A MUST SEE video for Ron Paul supporters, This ABC TV BANNED video with DR Ron Paul.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
How to Easily Hold a Community Rally
We Can No Longer Stand By! How to Organize Your Own Community Rally.
“I am tea’d-off! Minutemen, it is time to call national awareness to the attempted seizure of our beloved nation by a few! When our non-representing representatives enact Bills totaling hundreds of billions of dollars, without reading them, hopelessly enslaving the taxpayers, and making it impossible for our children to inherit a debt free nation, we no longer can stand by. Billions of dollars are being poured into unlimited government speeding schemes to benefit Wall Street criminals and illegal alien interests. It is time to start with an April 15th Tea Party, after that, there will be more to come!” Jim Gilchrist, President of the Minuteman Project, Inc.
1. Pick a prime location and time in your town. The best place is near a main street at an intersection with heavy traffic.
2. Tell your friends, family, co-workers and everyone else you know about the rally. Build a strong RSVP email list. Also, build a strong phone tree. Give updates and tip the closer the event comes. Create a facebook and a Tweeter group so the group can communicate with one another, exchange cell phone numbers.
3. Make numbers of signs. No smaller than a top of a cardboard file box, approximately or 18” X 24” Use only legible slogans which sends a clear message to the passersby and the public in general. Write in BIG LETTERS your slogan. Use a simple Word program on your computer to create a easy to read 8 1/2 X 11 flyer, make copies on colored paper. Appoint a spokesperson in the event the media wants an interview. Make your statements clear, short and firm.
4. Call your local talk radio hosts and ask them to announce the location, date and time on the air a few days leading up to the rally. Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper announcing the rally. E-mail the bloggers in your area and ask them to post a notice about the rally. Handout the colored flyers to everyone at grocery stores, Churches, schools and High School athletic games.
5. Write a press release and email, mail and fax copies to the local TV stations, radio stations and newspapers. Call the reporters who cover local events, leave messages on their voice mail.
6. On the day of your rally, show up with your group, be loud, visible, happy and engage the public. Wave your signs, make lots of noise and move about to get attention. If reporters interview you, give them some good sound bytes for their stories. Stay on message and keep your answers short and coherent.
7. Bring sign-in sheets to capture the names, emails and phone numbers of everyone who attends the rally and/or says they support what you are doing. Everyone must be prepared to hand out flyers and have a short statement of who you are and what you are doing. At the end of the rally, you should have a large list of people that will help plan the next, much bigger and louder, event. If you have a mega-phone, use it!
8. Add your pictures, video and an after-action report to your facebook group, and send this stuff to the bloggers and reporters that you originally contacted. Ask them to post the photos, story and video. Everyone should bring a disposable or inexpensive camera to the event. Appoint someone to be the photographer.
9. Thank everyone who attended via email and phone, and set up a meeting to plan your next event. With your new list of people in your community, you will have a base to draw from so the work for the next rally can be shared and not fall on the shoulders of the faithful few. Encourage everyone to commit to bring at least one friend to the next rally. Show the photos you took at the last rally to your friends and have the good ones enlarged so you can use then as an inspiration of what to expect for the next rally.
10. Organize a carpool, find a friend in your neighboring town or county and help them organize a rally there. You and your people are now veterans and should be able to keep the momentum going around your area.
***Remember, obey all laws, don’t put yourself in harms way, don’t use profanity and most of all, MAKE THE RALLY AN ENJOYABLE EVENT!
Good fellow patriots and God Bless America!
Jim Gilchrist, the staff and associates of the Minuteman Project, Inc.
It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds. — Samuel Adams
“I am tea’d-off! Minutemen, it is time to call national awareness to the attempted seizure of our beloved nation by a few! When our non-representing representatives enact Bills totaling hundreds of billions of dollars, without reading them, hopelessly enslaving the taxpayers, and making it impossible for our children to inherit a debt free nation, we no longer can stand by. Billions of dollars are being poured into unlimited government speeding schemes to benefit Wall Street criminals and illegal alien interests. It is time to start with an April 15th Tea Party, after that, there will be more to come!” Jim Gilchrist, President of the Minuteman Project, Inc.
1. Pick a prime location and time in your town. The best place is near a main street at an intersection with heavy traffic.
2. Tell your friends, family, co-workers and everyone else you know about the rally. Build a strong RSVP email list. Also, build a strong phone tree. Give updates and tip the closer the event comes. Create a facebook and a Tweeter group so the group can communicate with one another, exchange cell phone numbers.
3. Make numbers of signs. No smaller than a top of a cardboard file box, approximately or 18” X 24” Use only legible slogans which sends a clear message to the passersby and the public in general. Write in BIG LETTERS your slogan. Use a simple Word program on your computer to create a easy to read 8 1/2 X 11 flyer, make copies on colored paper. Appoint a spokesperson in the event the media wants an interview. Make your statements clear, short and firm.
4. Call your local talk radio hosts and ask them to announce the location, date and time on the air a few days leading up to the rally. Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper announcing the rally. E-mail the bloggers in your area and ask them to post a notice about the rally. Handout the colored flyers to everyone at grocery stores, Churches, schools and High School athletic games.
5. Write a press release and email, mail and fax copies to the local TV stations, radio stations and newspapers. Call the reporters who cover local events, leave messages on their voice mail.
6. On the day of your rally, show up with your group, be loud, visible, happy and engage the public. Wave your signs, make lots of noise and move about to get attention. If reporters interview you, give them some good sound bytes for their stories. Stay on message and keep your answers short and coherent.
7. Bring sign-in sheets to capture the names, emails and phone numbers of everyone who attends the rally and/or says they support what you are doing. Everyone must be prepared to hand out flyers and have a short statement of who you are and what you are doing. At the end of the rally, you should have a large list of people that will help plan the next, much bigger and louder, event. If you have a mega-phone, use it!
8. Add your pictures, video and an after-action report to your facebook group, and send this stuff to the bloggers and reporters that you originally contacted. Ask them to post the photos, story and video. Everyone should bring a disposable or inexpensive camera to the event. Appoint someone to be the photographer.
9. Thank everyone who attended via email and phone, and set up a meeting to plan your next event. With your new list of people in your community, you will have a base to draw from so the work for the next rally can be shared and not fall on the shoulders of the faithful few. Encourage everyone to commit to bring at least one friend to the next rally. Show the photos you took at the last rally to your friends and have the good ones enlarged so you can use then as an inspiration of what to expect for the next rally.
10. Organize a carpool, find a friend in your neighboring town or county and help them organize a rally there. You and your people are now veterans and should be able to keep the momentum going around your area.
***Remember, obey all laws, don’t put yourself in harms way, don’t use profanity and most of all, MAKE THE RALLY AN ENJOYABLE EVENT!
Good fellow patriots and God Bless America!
Jim Gilchrist, the staff and associates of the Minuteman Project, Inc.
It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds. — Samuel Adams
Friday, April 17, 2009
LA's TWO Activists meet at Van Nuys Tax Revolt
TWO famous LA's Activists meet at Van Nuys Tax Revolt event.....'Zumadog' & 'Califnative'.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Gheen's ALIPAC anti-Gilchrist lies EXPOSED !
From Gheen's ALIPAC blogsite:
IN the 'he has not sinned, cast the first stone' department....
Posted: Dec 17, 2007 11:42 PM
Signed by 79 leaders of Immigration Enforcement Groups!
In reaction to Jim Gilchrist’s (Co-Founder of Minutemen) lone endorsement of pro-amnesty Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee:
We, the undersigned, state that our organizations stand against racism and Amnesty for illegal aliens. Instead, we stand for the enforcement of our existing immigration laws, the securing of America’s borders, and attrition enforcement.
