the
dog refused to drag out.
What does somebody's looks have to do with it anyway? What matters is
character and the drama queen has none. In fact she has a character
BobbyXD9 (3 weeks ago) -6: What I know is this; People like you, Derek, &
others would rather bitch in public & whine about what victims you are
instead of standing up for yourselves & confronting any one you have
issues with. We've all taken heat, suffered insults & lost time, money &
positions because we stand for what is right. So be a man, confront those
you have issues with one-to-one & quit the victim crap. What would Thomas
Jefferson do; whine, moan, call people names in public? Or would he
handle it like a man
AyatollahGondola (3 weeks ago) Reply: What is all this "be a man" and
"grow up" stuff Bobby? Do I have a history of being a wimp or a child
within our movement? Look, it's real easy to cast names at people; That's
part of my point. Our movement has suffered from the disarray brought
about by years of accusations and mistrust. I'm not the victim; good
people within our effort are. It happens one by one as need arises,
circumstance dictates, or opportunity presents itself. Is it whining to
want to change that?
instantword (1 week ago) +1 Reply: Don't give up hope, all is not lost.
Even what seems the worst of a situation can be changed. Remember you
have a friend.
04-30-2009, 05:05 PM Chelene Patriotic Dream wrote: Attention SOS
patriots, Davi Rodriguez aka AyatollahGondola is no longer the Save Our
State Northern California Director. In addition A.G. has been suspended
from the forum for one month for creating divide, drama, and instigating
in-fighting. Not only is this something SOS nor the movement needs at
anytime, but especially right now during a crucial amnesty battle, May
Day marches, a flu pandemic, amendment issues, socialism, etc..... Now is
the time we should all be working together for the sake of our country.
Unfortunately anyone including opposition, La Raza, and the SPLC can view
this very public video which incites dissension within our movement. It
is quite disturbing that a valued, trusted patriot would go to such
lengths especially during this crucial time in America. Shocking really.
Without creating more dissension, I can assure you that the video content
is very misleading. For starters, it was Davi who sent the first email to
me and Jeff Schwilk, the SoCal Coalition leader. The subject line was
rather confusing as instead of a subject, there were lists of email
addresses including MMP leaders. (For the sake of unity and protection of
our movement, both the SoCal Coalition and a National Coalition have
banned MMP from our groups. The ban was especially essential amongst the
Jeff and I were confused, so I simply called to ask Davi about the email.
Unfortunately Davi never answered a very simple question, instead he
screamed in my ear that he was fine before SOS and would be fine without
SOS. I hung up in the middle of his screaming. He was NOT being called to
be persecuted, only called out of confusion and to simply remind him of
the MMP ban.
He called back and left me an awful message, which I have saved, that
basically said I should do the whole movement a favor and leave. (For the
record, I ALWAYS worked very well with Davi and gave him pretty much free
leadership reign here at SOS as I backed off to do other projects. I
valued Davi.)
Due to Davi's actions and reactions I emailed Joe Turner, the owner of
SOS, and Jeff Schwilk. There was NO Internet lynching. It was a PRIVATE
leadership matter ONLY. Davi was not being banned from SOS, however his
actions and reactions were cause for concern and needed to be addressed.
I emailed my concerns and thoughts and Davi emailed back to us that he
demanded a jury of his peers. Jeff Schwilk emailed back that we had no
time for this and simply just needed to know if he agreed with the
coalition or not. Unfortunately Davi finally wrote back that he was not
with the coalition, Jeff, me, Joe Turner, or Save Our State. Jeff emailed
back, thank you nothing personal, we accept your resignation.
Joe and I spoke over the weekend about this matter as well. Again, this
was a PRIVATE leadership/coalition matter. There were no other SOS
members involved. Joe is the final decision maker here at SOS.
Several people over the last few days have asked Davi to just take down
his video, unfortunately he has refused. Therefore SOS regrets that at
this time since Davi would rather instigate drama and infighting, that
this breaks SOS rules.
Unfortunately I was forced to post here due to the numerous phone calls,
emails, and pms on the subject. Silence is consent and neither SOS nor
the coalition is in consent of dissension.
This will be a closed thread as we have no time to focus on drama...we
have too much to lose in America right now. We just wanted everyone to be
informed and encourage everyone to move on and focus on the real
battle...the Battle for our Republic.
Our SoCal Coalitions is very strong and let's keep it that way!
SoCal Patriot Coalition (26)
California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR)
Save Our State
San Diego Minutemen
Border Patrol Auxiliary
Minuteman Corps of California
Central Coast Minutemen (MCDC)
Tecate Border Volunteers
Latino Americans for Immigration Reform (LAIR)
Stop Taxing Us
Taxpayer Revolution Committee
Stop SPP (Security & Prosperity Partnership)
FIRE Coalition
Antelope Valley Minutemen
Los Angeles Minutemen
Desert Cities Minutemen
Ted Hayes’ Group
San Diego Citizens Brigade
Oceanside Watch League (OWL)
Escondido Minuteman Brigade
San Diego Christians for Secure Borders
Carlsbad Citizens Brigade
Encinitas Citizens Brigade
You Don’t Speak for Me, San Diego (Hispanics against illegal immigration)
Gun Rights Committee, San Diego
We the People, San Diego
Jamiel’s Law
· Coalition Coordinator: Jeff Schwilk,
Davi posted the following video on the very public youtube:
PD continues...To clarify: Both a national coalition and the Southern California
Coalition BANNED the MMP from our patriotic movement. We in both
coalitions do not view Gilchrist as a patriot but instead the opposition
for numerous reasons including suing real patriots, working with
opposition to maliciously defame the movement, and for working against
the patriot coalitions efforts of defending the USA.
The rest of the organizations in the movement are united! The SoCal
Coalition is very strong!
This thread will stayed close in order to move on from those who are
instigating drama. This was a post to simply inform the membership. None
of us at Save Our State will be paying attention to this latest, instead
we are moving on and focused on other projects which include battling
this next amnesty agenda by our elected officials