Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Conn Sandy Hook's 'Mob' looks for scapegoats and blame to soothe their guilty consciouses.

The Progressive or Leftist 'Witch Hunt' begins anew with great emotion and fevor..........

I will make no attempt to "make sense" of the horrific tragedy that devastated the community of Newtown, Connecticut, and has shaken our nation.

**How can we make sense of the senseless murder of twenty children and seven adults?
**How can we make sense of one deranged individual who was in such a dark place that he shot his own  mother, murdered children and then killed himself?
**Why did that obviously mentally ill person get access to legal firearms by his well meaning mother?

Yesterday, my church -- like I'm sure countless places of worship -- paused to pray for the families, their community and our nation. Our president spoke, on our behalf, words of comfort and support. Now, as we move forward, efforts will be made to prevent this from happening again -- or at least to minimize the risk. It will be a difficult task.

+ + A Societal 'Family' Cancer

What we face is more like a cancer than a virus. Our society has turned on itself, and these mass murders are the shocking fruit. The perpetrators of these crimes now typically turn their weapons on themselves and have essentially become societal suicide bombers. As the military knows, there is no real defense against a suicide bomber who has reached such a point of desperation and delusion that his own life doesn't matter.

Responding to this specific crisis with legislation would be a mistake that politicians will likely make for their own well meaning or selfish reasons.

Responding to the root cause of the crisis would be a better way to go.
And what is that root cause?

The destruction of the US family.

I'm not discounting any other factors, but to address problems with our mental health institutions or virtual reality gaming or the drugging of our children or our gun laws or the media culture's glorification of such violence and not deal with the root cause of our societal decay are vain attempts to mask symptoms.

The statistics back me up on the destruction of the family being at the center of our national crises, including violence. Before I cite the statistics, please do not take these numbers as a condemnation of single moms or dads. There is no condemnation. Many single parents are doing double duty and raising wonderful children. But the numbers are hard to overlook.

+ + Our Family Structure is in Crisis

Consider what our family brokenness has done to society:

* 3 in 10 children grow up in broken homes.

* In the African-American community, it's far worse: two-thirds of black children grow up with one parent.

* More than half of all babies are conceived out of wedlock.

* Of those conceived out of wedlock, 4 in 10 are aborted. And so, the cycle of violence begins.

* Of the survivors of abortion, half the children born out of wedlock end up in poverty.

Children from broken homes account for:

--63% of teen suicides.

--71% of teen pregnancies.

--90% of homeless and runaways.

--71% of high school dropouts.

--75% of all drug users.

--85% of behavioral disorders.

--70% of those in juvenile detention.

--57% of all prison inmates.  

News Article by Dennis Prager- "We don't teach Right or Wrong in schools'.

Dennis Prager on gun control