We have dedicated our efforts to fighting illegal immigration and we are compelled to warn the American public about the immigration stance and record of Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee.
We denounce Jim Gilchrist’s solo endorsement of a pro-amnesty and Open Borders candidate for President. Mr. Gilchrist does NOT speak for us!
(***READERS NOTE: This political endorsement was as AN individual, not speaking for the MMP since that org is a registered & certified charity which cannot make any political endorsements. Your name and org listing here says you are making a political endorsement AGAINST an individual's right to make a political
endorsement....Ever read the US consitution? If your org listed here is a is a registered & certified charity than YOU cannot make any political endorsements as you have here by giving your political endorsement for this ALIPAC press release. You org's political endorsement is illegal and highly unethical.)
William Gheen- A loon.
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
Ron Woodard rwoodard@nclisten.com
NC Listen Border Project
Peter Gadiel- 'DOWN for maintenance'
9/11 Families for A Secure America
Dan Sheehy- '404 not found'
Author of “Fighting Immigration Anarchy: American Patriots Battle to Save the Nation”
RUSSELL LANDRY- 'MSN groups closed'
Citizens Against Illegal Aliens
Danny Smith info@americanfreedomriders.com
American Freedom Riders, motorcycles riders
Wanda Piety- 'Oops! This link appears gone.'
Save America Fund
Brook Young- A Loon
Immigration Watchdog
Andy Ramirez andy@fobp.us
Friends of the Border Patrol
Sandra Beene- contact email sent
Co-founder TX Minutemen
1. Chris Simcox- defendant, loon
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Co-Founder of the Minutemen
2. Hal Washburn info@MinutemanHQ.com
MCDC Washington State AZ?
3. Joseph L. Ray
MCDC Chapter Leader
4. Michael Apple
Minutemen Civil Defense Corps.
California-North Bay Chapter
5. Carl Braun
State Leader MCDC- CA
Allen Taylor- 'The website cannot display the page.'
Hoosiers for Secure Borders
Jack McDermott- 'Not in Google.'
Pennsylvanians Against Illegal Immigration
Jeff Wilson- 'This domain may be for sale by its owner!'
Report and Deport
S. Byron Gassaway jetta@nym.hush.com
Rescue Without Borders-Anti-White Genocide,This site dedicated to the remembrance of the heroism and bravery of the Rhodesians, Namibians, and South Africans who were attacked by Soviet and Cuban backed terrorist guerillas for being anti-communist while they were betrayed by the West for the "crime" of being white.
Melissa Gardner contact email sent
Let Freedom Ring America TX
Johnny Tex- saloon singer, johnnytex@johnnytex.com
"The Trans Texas Corridor Blues"
Johnny Tex and the Texicans
Gianluca Zanna- MohaveM@yahoo.com 'We are UNDER CONSTRUCTION...'
Co-Founder Mohave County Minutemen, NM
Ruthie Hendrycks minnsir@yahoo.com
Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform, MINNSIR is NOT a 501(3)c
Steve Hampton Admin@protectourborder.net
Protect Our Borders TX
Hayward Vickery Jr- contact email sent
US Border Watch TX
Michael Franks- running politician
Former Texas State Republican Executive Committee Member.
Former Political Director, Texas Republican Liberty Caucus
Teela Roche scim911@yahoo.com & Mark Thies (troche@clemson.edu)
South Carolinians for Immigration Moderation
Margaretann Bianculli- 'Not on Google'
Greater Farmingville Citizens’ Association
Bill Strong- 'Oops! This link appears broken.'
Jon Healy- contact email sent
TechnoPatriots AZ
Wally McCormick
Utah Minuteman
Phyllis Sears cciiwc@mindspring.com
Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration UT
Barb Coe barb@ccir.net
California Coalition for Immigration Reform, Huntington Beach
Daniel Smeriglio & Andrew Woodring - 'Sorry, the site you requested has been disabled'
Voice of the people U.S.A
Bob Cox gerry.waterson@gmail.com
Patriots Border Alliance
Steve Salvi salvi@ojjpac.org
Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC
Bob Baker & Leon Donahue WFIR@comcast.net
Washingtonians For Immigration Reform
Michael A. Jackson- running politician, MJ@VoteMJ.com
Government for the People, CA Long Beach candidate 54th district
Tony Dolz- running politician, tony@dolz.com
U.S. Congressional Candidate (California 30th District, west valley to countty line)
MCDC California
Dan Amato- contact email sent
Digger's Realm
Jeff Schwilk- A Loon, SDMM@cox.net
San Diego Minutemen
Joe Turner & Chelene Nightingale- Two Loons, media@saveourstate.org
Save Our State
Conner Collier (duplicate?)
V.P. of U.S. Border Watch TX
Joe & Barb McCutchen- 'BLOGGERS'
Arkansas Freedom, anti-Huckabee
A. B. Flanagan, III TX, spammer-commercial site
Jan Herron- 'Columnist'
Magic City Morning Star
Robert M. Copley Sr.- 'site has NOT been updated since 06'
Colorado Minutemen
Burr Deitz- 3RD party, Chair@nyconstitutionparty.com
New York Constitution Party
Paul Streitz- 'Domaine up for sale'
CT Citizens for Immigration Control
Janie McCormick
Constitution Coalition
Saul Lisauskas- 'Oops! This link appears broken.'
Stopp SPP & NAU
Frosty Wooldridge- 'ecologist/actor', Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families that he obtained bicycling 100,000 miles around the globe and across six continents in the past 25 years. He has written hundreds of articles on a regular basis for 16 national and 2 international magazines.
Author & Paul Revere Riders
Kathy McKee- founder/chairman contactDirector@pan2004.com
Protect Arizona NOW
Lupe Moreno- site email form
Latino Americans for Immigration Reform (LAIR)
Ted Hayes- 'no site on google'
Los Angeles Activist
Nedd Kareiva- 'site last update '06'
Stop the ACLU Coalition IL
Peter B. Gemma- BLOGGER, manews@manews.org
columnist, Middle American News,
Paul & Jo Separk- 'Invalid Group ID. Try a different ID.'
The MidNight Writers
Frank Jorge- have email
Antelope Valley Independent Minutemen
Ron Bass- info@UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com
United Patriots of America NJ
Michael Kelley- 'Domaine up for sale'
NC Voice
Duane Smith
Nevada Action Coalition Las Vegas
Mark Edwards securedborders@aol.com
Founder of Unite to Fight 1 & 2 and Wake Up America
Scott DiBenedetto- site email form
Pahrump Minutemen (ALIPAC)
Theresa Harmon- 'couldn't find site'
Tennesseans for Responsible Immigration Policies
Susan Smith- site comes up "Things to know when taking Propecia"
Nebraskans Advisory Group
Jim Ludwick- site email form
Oregonians for Immigration Reform,Oregon Chartered 501(c)4 Organization
Robert R. Galbreath Jr. cfacr@citizensforaconstitutionalrepublic.com
Citizens for a Constitutional Republic, PA
George Gush no_illegal_immigration@verizon.net
Boycott: State Farm Insurance
Jim Palmer- 'commercial site'
Buy Direct USA
Chris Davis- site email form
America in Danger
Michael Williams- 'domaine up for sale'
Border Hawks
Walter Adams paminutemen@msn.com
PA Minutemen State Director
Joseph Ureneck & Steve Kropper
Massachusetts Citizens for Immigration Reform
Mike Vanderboegh- 'antigovernment militia commander, hate group'
Alabama Minuteman Project
Dennis Murphy Director@NebraskaMinuteman.com
Nebraska Minuteman Civil Defense Corp, NE
Marvin Steward & Deborah Courtney- 'defendants'
Minuteman Project Inc
Michael Strauss & John Loucome- 'not listed in google'
LaPorte County Illegal Immigration Taskforce
Edward & Cynthia Kolb- 'desert environmental site' icaredesertvisions@hotmail.com
Desert Visions
Doug Roy Info@kfire.us
Kentuckians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Michelle Dallacroce site email form
Mothers Against Illegal Aliens
Hal Netkin halnetkin@watchdogamerica.com
Watchdog America AZ
Col. Albert F. Rodriguez- site email form
You Don't Speak For Me
William Gheen of ALIPAC Declares “Fatwah” Against Minuteman Project
(Comments indicate Gheen despises U.S. combat veterans)
Hate email received by Jim Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project from William Gheen of ALIPAC:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Gheen [mailto:WilliamG@alipac.us]
> To: Century21Minuteman
To Jim Gilchrist from William Gheen/ALIPAC:
Hey, don't forget to add me to your lawsuit asshole. You know I have been orchestrating the whole thing [destruction of you and your Minuteman Project] behind the scenes all along. Why not give credit where credit is due.
Do us all a favor and go get the help you need from a VA Hospital, and sit down and shut up before you cause even more destruction and put your insanity further on display.
William Gheen
Reply from Jim Gilchrist:
To William Gheen of ALIPAC from Jim Gilchrist:
I will reply to the excerpts of your rage posted above in two parts: your issue with wounded combat veterans, and then your issue with the lawsuit MMP lawyers have filed against some of your apparent associates.
First of all, just because someone volunteers to serve in the US Marine Corps and gets shot in battle while fighting in Vietnam does not mean that person is “insane,” as you imply in your latest hate-email to the Minuteman Project. If you have an issue with combat veterans, I suggest you bring your grievance to organizations like the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their 20+ million members.
As an 18-year-old patriot, I chose to volunteer to fight in battle for my country. You, on the other hand, Gheen, chose to evade any military service and let others fight and die in your place. And don’t whine that you were ineligible for military service during the Mid-Eastern Wars of the past two decades.
I suppose the boldest thing you have ever done is sharpen a pencil, or change a flat tire. What will be your next bold adventure? Throwing a wheel-chair bound, legless war amputee under a bus?
You are pathetic misanthrope.
Second, the Minuteman Project is suing those involved in what appears to be a criminal attempt to seize and plunder the Minuteman Project. The law suit, in my opinion, precedes criminal indictments, if any, that could later be brought against the defendants by the Orange County (Ca.) District Attorney.
The Minuteman Project re-opened the original law suit against the defendants because of their continued attempts to put the minuteman movement into disarray, and because I personally think they are criminals.
Your admitted personal involvement in the intentional disruption of the Minuteman Project does not bode well for any expedient resolution to the illegal alien invasion crisis.
In my opinion, the apparent sinister actions of the persons being sued by MMP, and your admitted cooperation with them, have stalled the minuteman movement and fed right into the agenda of the pro-illegal alien invasion fanatics the Minuteman Project has been fighting for so many years.
Consequently, we now have a pro-illegal alien President, continued sanctuary-city status to protect illegal aliens, unsecure borders, and an amnesty proposal for the estimated 30 million illegal aliens who currently occupy US territory.
You, Mr. Gheen of ALIPAC, are as much to blame for the lack of resolution to the immigration invasion dilemma as our cavalier politicians in the US Congress.
Jim Gilchrist, President and Founder, The Minuteman Project, and a proud combat wounded Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam War
Jim Gilchrist, BAJ, BSBA, MBA, CPA - Founder and President, The Minuteman Project, Inc.
- A multi-ethnic immigration law enforcement advocacy group.
- Operating within the law to support enforcement of the law.
- The power of change through the power of peace.
IMHO: About SOS, SDMM, ALIPAC libelous anti-MMP/Gilchrist propaganda; I have seen the proof and it should be noted Gilchrist and his MMP have tried several times to ignore, make peace with, and then tried to settle out-of-court with these rapid attackers for the united sake of accompplishing Our Mission. ALL the unethical attackers would not look past their bloated egos and drop matters for the betterment of accomplishing Our Mission, so they keep this up. It looks like to me MMP is defending itself from other .org corrupt leaders who are mindlessly protecting their personal media celebrity, their leader's ego or public leader's 'face' with their .org followers. That's very petty.
IN the 'he has not sinned, cast the first stone' department....
Posted: Dec 17, 2007 11:42 PM
Signed by 79 leaders of Immigration Enforcement Groups!
In reaction to Jim Gilchrist’s (Co-Founder of Minutemen) lone endorsement of pro-amnesty Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee:
We, the undersigned, state that our organizations stand against racism and Amnesty for illegal aliens. Instead, we stand for the enforcement of our existing immigration laws, the securing of America’s borders, and attrition enforcement.
We have dedicated our efforts to fighting illegal immigration and we are compelled to warn the American public about the immigration stance and record of Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee.
We denounce Jim Gilchrist’s solo endorsement of a pro-amnesty and Open Borders candidate for President. Mr. Gilchrist does NOT speak for us!
(***READERS NOTE: This political endorsement was as AN individual, not speaking for the MMP since that org is a registered & certified charity which cannot make any political endorsements. Your name and org listing here says you are making a political endorsement AGAINST an individual's right to make a political
endorsement....Ever read the US consitution? If your org listed here is a is a registered & certified charity than YOU cannot make any political endorsements as you have here by giving your political endorsement for this ALIPAC press release. You org's political endorsement is illegal and highly unethical.)
William Gheen- A loon.
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
Ron Woodard rwoodard@nclisten.com
NC Listen Border Project
Peter Gadiel- 'DOWN for maintenance'
9/11 Families for A Secure America
Dan Sheehy- '404 not found'
Author of “Fighting Immigration Anarchy: American Patriots Battle to Save the Nation”
RUSSELL LANDRY- 'MSN groups closed'
Citizens Against Illegal Aliens
Danny Smith info@americanfreedomriders.com
American Freedom Riders, motorcycles riders
Wanda Piety- 'Oops! This link appears gone.'
Save America Fund
Brook Young- A Loon
Immigration Watchdog
Andy Ramirez andy@fobp.us
Friends of the Border Patrol
Sandra Beene- contact email sent
Co-founder TX Minutemen
1. Chris Simcox- defendant, loon
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Co-Founder of the Minutemen
2. Hal Washburn info@MinutemanHQ.com
MCDC Washington State AZ?
3. Joseph L. Ray
MCDC Chapter Leader
4. Michael Apple
Minutemen Civil Defense Corps.
California-North Bay Chapter
5. Carl Braun
State Leader MCDC- CA
Allen Taylor- 'The website cannot display the page.'
Hoosiers for Secure Borders
Jack McDermott- 'Not in Google.'
Pennsylvanians Against Illegal Immigration
Jeff Wilson- 'This domain may be for sale by its owner!'
Report and Deport
S. Byron Gassaway jetta@nym.hush.com
Rescue Without Borders-Anti-White Genocide,This site dedicated to the remembrance of the heroism and bravery of the Rhodesians, Namibians, and South Africans who were attacked by Soviet and Cuban backed terrorist guerillas for being anti-communist while they were betrayed by the West for the "crime" of being white.
Melissa Gardner contact email sent
Let Freedom Ring America TX
Johnny Tex- saloon singer, johnnytex@johnnytex.com
"The Trans Texas Corridor Blues"
Johnny Tex and the Texicans
Gianluca Zanna- MohaveM@yahoo.com 'We are UNDER CONSTRUCTION...'
Co-Founder Mohave County Minutemen, NM
Ruthie Hendrycks minnsir@yahoo.com
Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform, MINNSIR is NOT a 501(3)c
Steve Hampton Admin@protectourborder.net
Protect Our Borders TX
Hayward Vickery Jr- contact email sent
US Border Watch TX
Michael Franks- running politician
Former Texas State Republican Executive Committee Member.
Former Political Director, Texas Republican Liberty Caucus
Teela Roche scim911@yahoo.com & Mark Thies (troche@clemson.edu)
South Carolinians for Immigration Moderation
Margaretann Bianculli- 'Not on Google'
Greater Farmingville Citizens’ Association
Bill Strong- 'Oops! This link appears broken.'
Jon Healy- contact email sent
TechnoPatriots AZ
Wally McCormick
Utah Minuteman
Phyllis Sears cciiwc@mindspring.com
Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration UT
Barb Coe barb@ccir.net
California Coalition for Immigration Reform, Huntington Beach
Daniel Smeriglio & Andrew Woodring - 'Sorry, the site you requested has been disabled'
Voice of the people U.S.A
Bob Cox gerry.waterson@gmail.com
Patriots Border Alliance
Steve Salvi salvi@ojjpac.org
Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC
Bob Baker & Leon Donahue WFIR@comcast.net
Washingtonians For Immigration Reform
Michael A. Jackson- running politician, MJ@VoteMJ.com
Government for the People, CA Long Beach candidate 54th district
Tony Dolz- running politician, tony@dolz.com
U.S. Congressional Candidate (California 30th District, west valley to countty line)
MCDC California
Dan Amato- contact email sent
Digger's Realm
Jeff Schwilk- A Loon, SDMM@cox.net
San Diego Minutemen
Joe Turner & Chelene Nightingale- Two Loons, media@saveourstate.org
Save Our State
Conner Collier (duplicate?)
V.P. of U.S. Border Watch TX
Joe & Barb McCutchen- 'BLOGGERS'
Arkansas Freedom, anti-Huckabee
A. B. Flanagan, III TX, spammer-commercial site
Jan Herron- 'Columnist'
Magic City Morning Star
Robert M. Copley Sr.- 'site has NOT been updated since 06'
Colorado Minutemen
Burr Deitz- 3RD party, Chair@nyconstitutionparty.com
New York Constitution Party
Paul Streitz- 'Domaine up for sale'
CT Citizens for Immigration Control
Janie McCormick
Constitution Coalition
Saul Lisauskas- 'Oops! This link appears broken.'
Stopp SPP & NAU
Frosty Wooldridge- 'ecologist/actor', Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families that he obtained bicycling 100,000 miles around the globe and across six continents in the past 25 years. He has written hundreds of articles on a regular basis for 16 national and 2 international magazines.
Author & Paul Revere Riders
Kathy McKee- founder/chairman contactDirector@pan2004.com
Protect Arizona NOW
Lupe Moreno- site email form
Latino Americans for Immigration Reform (LAIR)
Ted Hayes- 'no site on google'
Los Angeles Activist
Nedd Kareiva- 'site last update '06'
Stop the ACLU Coalition IL
Peter B. Gemma- BLOGGER, manews@manews.org
columnist, Middle American News,
Paul & Jo Separk- 'Invalid Group ID. Try a different ID.'
The MidNight Writers
Frank Jorge- have email
Antelope Valley Independent Minutemen
Ron Bass- info@UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com
United Patriots of America NJ
Michael Kelley- 'Domaine up for sale'
NC Voice
Duane Smith
Nevada Action Coalition Las Vegas
Mark Edwards securedborders@aol.com
Founder of Unite to Fight 1 & 2 and Wake Up America
Scott DiBenedetto- site email form
Pahrump Minutemen (ALIPAC)
Theresa Harmon- 'couldn't find site'
Tennesseans for Responsible Immigration Policies
Susan Smith- site comes up "Things to know when taking Propecia"
Nebraskans Advisory Group
Jim Ludwick- site email form
Oregonians for Immigration Reform,Oregon Chartered 501(c)4 Organization
Robert R. Galbreath Jr. cfacr@citizensforaconstitutionalrepublic.com
Citizens for a Constitutional Republic, PA
George Gush no_illegal_immigration@verizon.net
Boycott: State Farm Insurance
Jim Palmer- 'commercial site'
Buy Direct USA
Chris Davis- site email form
America in Danger
Michael Williams- 'domaine up for sale'
Border Hawks
Walter Adams paminutemen@msn.com
PA Minutemen State Director
Joseph Ureneck & Steve Kropper
Massachusetts Citizens for Immigration Reform
Mike Vanderboegh- 'antigovernment militia commander, hate group'
Alabama Minuteman Project
Dennis Murphy Director@NebraskaMinuteman.com
Nebraska Minuteman Civil Defense Corp, NE
Marvin Steward & Deborah Courtney- 'defendants'
Minuteman Project Inc
Michael Strauss & John Loucome- 'not listed in google'
LaPorte County Illegal Immigration Taskforce
Edward & Cynthia Kolb- 'desert environmental site' icaredesertvisions@hotmail.com
Desert Visions
Doug Roy Info@kfire.us
Kentuckians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Michelle Dallacroce site email form
Mothers Against Illegal Aliens
Hal Netkin halnetkin@watchdogamerica.com
Watchdog America AZ
Col. Albert F. Rodriguez- site email form
You Don't Speak For Me
William Gheen of ALIPAC Declares “Fatwah” Against Minuteman Project
(Comments indicate Gheen despises U.S. combat veterans)
Hate email received by Jim Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project from William Gheen of ALIPAC:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Gheen [mailto:WilliamG@alipac.us]
> To: Century21Minuteman
To Jim Gilchrist from William Gheen/ALIPAC:
Hey, don't forget to add me to your lawsuit asshole. You know I have been orchestrating the whole thing [destruction of you and your Minuteman Project] behind the scenes all along. Why not give credit where credit is due.
Do us all a favor and go get the help you need from a VA Hospital, and sit down and shut up before you cause even more destruction and put your insanity further on display.
William Gheen
Reply from Jim Gilchrist:
To William Gheen of ALIPAC from Jim Gilchrist:
I will reply to the excerpts of your rage posted above in two parts: your issue with wounded combat veterans, and then your issue with the lawsuit MMP lawyers have filed against some of your apparent associates.
First of all, just because someone volunteers to serve in the US Marine Corps and gets shot in battle while fighting in Vietnam does not mean that person is “insane,” as you imply in your latest hate-email to the Minuteman Project. If you have an issue with combat veterans, I suggest you bring your grievance to organizations like the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their 20+ million members.
As an 18-year-old patriot, I chose to volunteer to fight in battle for my country. You, on the other hand, Gheen, chose to evade any military service and let others fight and die in your place. And don’t whine that you were ineligible for military service during the Mid-Eastern Wars of the past two decades.
I suppose the boldest thing you have ever done is sharpen a pencil, or change a flat tire. What will be your next bold adventure? Throwing a wheel-chair bound, legless war amputee under a bus?
You are pathetic misanthrope.
Second, the Minuteman Project is suing those involved in what appears to be a criminal attempt to seize and plunder the Minuteman Project. The law suit, in my opinion, precedes criminal indictments, if any, that could later be brought against the defendants by the Orange County (Ca.) District Attorney.
The Minuteman Project re-opened the original law suit against the defendants because of their continued attempts to put the minuteman movement into disarray, and because I personally think they are criminals.
Your admitted personal involvement in the intentional disruption of the Minuteman Project does not bode well for any expedient resolution to the illegal alien invasion crisis.
In my opinion, the apparent sinister actions of the persons being sued by MMP, and your admitted cooperation with them, have stalled the minuteman movement and fed right into the agenda of the pro-illegal alien invasion fanatics the Minuteman Project has been fighting for so many years.
Consequently, we now have a pro-illegal alien President, continued sanctuary-city status to protect illegal aliens, unsecure borders, and an amnesty proposal for the estimated 30 million illegal aliens who currently occupy US territory.
You, Mr. Gheen of ALIPAC, are as much to blame for the lack of resolution to the immigration invasion dilemma as our cavalier politicians in the US Congress.
Jim Gilchrist, President and Founder, The Minuteman Project, and a proud combat wounded Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam War
Jim Gilchrist, BAJ, BSBA, MBA, CPA - Founder and President, The Minuteman Project, Inc.
- A multi-ethnic immigration law enforcement advocacy group.
- Operating within the law to support enforcement of the law.
- The power of change through the power of peace.
IMHO: About SOS, SDMM, ALIPAC libelous anti-MMP/Gilchrist propaganda; I have seen the proof and it should be noted Gilchrist and his MMP have tried several times to ignore, make peace with, and then tried to settle out-of-court with these rapid attackers for the united sake of accompplishing Our Mission. ALL the unethical attackers would not look past their bloated egos and drop matters for the betterment of accomplishing Our Mission, so they keep this up. It looks like to me MMP is defending itself from other .org corrupt leaders who are mindlessly protecting their personal media celebrity, their leader's ego or public leader's 'face' with their .org followers. That's very petty.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Chelene Nightinghoul is stepping down from SOS.
Some news from Chelene Nightinghoul and SOS. She is dropping out of event organizing. Her SOS forum announcement:
QUOTE: For the last 3 years I have organized SoCal events - marches, protests, petition signings, etc.....The first year OldPreach still lived here and also helped organize events. And of course before OP and me, there was Joe.
Currently I am helping organize the big July 4th event (see SOS events section). In addition I am working on another project. It is time that one of you SoCal activists steps forward to organize events. Who will it be?
Please pm me, email me, or post here.
I am expecting volunteers. SOS was NOT created to be a forum organization. It was created to be an ACTIVIST organization.
I will provide assistance and support. I have learned from mistakes and experience. I promise to help you get started.
Thank you.UNQUOTE +++
SOS forum got 47 lookers of that thread and NO takers....make that 1/2 a taker. 'Jean from Filmore', a barking chicken single spinster lady said she would be ONLY a co-sponsor. LOL
More keyboard warriors that ONLY rant. It looks like SOS is dying on the vine. Finally and for the good due to mismangement and abuse of the patriotic members. Become Gilchrist Minutemen Project members, ASAP.
Minutemen and Women,
It is good news that Chelene Nightinghoul is stepping down from SOS. The SOS crowd is nothing but a racist organization with a membership of mean, hate-mongering social maladroits. SOS has not conducted any rally in years, as more and more members drop out of it. Just like Jeff Schwilk’s gang (SDMM) and the ALIPAC (William Gheen) fanatics who can’t stand anyone taking the spotlight from them on the illegal alien invasion issue. I also include much of Coe’s CCIR crowd in this category.
As long as we continue to let these loons speak for the immigration reform movement it is doomed to failure. Already, the mutual acrimony and hostility created by these crazies has caused our political leaders to consider our movement to be nothing more than a few “extremist kooks” and therefore, we are not taken seriously.
Jim Gilchrist, BAJ, BSBA, MBA, CPA(ret.) - Founder and President, The Minuteman Project, Inc.
- A multi-ethnic immigration law enforcement advocacy group.
- Operating within the law to support enforcement of the law.
- The power of change through the power of peace.
P.O. BOX 3944
LAGUNA HILLS, CA. 92654-3944
UPDATE: SOS general membership "damage control".......From their SOS forums,
To squelch rumors by the "mole" crowd...I am NOT leaving SOS. I simply have been asked due to my work (***This SOS 'charity' does not have staff, only volunteers, it's charity work. Such charities CANNOT take political stands or make political endorsements !) with Save Our State to take on a big project. This project will not allow me the time to organize local events.
Therefore Jean and Jalira will be organizing the local events. AG will organize all the NorCal events.
Not much change...just a bigger, brighter future for our organization. Once the project is announced, it will bring more attention to SOS. PLEASE do NOT listen or read RUMORS by moles. I want to thank the SOS member who brought this latest rumor to my attention. Appreciate it!
HI Chelene Nightengoul !!!! Nice to see that you care... LMAO.
QUOTE: For the last 3 years I have organized SoCal events - marches, protests, petition signings, etc.....The first year OldPreach still lived here and also helped organize events. And of course before OP and me, there was Joe.
Currently I am helping organize the big July 4th event (see SOS events section). In addition I am working on another project. It is time that one of you SoCal activists steps forward to organize events. Who will it be?
Please pm me, email me, or post here.
I am expecting volunteers. SOS was NOT created to be a forum organization. It was created to be an ACTIVIST organization.
I will provide assistance and support. I have learned from mistakes and experience. I promise to help you get started.
Thank you.UNQUOTE +++
SOS forum got 47 lookers of that thread and NO takers....make that 1/2 a taker. 'Jean from Filmore', a barking chicken single spinster lady said she would be ONLY a co-sponsor. LOL
More keyboard warriors that ONLY rant. It looks like SOS is dying on the vine. Finally and for the good due to mismangement and abuse of the patriotic members. Become Gilchrist Minutemen Project members, ASAP.
Minutemen and Women,
It is good news that Chelene Nightinghoul is stepping down from SOS. The SOS crowd is nothing but a racist organization with a membership of mean, hate-mongering social maladroits. SOS has not conducted any rally in years, as more and more members drop out of it. Just like Jeff Schwilk’s gang (SDMM) and the ALIPAC (William Gheen) fanatics who can’t stand anyone taking the spotlight from them on the illegal alien invasion issue. I also include much of Coe’s CCIR crowd in this category.
As long as we continue to let these loons speak for the immigration reform movement it is doomed to failure. Already, the mutual acrimony and hostility created by these crazies has caused our political leaders to consider our movement to be nothing more than a few “extremist kooks” and therefore, we are not taken seriously.
Jim Gilchrist, BAJ, BSBA, MBA, CPA(ret.) - Founder and President, The Minuteman Project, Inc.
- A multi-ethnic immigration law enforcement advocacy group.
- Operating within the law to support enforcement of the law.
- The power of change through the power of peace.
P.O. BOX 3944
LAGUNA HILLS, CA. 92654-3944
UPDATE: SOS general membership "damage control".......From their SOS forums,
To squelch rumors by the "mole" crowd...I am NOT leaving SOS. I simply have been asked due to my work (***This SOS 'charity' does not have staff, only volunteers, it's charity work. Such charities CANNOT take political stands or make political endorsements !) with Save Our State to take on a big project. This project will not allow me the time to organize local events.
Therefore Jean and Jalira will be organizing the local events. AG will organize all the NorCal events.
Not much change...just a bigger, brighter future for our organization. Once the project is announced, it will bring more attention to SOS. PLEASE do NOT listen or read RUMORS by moles. I want to thank the SOS member who brought this latest rumor to my attention. Appreciate it!
HI Chelene Nightengoul !!!! Nice to see that you care... LMAO.
Friday, April 10, 2009
American Good Happy Music
T. Lester's music is patriotic and very listenable.
You can listen to many of her songs for *FREE* at LINK:
And she has a new music video on You Tube with her song, "Thank A Soldier video" LINK:
You can listen to many of her songs for *FREE* at LINK:
And she has a new music video on You Tube with her song, "Thank A Soldier video" LINK:
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Local Activism ideas...
Here is some of what I came up with:
1. Along with rodeos, I feel we should have 'secure the borders' recruitment tables at local events like town street fairs(ventura christmas, simi valley), county fairs(ventura, conejo valley), gun shows(ventura, santa barbara), rock & gem shows(Newbury Park,Port Huenemme{sp?}), antique shows(ventura, Santa Barbara), and swap meets(Ventura, Ventura junior college). Our tables should have our flyers, our signage, free give-away: like refrigerator magnets or pens, and TV monitor AV presentation of DVD or tape. Free hard candy to all visitors.
2. I feel we should have parade marching 'secure the borders' group for our recruitment at local parades like Simi Valley days(spring), Conejo Valley days(spring), Canoga Park Memorial Day, and Granada Hills Christmas. Our goup could be just a group of people wearing stoptheinvasion printed shirts, red=white=blue clothing, flags, and patriot hats. Maybe include local Revolutionary historic reenactment folks and boy or girl scouts and veterans associations.
3. I feel we should have Freeway over-pass 'secure the borders' banner events, manned and unmanned.
4. I feel we should have DLC 'secure the borders' events.
5. I feel we should seek and get Mayor Villiaragosa's public schedule, so we can be sure to speak to him about 'secure the borders' whenever he is in public befor the media.
6. I feel we should have more people questing and caring our 'secure the borders' message on their local public cable access TV shows and that people should contact their local cable systems to become 'show producers' in their local geographical home areas. It is free to do. Only takes a couple of hours in a class and costs nothing to produce a TV access show.
7. I feel we should have people attending and setting up 'secure the borders' tables at all local govt. respresentative's public Town Hall Meetings at our schools.
8. I feel we should have appropriate 'secure the borders' events outside the Reagan Library.
9. I feel we should have our people speaking about 'secure the borders' mission at the satellite Van Nuys City Hall to the downtown City Council during the scheduled month's first days.
1. Along with rodeos, I feel we should have 'secure the borders' recruitment tables at local events like town street fairs(ventura christmas, simi valley), county fairs(ventura, conejo valley), gun shows(ventura, santa barbara), rock & gem shows(Newbury Park,Port Huenemme{sp?}), antique shows(ventura, Santa Barbara), and swap meets(Ventura, Ventura junior college). Our tables should have our flyers, our signage, free give-away: like refrigerator magnets or pens, and TV monitor AV presentation of DVD or tape. Free hard candy to all visitors.
2. I feel we should have parade marching 'secure the borders' group for our recruitment at local parades like Simi Valley days(spring), Conejo Valley days(spring), Canoga Park Memorial Day, and Granada Hills Christmas. Our goup could be just a group of people wearing stoptheinvasion printed shirts, red=white=blue clothing, flags, and patriot hats. Maybe include local Revolutionary historic reenactment folks and boy or girl scouts and veterans associations.
3. I feel we should have Freeway over-pass 'secure the borders' banner events, manned and unmanned.
4. I feel we should have DLC 'secure the borders' events.
5. I feel we should seek and get Mayor Villiaragosa's public schedule, so we can be sure to speak to him about 'secure the borders' whenever he is in public befor the media.
6. I feel we should have more people questing and caring our 'secure the borders' message on their local public cable access TV shows and that people should contact their local cable systems to become 'show producers' in their local geographical home areas. It is free to do. Only takes a couple of hours in a class and costs nothing to produce a TV access show.
7. I feel we should have people attending and setting up 'secure the borders' tables at all local govt. respresentative's public Town Hall Meetings at our schools.
8. I feel we should have appropriate 'secure the borders' events outside the Reagan Library.
9. I feel we should have our people speaking about 'secure the borders' mission at the satellite Van Nuys City Hall to the downtown City Council during the scheduled month's first days.
Protest sign ideas...
Illegals OUT!
Kennedy’s car has killed
MORE people than my gun.
Land of the free
Home of the legal..
Brave (Citizens).
LAPD’s Special order 40
Kills the innocent !
The Mayor’s Special
Order 40 = dead cops
Gangs LOVE Mayor V’s
Special Order 40.
Special order 40
handcuffs the police
LA’s Sp. Order 40 helps crooks
Amnesty=free ride
Get in line, aliens
respect America
Post 9-11, secure borders!
Post 9-11, it’s an invasion.
Citizenship, not amnesty
¡Corrupción destruye Mexico! Arreglalo!
Illegal aliens: Doing crimes Americans won't do.
Legals Welcome. Illegals out!
noncitizens = Terrorists
No amnesty again!
NO ILLEGAL’S 84 amnesty
**WELFARE FOR citizens
Save USA, No amnesty
Save USA workers, no amnesty
Citizens want NO amnesty
Legal, not illegal
Join USA, not steal
Citizens YES, NOt Aliens
Emigrate, NOT immigrate!
Alien street mobs, get more citizen crowds!
US Vets first!
No welfare to non-citizens.
(Foreign nationals)
It’s immigration Law, NOT race! ¡Es la ley!
Enforce US border laws, NOW !
Stop border hoppers
No catch and release
More ‘return to sender’
Get citizenship, now !
citizens build the USA.
Americanization, not alienation.
vets 4 work, not 4 aliens.
FBI statistics, crimes Americans won’t do..
Illegals are -
Wanted killers %95+
Gang members %51+
Jailed gang members %33+
unlicensed drivers %92
prison inmates %25+
burglars %53
Aliens on welfare %58
Aliens in H.U.D. housing %60
Aliens on Food Stamps %43
Aliens on unemployment checks %41
Anchor baby medi-cal births %66
Alien students (1-12) %39+
* illegals Picking crops, only %2
* Aliens should NOT have jobs in manufacturing, building, retail, food, medical, transpo and other blue collar jobs.
* illegal slaves profit to employers- $2.36 Trillion
* illegal slaves cost to taxpayers- $70 Billion yr
* aliens get from US taxpayers- $11,ooo yr
Aliens take jobs from us.
Aliens take blue-collar jobs.
More ‘return to sender’ now !
Kennedy’s car has killed
MORE people than my gun.
Land of the free
Home of the legal..
Brave (Citizens).
LAPD’s Special order 40
Kills the innocent !
The Mayor’s Special
Order 40 = dead cops
Gangs LOVE Mayor V’s
Special Order 40.
Special order 40
handcuffs the police
LA’s Sp. Order 40 helps crooks
Amnesty=free ride
Get in line, aliens
respect America
Post 9-11, secure borders!
Post 9-11, it’s an invasion.
Citizenship, not amnesty
¡Corrupción destruye Mexico! Arreglalo!
Illegal aliens: Doing crimes Americans won't do.
Legals Welcome. Illegals out!
noncitizens = Terrorists
No amnesty again!
NO ILLEGAL’S 84 amnesty
**WELFARE FOR citizens
Save USA, No amnesty
Save USA workers, no amnesty
Citizens want NO amnesty
Legal, not illegal
Join USA, not steal
Citizens YES, NOt Aliens
Emigrate, NOT immigrate!
Alien street mobs, get more citizen crowds!
US Vets first!
No welfare to non-citizens.
(Foreign nationals)
It’s immigration Law, NOT race! ¡Es la ley!
Enforce US border laws, NOW !
Stop border hoppers
No catch and release
More ‘return to sender’
Get citizenship, now !
citizens build the USA.
Americanization, not alienation.
vets 4 work, not 4 aliens.
FBI statistics, crimes Americans won’t do..
Illegals are -
Wanted killers %95+
Gang members %51+
Jailed gang members %33+
unlicensed drivers %92
prison inmates %25+
burglars %53
Aliens on welfare %58
Aliens in H.U.D. housing %60
Aliens on Food Stamps %43
Aliens on unemployment checks %41
Anchor baby medi-cal births %66
Alien students (1-12) %39+
* illegals Picking crops, only %2
* Aliens should NOT have jobs in manufacturing, building, retail, food, medical, transpo and other blue collar jobs.
* illegal slaves profit to employers- $2.36 Trillion
* illegal slaves cost to taxpayers- $70 Billion yr
* aliens get from US taxpayers- $11,ooo yr
Aliens take jobs from us.
Aliens take blue-collar jobs.
More ‘return to sender’ now !
Fighting Govt Benefits Fraud.
Govt Benefits Fraud
A guy you know has been cashing his wife's Social Security checks for the past five years even though she died three years ago.
General Accounting Office
Fraud Hotline
600 East Street, NW, Room 100Washington, DC, 20548
202- 272-5557
Information, investigation, and legal advice.
If you wish, your call will be kept anonymous. Here is a list of benefit programs with first hotline that handle complaints.
Food Stamps- 1-800-424-9121
Housing Subcidies (HUD)- 1-800-347-3735
Medicare & Medicaid- 1-800- 368-5779
Social Security benefits- 1-800- 368-5779
Unemployment Compensations- 1-800- 347-3756
Federal Inspector General's Whistleblower Hotlines to stop fruad, waste, or mismanagement:
US Department of Health and Human Services
OIG Hotrline, PO BOX 17303 Baltimore, MD 21203-7303
1-800- 368-5779
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
OIG, 451 7th st, SW, Wasgington, DC, 20410, 1-800- 347-3735
General Accounting Office
GAO, 600 East Street, NW, Ste. 1000, Washington, DC 202-272-5557
General Services Administration
Hotline Officer, GSA/OIG (JI) Washington, DC 20405 202-501-1780, 1-800-424-5210
A guy you know has been cashing his wife's Social Security checks for the past five years even though she died three years ago.
General Accounting Office
Fraud Hotline
600 East Street, NW, Room 100Washington, DC, 20548
202- 272-5557
Information, investigation, and legal advice.
If you wish, your call will be kept anonymous. Here is a list of benefit programs with first hotline that handle complaints.
Food Stamps- 1-800-424-9121
Housing Subcidies (HUD)- 1-800-347-3735
Medicare & Medicaid- 1-800- 368-5779
Social Security benefits- 1-800- 368-5779
Unemployment Compensations- 1-800- 347-3756
Federal Inspector General's Whistleblower Hotlines to stop fruad, waste, or mismanagement:
US Department of Health and Human Services
OIG Hotrline, PO BOX 17303 Baltimore, MD 21203-7303
1-800- 368-5779
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
OIG, 451 7th st, SW, Wasgington, DC, 20410, 1-800- 347-3735
General Accounting Office
GAO, 600 East Street, NW, Ste. 1000, Washington, DC 202-272-5557
General Services Administration
Hotline Officer, GSA/OIG (JI) Washington, DC 20405 202-501-1780, 1-800-424-5210
If local politicians practice Political Discrimination....
Political Discrimination-
The mayor of your own town won't allow your group to peacefully demonstrate because he doesn't agree with your point of view.
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
1121 Vermont Ave, NW, Room 700, Washinton, DC 20425
INformation, referrals, legal advice.
The mayor of your own town won't allow your group to peacefully demonstrate because he doesn't agree with your point of view.
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
1121 Vermont Ave, NW, Room 700, Washinton, DC 20425
INformation, referrals, legal advice.
Says it all....
My 2 cents: Since I have been a old timer SF Valley posse member; Burbank-Van Nuys-Canoga Park HOme CReepo DLC; Simi church; Hollywood street rallier for 3+ years now, I know of what I speak of.
And I have the scars and BBS bans to share for proof. When movement veterans and newbies learn of Chelene 'PatDream' Nightengale maliciousness, she still manages to spend more private time attacking certain people's good work in the movement with masses of secret emails while she eagerly promotes her own news celebrity by speaking before as many press/TV cameras as possible, even as a self-professed non-staff sos member.
This action adds up to demonstrates a unethical person's embedded personal corruption & rampant hypocrisy. Many movement veterans and newbies are turned off by this and would rather work on their own than put themselves working with such people/problems to fight for our country liberation. If you can't trust your fellow patriots on these matters, you are in more danger that dealing with several jobless DLC scum. Such club corruption only divides and weakens our work. However your mileage may vary.....
And I have the scars and BBS bans to share for proof. When movement veterans and newbies learn of Chelene 'PatDream' Nightengale maliciousness, she still manages to spend more private time attacking certain people's good work in the movement with masses of secret emails while she eagerly promotes her own news celebrity by speaking before as many press/TV cameras as possible, even as a self-professed non-staff sos member.
This action adds up to demonstrates a unethical person's embedded personal corruption & rampant hypocrisy. Many movement veterans and newbies are turned off by this and would rather work on their own than put themselves working with such people/problems to fight for our country liberation. If you can't trust your fellow patriots on these matters, you are in more danger that dealing with several jobless DLC scum. Such club corruption only divides and weakens our work. However your mileage may vary.....
A few snappy comebacks to verbal attacks in public.
Some is borrowed with permission and some is new. ADD your own. Gotta put my spin on this and provide a few snappy comebacks...
Why can't you just let them make a better life for themselves?
--Are you willing to bet your life everyone pouring over the border is 'nice'?
--Because they expect me to pay for it.
--Because they steal our social security numbers to do so
Why are you so full of hate?
--Because my identity was stolen.
--My neighborhood has turned into a third world country.
--Someone I know was killed/raped/etc by an illegal alien.
--My mayor is corrupt.
--My fellow Americans seem to have their heads up their….
--Because you people won't let me protest in peace.
Do you even have a job?
--No, I was replaced by an illegal making $2 an hour -- don't come crying to me when you're next!
--No, how would you like to employ a hardworking American for a change?
--Do you have eyes?
--Yes, and so do you - protecting our country from invaders!
Did you know this land once belonged to Mexico?
-- Yes, it was also an independent country called the Republic of California. This was also the Nation of the Tongva - the true native Americans of LA. How far back in history do you want to go?
-- Yes, and do you know how many Americans died defending this land for you sorry ass?
-- If you think Mexico is so great, why don't you move there? [an oldie but a goodie]
Why don't Minutemen go protect the Canadian border?
-- We do.
Don't you have anything better to do with your time?
-- Defending the Nation is the most important use of anyone's time.
Don't you know this is really Mexico?
-- Oh, really? Open your wallet and give me all that foreign currency (US dollars) you are illegally carrying & working for. I'll turn it in.
Dont' you know this is still Mexican land? Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Monica?
-- Oh, really? Then you better get out of places like Sunland, Oxnard, Reseda, Riverside, Buellton, Arleta, Burbank, Glendale, Hollywood, Tarzana, Van Nuys, Canoga Park, Bakersfield, Orange County, Ventura, Anahiem, Pasdena, Long Beach, and many many more.
Do you want a job?
-- No thanks. This is my only fun-day off from working a 6 day job.
Why aren't you working today?
-- Thanks for you concern. I am working, just doing the protesting that my fellow citizens won't do.
Why aren't you in church on Sunday?
--I'm jewish and have been to temple, thanks
--I went last night. We have Saturday evening masses now, do you know that?
Why are you hassling these nice working people?
--I wasn't hassling anyone. You got out of your car, parked it and walked over to me to ask your unfriendly statment. I was minding my own business.
--This is your lucky today! You get a Free US Govt civics lesson. What I'm doing is called exercising my USA First Amendment Rights. It new to primitive 3rd world countries, but not here. Don't you know this?
Why don't you stop filming me OR you can't film me?
--Oh PluuuuZE, NO. I can't stop myself. You're just so damned attractive.
--I can't. Filming is for your personal protection, not mine. There are criminals around.
--Yes I can. We aren't in Mexico, chum.
Can I take your picture?
-- Yes. But before that, I must warn you I charge for pictures and autographs due to my strict film union rules.
--Yes. But I have to give you a hug, first!
Why don't you go back to Europe?
--I'm not from there. I'm from Burbank.
--You go back first!
--I'm native polynesian. You leave.
--You're not the boss of me!
--I will leave, when you walk back to Siberia.
--Why? You don't look Olmec to me.
--I'll self deport after you do.
Why can't you just let them make a better life for themselves?
--Are you willing to bet your life everyone pouring over the border is 'nice'?
--Because they expect me to pay for it.
--Because they steal our social security numbers to do so
Why are you so full of hate?
--Because my identity was stolen.
--My neighborhood has turned into a third world country.
--Someone I know was killed/raped/etc by an illegal alien.
--My mayor is corrupt.
--My fellow Americans seem to have their heads up their….
--Because you people won't let me protest in peace.
Do you even have a job?
--No, I was replaced by an illegal making $2 an hour -- don't come crying to me when you're next!
--No, how would you like to employ a hardworking American for a change?
--Do you have eyes?
--Yes, and so do you - protecting our country from invaders!
Did you know this land once belonged to Mexico?
-- Yes, it was also an independent country called the Republic of California. This was also the Nation of the Tongva - the true native Americans of LA. How far back in history do you want to go?
-- Yes, and do you know how many Americans died defending this land for you sorry ass?
-- If you think Mexico is so great, why don't you move there? [an oldie but a goodie]
Why don't Minutemen go protect the Canadian border?
-- We do.
Don't you have anything better to do with your time?
-- Defending the Nation is the most important use of anyone's time.
Don't you know this is really Mexico?
-- Oh, really? Open your wallet and give me all that foreign currency (US dollars) you are illegally carrying & working for. I'll turn it in.
Dont' you know this is still Mexican land? Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Monica?
-- Oh, really? Then you better get out of places like Sunland, Oxnard, Reseda, Riverside, Buellton, Arleta, Burbank, Glendale, Hollywood, Tarzana, Van Nuys, Canoga Park, Bakersfield, Orange County, Ventura, Anahiem, Pasdena, Long Beach, and many many more.
Do you want a job?
-- No thanks. This is my only fun-day off from working a 6 day job.
Why aren't you working today?
-- Thanks for you concern. I am working, just doing the protesting that my fellow citizens won't do.
Why aren't you in church on Sunday?
--I'm jewish and have been to temple, thanks
--I went last night. We have Saturday evening masses now, do you know that?
Why are you hassling these nice working people?
--I wasn't hassling anyone. You got out of your car, parked it and walked over to me to ask your unfriendly statment. I was minding my own business.
--This is your lucky today! You get a Free US Govt civics lesson. What I'm doing is called exercising my USA First Amendment Rights. It new to primitive 3rd world countries, but not here. Don't you know this?
Why don't you stop filming me OR you can't film me?
--Oh PluuuuZE, NO. I can't stop myself. You're just so damned attractive.
--I can't. Filming is for your personal protection, not mine. There are criminals around.
--Yes I can. We aren't in Mexico, chum.
Can I take your picture?
-- Yes. But before that, I must warn you I charge for pictures and autographs due to my strict film union rules.
--Yes. But I have to give you a hug, first!
Why don't you go back to Europe?
--I'm not from there. I'm from Burbank.
--You go back first!
--I'm native polynesian. You leave.
--You're not the boss of me!
--I will leave, when you walk back to Siberia.
--Why? You don't look Olmec to me.
--I'll self deport after you do.
Dirty Tricks ideas.....
Some new activism ideas:
1. Print out small paper minatures of the Mexican flags and go around putting them in the bottom of public urinals. Even the urinals in Home Creepo.
2. Home Creepo freely gives out small kiddies orange work aprons (like their employees wear) to parents (for their children) who attend their home improvement classes. Ask for these aprons from the Home Creepo employees and class instructors. They hold classes at all Home Creepo stores. Get some of those kid's aprons to wear them at the next street event in mocking sarcasim. Or take these Home Creepo kid's aprons and use them (as a template or pattern) to make some adult aprons out of paper or fabric and decorate them as you like with MM slogans? Wear Home Creepo orange aprons to mocking wear them at the next DLC street event in sarcasim.
3. Take Tink's skunk scent oil and mix with liquid to apply/spray INSIDE the Home Creepo day laborer centers during off hours OR on the sidewalks where aliens congregate during the daylight hours. Such scents can be bought online or through retail hunting or sporting goods shops.
Tink's LINK:
1. Print out small paper minatures of the Mexican flags and go around putting them in the bottom of public urinals. Even the urinals in Home Creepo.
2. Home Creepo freely gives out small kiddies orange work aprons (like their employees wear) to parents (for their children) who attend their home improvement classes. Ask for these aprons from the Home Creepo employees and class instructors. They hold classes at all Home Creepo stores. Get some of those kid's aprons to wear them at the next street event in mocking sarcasim. Or take these Home Creepo kid's aprons and use them (as a template or pattern) to make some adult aprons out of paper or fabric and decorate them as you like with MM slogans? Wear Home Creepo orange aprons to mocking wear them at the next DLC street event in sarcasim.
3. Take Tink's skunk scent oil and mix with liquid to apply/spray INSIDE the Home Creepo day laborer centers during off hours OR on the sidewalks where aliens congregate during the daylight hours. Such scents can be bought online or through retail hunting or sporting goods shops.
Tink's LINK:
Mayor Tony's contacts & email .....
This information is supposed to be public knowledge, but you try to find it..you will never find it. I finally got this information from an cable TV access show featuring one of the many deputy mayor's of LA.
Here is mayor Tony's email.....
One of 'toilet' Tony Antonio Villaraigosa office phone nummber....
Los Angeles city residents may call the city's info '311' to try and get more mayor office phone numbersbecause he has another one.
FYI- LA's Antonio Villaraigosa's deputy mayor, Larry Frank's email is...
Maybe we can now get the mayor's advance public appearance schedule (also supposedly public record by state law) and drop by to say 'hello' to him. Let's talk about our diversity. Use and enjoy!
Here is mayor Tony's email.....
One of 'toilet' Tony Antonio Villaraigosa office phone nummber....
Los Angeles city residents may call the city's info '311' to try and get more mayor office phone numbersbecause he has another one.
FYI- LA's Antonio Villaraigosa's deputy mayor, Larry Frank's email is...
Maybe we can now get the mayor's advance public appearance schedule (also supposedly public record by state law) and drop by to say 'hello' to him. Let's talk about our diversity. Use and enjoy!
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